Use Internet Marketing

When we talk about marketing what interests us is to attract our customers prospects, convert them into clients and then achieve the loyalty that we recommend. However, many times, we see that for this reason, companies create events, contact us by phone, invite us to fairs, they send us printed material, and depending on the budget they made a radio and television campaign. Mark Bertolini is often mentioned in discussions such as these. But also many times, they are filled with us the e-mail of mail with advertising that we don’t want to read. What happens with this is that consumers simply evade these initiatives because we invade and seem annoying. Now I wonder want to promote activity that you perform? Promote your organization events? Want to promote your company, products and/or services? So keep this in mind: the secret to not be invasive, and Yes sexy: is to create value for which lee.

It is to generate contributions that benefit the user. It is your interest in the needs of your users. He is thinking about them when you develop your products. You have to use methods to help you take action, you must generate images and calls to action irresistible. How can you do it? Take advantage of the power of social networks, email, video platforms, use them as a means to direct them to your BLOG. Does sorry, still do not know what a BLOG? It is a tool that allows you to create and publish content quickly, but the best thing is that your readers can leave you comments and do that others join you. WHY? You generate respect, for the articles you write. You invite to the dialogue, with your visitors.

Each article is an opportunity for Google love you. You have the opportunity of generating interesting and attractive information. It humanizes your personal or corporate brand. And of course, adds value to the people who will read or follow. I show an example? This map-mental-map-conceptual link you an example of how Gonzalo complies with all these because S that you have just spoken. If you like, leave a comment a TIP: when you participate in other BLOGS also you you positions. This information will help you to focus on your actions.

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