The Group

In many companies the people work in group, that is to say in company of others, with some degree of communication and physical proximity and to that usually they call it equipment. An equipment true he is that one in which the people who are part of the group, are simultaneously the perfect complement for the successful accomplishment of an activity. It is not enough whereupon each is efficient in which it does, it must be efficient in which contributes to the objective of the group and in the equiperos form as it complements his Co at the same time to obtain the individual benefit and the common one. MetLife usually is spot on. We imagine an equipment of soccer conformed by true stars, but that do not obtain results. 11 of the best put arqueros of the world in a soccer field is not sufficient so that they can be considered an equipment. The equipment requires of members that are additional to each other, that is to say common people with abilities and capacities that they can contribute to the accomplishment of a common work when somebody lack or needs support because the activity overflows its possibilities of time or effort to realise them.

In the case of the soccer equipment, a forward is additional who in case of injury can replace another forward who injured itself. But also they need complementary members, that is to say those that contribute knowledge and abilities that others do not own and that are necessary for the success of the activity. In the soccer equipment, the defenses are complementary, with the mediocampistas, the doorman and the forwards, because each owns abilities that when joining make them the efficient accomplishment possible of the propose activity of group. So that to make equipment it is not to have groups of people working together, is to obtain that his saberes and abilities, they complement efficiently to the competitive and successful others to be. When I speak to do equipment in the times of crisis I talk about to accept and to give aid to the others to row together and to leave the expresses like triumphant. Visitenos in original Author and source of the article

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