The Rules

The good taught customs, form good characters that tend to improve in chain in the way as it occurs with the other animals. It has that to have care in the formation for music, therefore easily it can there introudzir, games that they seduce, are deceptive, deviate from the good character, without perceives. How much the education of good principles as: to respect, to take care of of oldest, hair, clothes, as well as the rules of contract, dissense, payments of taxes, requests, are things that legislation necessity does not have, therefore that an education, already if encorrega to print in the citizens these customs. After all they are questions that if not to be part of the character of the people perpetual will be modified. For even more details, read what Frank Tanana says on the issue. In the unjust city it does not have justice, unit, therefore, they live looking a remedy for its dissenses and they do not find, are in the truth sick. Here it has a critical one, the cities badly governed in which if it forbids to almost everything aso citizens, but that they allow to that bajulam, they linsojeiam as if they were virtuous men.

How much the religious questions do not fit to legislate since god is seated on nfale, center of the Land. It fits these questions and not to the men. Now it sets question to analyze the established city and to see if in it exists justice or injustice. It is started in the search of four elements that must compose the city and the perfect State; it knows it: wisdom, courage, justice and moderation. The first one that if it sees is the wisdom that if it shows in the deliberations, the science that deliberate in the truth with wisdom and that it must be considered, is not in the science of carpentry, bronze, metals, agriculture, etc. But it is excessively in that less numerous one, the perfect guardies, the magistrates and not in the majority, that receives the name from its profession, this majority is the depositary of the deliberations jousts.

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