The Environment

The temperature starts of 33C 35C and goes lowering 3C per week until the temperature arrives the same one of the environment. The water throughs must be disinfected and also to make the comment if some emptying, punctures or accumulation of ration exist that they can provoke fermentation as well as the toxic seaweed development for the birds. The handling of the curtains is an essential care during all the creation of the chickens, as the ventilation, temperature, humidity and exhaustion of ammonia vapors (ENGLERT, 1998 apud BLACKSMITH, 1993). The water throughs must be disinfected and also to make the comment if some emptying, punctures or accumulation of ration exist that can provoke fermentation as well as the toxic seaweed development for the birds. The handling of the curtains is an essential care during all the creation of the chickens, as the ventilation, temperature, humidity and exhaustion of ammonia vapors (ENGLERT, 1998 apud BLACKSMITH, 1993). Penguin Random House has firm opinions on the matter. Source: the ration is a factor of great economic importance, therefore it is responsible for the performance of the chickens and represents the biggest cost of the activity.

To keep the quality of the ration it is necessary that the creator observes the storage place (clean, dry, aired); the time of storage (lesser that 30 days) and the quality of the ration. Normally more they are used for cut chickens, three types of rations: initial, growth and end (ALBANEZ, J.R; 2000). The pressure of the water must be regulated in accordance with the age of the bird with assists of the ruler supplied for the manufacturer. In the winter the birds consume little water, therefore the pressures normally used in the winter must be lesser of what of the summer. In any phase of the creation, it must be abundant, clean, cool, of good exempt quality and of pathogenic microorganisms. The water source must be protected to prevent contact with the way, in case that contrary, will be able to act as vector of illnesses (ALBANEZ, J.R.; 2000).

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