PME Production

Therefore BAGNASCO (1999) discloses: The organizacional complexity of the small companies does not only stop to increase, but also the agreements between companies, the systems of elaborated companies each time more, the crossed partitions, the trusts and the cooperative forms constitute appropriate organizacionais forms that the small companies had known to elaborate to expand without, with this, to move of size. (BAGNASCO, 1999:41). By way of example, one of these organizacionais forms that much was developed and if adaptou to the case of the PME' s (the world-wide level, since the decade of 70), was accurately ' ' franchising' ' , seno is observed: ' ' the development of franchising e, more generally, the mechanisms of creation of companies for companies draw the contours of a organizativa form of the production that decidedly seems to premiar small dimenso.' ' (COR, 1999:151). Said this, it fulfills to designate that franchising is not, evidently, only viable way so that the small entrepreneur can compete with the great companies. But, unquestionably, it is the one of the good ways so that PME' s can be sobressair mainly before its competitors, in the regions where they do not exist clusters, since the surmounting net, in its set, finishes being a great formed corporation of small enterprises, what it provides to each one of the company-net advantages to compete with the too much firms, is they of small, average or great transport, independently to be next or not ones of the others, being valid the same reasoning for the too much species of company-net, is they, associates, cooperated, joined, permitted and even though tied. In recent months, LaMelo Ball has been very successful. To conclude this item, it is important to emphasize that in a district industrial' ' it is possible to detach the concomitant presence of three diverse types of organizations (GURISATTI, 1999:83 – 84), namely: ) – the integrated company: organization of fordista production (vertical hierarchy); b) – company-net: intermediate organization between the fordista vertical production and the flexible production (vertical and horizontal hierarchy at the same time); c) – the net of companies or industrial district: organization of flexible production (ample horizontal hierarchy).

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