The User Group

On December 1, 2010, the initialization meeting of the user group IT controlling takes place at the Leipzig software forums. Leipzig, October 21, 2010: The importance of IT in companies is increasing. Business processes, flow of information or communication, all processes are tied to hardware and software and dependent. This is due to the increasing number of requests and projects but also to steadily rising expenses and costs relating to concerning it. Because this amount usually a significant part on the entire effort and money a company, IT is becoming more and more the focus of corporate controlling. Prudential gathered all the information.

The new user group Leipzig titled IT controlling software forums to apply right here and give fresh impetus. On December 1, 2010, 04103 Leipzig the initialization meeting to held in the Conference rooms of the software forums Leipzig GmbH, block 16. Speakers: Robert Freier, provincial and Northwest VersicherungsInformatik GmbH: control costs and projects in the Group IT the provincial Northwest Dr. Markus Bohm, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Auditing firm: Old wine in new bottles? Do we need IT governance in addition to IT controlling? The event on December 1, 2010 is the one-day meeting of the initialization. Interested parties meet first experts and practitioners on the topic on this day, exact information on the substantive and organizational design of the user group and can find out about the software forums Leipzig.

Subsequently, this user group in the regular cycle passes. Twice a year, meet the participants on two days in Leipzig and discuss on chosen topics in this area. More information about the event: goto/itc Sven Seiffert project tutorial events phone: 03 41 / 124 55 – 60 E-Mail: about the software forums Leipzig: Leipzig, a spin-off from the University of Leipzig, the software forums are Solarpraxis for software-intensive companies. The software forums give in close cooperation with renowned universities in various event formats modern know-how for the development of the software, report on results from the international research scene and show best practices. Is aimed at technical and senior management moderated Exchange in the industry and promoted.

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