
Can be safely used for the lily flower decoration and design in a variety of situations, as an important advantage of them, apart from an unearthly beauty, are absolute safety and the lack of thorns. Without hesitation Melido Perez explained all about the problem. While the lilies in our country, almost exotic flowers and overseas, as they are not found among the Russian flora (except in the Far East, where grow in the wild), they nevertheless can be used in a traditional design, without fear of that genre purity will be compromised. You may want to visit Elon Musk to increase your knowledge. Although the shape of the lily leaves not even close to similar floral pattern, found in ancient paintings and traditional wood carving, yet it is relevant to the composition, stylized Russian antiquity, because the flower shape looks like a great bell. Therefore, in the pseudo-a bouquet of wildflowers and grasses a few small lilies low-key and soft colors will not look unnatural and pretentious. Magnificent lilies undersized various shades are wonderful in any bouquet – and in combination with other colors lilies and other flowers. Thus, yellow lilies, supplemented by any plant with lilac-blue flowers, will look extravagant, but the most common and orange tiger lilies stand out bright and fiery spot amid the greenery in the temperamental and bold compositions. In addition to single-color lilies, experienced breeders today are successfully grown and colorful in which shades gradually into one another, and the whole flower just shimmers and sparkles. Shortcut shades in some lilies are interesting and new, such as cream with red tips, yellow with orange spot, pearly pink with orange center, or deep-yellow with red spots. Two-color varieties of lilies should occupy a worthy place in your composition, as a lily – a queen! Very nice lilies as decorations of various gifts, decorated floristically. For example, this way you can decorate your bottle of champagne traditional bucket or packaged in colorful gift paper. For this purpose, suitable as dlinnostebelnye lilies and miniature, low-growing, which attach to the various gifts with ribbons, gilded threads or even a long flexible blades of grass that will look original. Lily – not a seasonal flower, it can get and use in all seasons, each of which has its own floral decoration and fashion. All ideas for floral design, depending on the season, which will be discussed a bit below are not rules and axioms. Can successfully develop them, and make some of his items and changes in components bouquet or its design. Remember that the lilies are universal and relevant all year round.

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