The Public Administration

To follow, it is looked to delimit the space of understanding concerning the object so that it does not have distanciamento of the question proposal. Many are the definitions for the word administration. Vocbulo encloses the superior activity in such a way to plan, to direct, to command, as the subordinated activity to execute. (Di Pietro, 2003, p.53). Administration can itself be appraised as the process or dynamic activity that consists of taking decision on objectives and resources. The process to manage is inherent to any situation that has people using resources to reach some type of objective.

The last purpose of the process to manage is to guarantee the accomplishment of objectives by means of application of the resource. (Maximiano, 2000, P. 54) To if defining Public Administration, it is needed to inside classify the expression of the existing directions, the objective and subjective material and the formal one. In ample direction: The Public Administration, subjectively considered, in such a way understands the governmental bodies, supreme, constitutional (Government), which incube to trace the action plans, to direct, to command, as well as the administrative agencies, subordinate, dependents (Public Administration, in strict direction), which incube to execute the governmental plans; still in ample direction, however objective considered, the Public Administration understands the function politics, that traces the governmental lines of direction and the administrative function, executes that them. (Di Pietro, 2003, p.54). The definition for Public Administration in strict direction understands, under subjective aspect, only the administrative agencies, and under the aspect objective, only the administrative function, excluded, in the first case, governmental bodies e, in as, the function politics. (Di Pietro, 2003, p.54) It is necessary to distinguish the functions from the State. The functions are: legislative, judiciary and executive. Predominantly, each Power exerts one of these functions. It is needed to focar, however, in the executive power that is, in last analysis, the proper administrative function of the State.

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