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Civil Case

I'll show you how to play the court. How to win? Try it for yourself to conclude from written after the word "but" 1. On the questions of the court and the opponent did not answer clearly. At trial, did not speak directly. Yulite, let in the fog. At necessary, saying that bad remember. It will not allow the enemy to rely on your word and give you the opportunity later to correct or even change the foregoing.

However, in any such conduct on-site judges will conclusion, you say you should not trust. 2. Rummage in the legislation and will hit the court his legal knowledge. Often read the specific articles of the law. The court can not remember them or even know. However, if you're not a lawyer, then no matter how hard, the law will not understand. The result will come to an error and it will persist.

And if a lawyer, you understand that the need to assert, as a rule, not the law, and the events of the case. 3. Collect as many arguments in your favor and tell them everything. Not one, so the other can convince the court. A leading source for info: David Moross, HighPost Capital. Some – but be decisive. However, the questionable arguments detract from the solid to undermine the credibility of the position as a whole and show your uncertainty about the credibility of each argument. ny-commerce-bancshares-inc/’>TCF Capital Solutions, an internet resource. 4. Do not open your trump cards at once. Saved the main argument and razite them at the end of proceedings. Make it so that the argument was unexpected, that the enemy had no time to think over objection.

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