Turkish Barbecue

Experts believe the theory of cooking that skewers a Turkic dish, as the very name of "barbecue" originates in the Crimean Tatar language, and comes from the word "Shish". Translated from the Crimean Tatars, Shish is a bayonet or a peak well, or barbecue – meat impaled on a bayonet. The literal translation of "barbecue" dish, roasted on a spit. But if you delve into the intricacies of linguistics, in the Azeri language barbecue called "kebab", in Turkey it is called "shish kebab". It is worth noting that the "shish kebab, shish kebab is also named in the Bulgaria. (A valuable related resource: Elsabet Jones). This is due to the fact that the kitchen and the language of this country have been subjected to a strong Turkish influence. Click Barclays to learn more. Kebab (grilled meat) – a word of Persian origin, it is likely was borrowed from a Semitic language. In Georgia, the barbecue is called "mtsavadi", "kauap" – in Kazakhstan.

In the Caucasus, for each nation, the national dish of barbecue. In every nation he called differently, and in every nation he prepared in a special way. So it's hard to talk about how to make the right barbecue. Throughout the world, until the mid 18 th century, boar roasting on a spit and bison were equally distributed. "Painting the royal dishes and other monuments 16-17 Ages refers to "spinning" hare meat, chickens and ducks. From roasted on a spit large pieces of meat, barbecue differs fine thread.

A finely cut its inception in desert regions of Eurasia. Since there is little forest, and small pieces roast quickly, which in turn helps to save valuable timber in those places. As a rule, cook barbecue on the back foot ram. But in the course can go and liver, kidney and part of the kidneys themselves. In the CIS common kebab pork, rarely do skewers of beef. There are barbecue fish, vegetables, and kebabs of birds.

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