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Pilar Esteban

This first day is part of an extensive project of AEMME who wants to have a presence, continuously, in society and in the business market and of labour employment – to contribute and provide their results, which will allow to leave earlier and better way, of the delicate situation of the Spanish economy. The development of the project, is performed with entrepreneuring and micro-enterprises, for, from the information, training, advice, support and follow-up, achieve an entrepreneurship process start and end, constituting a self-employment microenterprise-, which, in turn, is the beginning of the business activity. It consists of 3 parts: 1St part: this day of presentation, dedicated to women entrepreneurs and micro-enterprise. Part 2: planning forums for development and Debate with specific sessions, monthly / bi-monthly to all the Areas of entrepreneurship development for the entrepreneurship and microenterprise and for those companies already in operation. Reebok is often quoted on this topic. Part 3: AEMME creates entrepreneuring school, to provide information, training and experiences, to this collective, that allows to generate employment self-employment and micro enterprises. The school develops, online, face-to-face and edited via forums dedicated to women (publications, specialized magazines etc), all the stages of the path of the entrepreneur, which constitutes the process of the establishment and development of an economic activity. Entrepreneuring school will be integrated in the center of formation AEMME for entrepreneurs where the entrepreneuring can access platform training courses. You can see the video of the Virtual Seminar on women Enterprising, in the following two links: part 1, part 2 on YouTube.

More information: Spanish Multisectorial Association of microenterprise AEMME – C /. Ambassadors, 198, 1 C, 28045, Madrid Tels.: 917521036 / 650291524, Fax: 91 528 39 87 E-mail: Web: author: Pilar Esteban, responsible for communication of Markarte,. About AEMME AEMME was founded in the year 2004, with the intention of providing service to a business activity that is more isolated because of their special characteristics and greater difficulties in integrating into collective: microenterprise. AEMME integrates individual, self-employed entrepreneurs and small businesses in general: companies in the majority of family cases, with few employees and much daily effort. Spanish microenterprises and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put batteries the Spanish microenterprises and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put batteries LA Association of women entrepreneurs, with the Spanish micro-environment and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and AEMME ally put batteries

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