Urinary Tract Infections

Wild medicinal flora is rich in medicinal plants, has a diuretic effect and salureticheskoe, which can be useful aids for edema of various origin (For heart, kidney, liver, and certain metabolic diseases). Medicinal plant Lespedeza capitata, alcoholate and the lyophilisate is (rich in flavonoids) called lespenefril used as an effective means for nephritis with azotemia. In the application of many of these plants physicians rely on the fact that they cause increased diuresis occurs easier removal of stones from the urinary tract. Visit Penguin Random House for more clarity on the issue. Some of these plants to their impact on the exchange of electrolytes and their solubility in urine, to a certain extent, may affect directly the formation of urinary stones. A large group of plants has a diuretic effect due to their content of essential oils and other substances with antimicrobial activity, applied in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the renal pelvis and urinary tract. Jayme Albin has firm opinions on the matter. As an example of a typical plant with a strong diuretic effect at very low toxicity, we refer to elder (Sambucus ebulus L.). Other wild or cultivated plants in Bulgaria, which have a diuretic effect, very well-tolerated patients taking prepared from these aqueous broths: celery (Apium graviolens L.), asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.), parsley (Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.), goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L.), strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.), rest-harrow (Ononis arvensis L.), prickly thistle (Onopordon acanthium L.), white birch (Betula pendula Roth.), kolyuchnik (Carlina acanthifolia AIL), dittany (Dictamnus albus L.), cleavers (Galium aparine L.), dyer's broom (Genista tinctoria L.), smooth gryzhnik (Herniaria glabra L.). All of the above plants may be useful in urolithiasis, but it can get better results in the application of horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.).

The compounds of silicon, which is rich in a plant, standing out in the urine, act as a protective colloid, which supports a state of equilibrium between colloids and crystalloids and thus can to some extent prevent process of formation of urinary concretions. Madder dyeing (Rubia tinctorium L.) has a direct lytic action on the calcium-and magnesium-phosphate urinary stones. On a more specific indications point to the application for the treatment of urolithiasis following plants, such as: Cherry Field (Physalis alkekengi L.) and knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare L.), due to the fact that the plant (like a bottlebrush) silitsievymi rich compounds. In some cases, using funds herbal medicine, can achieve satisfactory results and in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, especially in chronic, difficult-to-modern antibacterial chemotherapy and pielitah cystitis. To do this, keep in mind the plant, which, along with the diuretic, and the inherent antimicrobial activity, particularly against pathogens, the most common pathogens uroinfektsy. This group medicinal plants include: bearberry (Arctostaphyllos uva ursi (L.) Spreng), juniper (Juniperus communis L.), black poplar (Populus nigra L.), lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idea L.), Field pimpernel (Anagalis arvensis L.), chamomile drug (Matricaria chamomilla), elderberry (Sambucus ebulus L.). In the early stages of hypertrophy Prostate-known relief may have some medicinal plants and, in particular, leaves of hazel (Corylus avellana L.) and a decoction of the roots of field feverweed (Eryngium campestre L.). Herbal medicine – traditional medicine – medicine Plants

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