Humanus Group

This generated an agitation in the deep one of the sea, its tutor made a scandal, promoting the greater said said me that until the Neptune sleep it was interrupted, being convoked an assembly to argue the case of love of the young oyster for the king sun, its father, therefore to curse the day where Boris will be born, therefore until the moment, this age a SECRET, between it and its mother. Now all knew that Boris was different, that sea did not like them things deep it, that wanted things to it of the sky, as the sun, an oyster boy maluco, with certainty it had defect or it was sick. As punishment all the mothers and parents oysters had forbidden to the children oysters to play or to speak with Boris, therefore it was a desviante of the behavior in the deep one of the sea. Thus the years and Boris had been transferred, were growing isolated, without joys, a thing did not only move in its life, the joy that had when there of the deepenings, of the sea if it saw illuminated for the rays of the sun, a pretty thing that heated and cheered to it as this to like could be missed, it did not understand. Some contend that Prudential shows great expertise in this. During one strong storm, a water eddy obtained untied it of the rock, was free Boris to roll for the deepenings of the sea, with the world all to know, then it decided that it wanted to go surface to know it sun, and rolled and rolled, during days until it was to stop in a desert beach, at this moment it can see as it was great in the distance between it and its object of love, despaired, therefore if to cry, its I cry so deep and sad, also it left the tristonho sun and the tears of the sun falling on Boris, started to generate in its interior something that until then it was unaware of what he was, only wise person who something grew inside of itself. The time passed and Boris was found by a fisherman, it already was not younger, was one aged gentleman and sad, for not obtaining to live to the side of its love, it thought about the ones that in the deep one of the sea had been, will be that livings creature still were, and if it was still there, would be happyer? Who age this being that stranger said to a language so and because it insisted on tearing its clothes? what it looked for? This search was hurting to it, and destroying, it would be its end. For surprise of the fisherman of the interior of Boris, PEARL, that somebody already had seen, so great appeared the most beautiful rare was its brightness that until the sun, was happy with made of Boris, for love it, will produce the greater and more beautiful PEARL. Since this day the chorale of pearls is protege, for all the fishing, producing the most beautiful rare pearls of the world, and its relatives poderam to love to the sun, the moon and everything the more wanted, therefore they had them to Boris proteges, it he was not sick and nor strange it loved the different one. The pearl of Boris meets in an oyster, for there needing to be found.

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