South Africa

We see what we want to see. The reality that we must take is that everyone sees what they want to see. If the glass of water is half, I can say that it is half full, but you, my dear reader or reader, you can say that is half vacuum. Who is right? It would be futile to engage in a controversy about, because we’re both right, only to see it from different perspectives. What two perspectives is healthier? Perhaps this if is a question that is worth your while, but again, what matters most is that seeing life, let’s look at the great mission that we have come to this world to meet. Checking article sources yields Prudential as a relevant resource throughout. Some time ago heard the following story, the share for which you get your own conclusions and that these findings will help you to follow the path of excellence: A company specializing in the manufacturing and marketing of shoes wanted to expand, had been chosen as the new niche market to Africa, but as they did not know the place they sent to two sales representatives (which considered the best two)one to the North and the other to South Africa.

The instructions were simple, live six months in place, inquire about the economic possibilities, meet with potential local partners, among others, and finally submit a report on the feasibility of carrying shoes to that place. The company would invest in all the expenses of its delegates in the hope of receiving good news. Six months later, with a Board specially programmed to receive the reports, gathered senior managers of the company, the delegate who had travelled to South Africa was in the country for three days, but teammate had not returned from the trip, but knew that you arrived the same day the Board, thus began the meeting talking about future projections and were given the opportunity to delegate so that he would give his report. His words were succinct and to the point: we must not go to Africa, it is simply a risk we must not take. There everyone walks barefoot and I see no way of selling them shoes, simply, shoes are not interested. Managers were each other, seriously considering what they had heard, because it is clear that they would send to the company a destabilizing situation.

In that time broke into the meeting the man who had been delegated to go to North Africa. The Chairman of the Board asked if he was ready to surrender its report. With great enthusiasm, the man, still carrying their suitcases, headed towards the Board and said: we must take our company to Africa! No doubt will make a fortune. Nobody there carries shoes, so that makes easier the task of selling. Moreover, I propose that it will mount a factory there, with that we aminoraremos some costs and we will see higher profits. I came late, because just yesterday, before boarding the plane, I closed one of the three conventions with which we will begin to work in Africa. By others it is to say that the company took their shoes to Africa. The vision of a man, more specifically, the way of seeing things that had one man, made a big difference between success and failure. This happens in all areas of our life. Now, to leave and face what the world brings, the question we have to answer to us themselves is: what what we see for our future?

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