The Power

The espacialidade that it deals with Matta is without a doubt the parallel enters the space of the street and the space of the house, then the northeasterns in the Southeast cannot feel in house a time who, well are not come or that they are, however with limitations. The authors: Martins, Chau and Ribeiro make a description of which the Brazilian society is formed, that is not different of the Chronically Impracticable film. The Martins deals with a subject sufficiently observed in the Brazilian society that is the clientelismo politician, where the people becomes customer of the buying politician of votes during the partisan elections. On the other hand, a miscigenado and discriminated people for the race and color, however everything camouflaged, giving the idea of that everything is certain that the racial preconception does not exist in the Brazilian society. For in such a way, the Brazilian society is sidewalk in a way to corrupt with the social problems and to demonstrate that everything that was produced in the society was determined by the proper people. Of this form who is poor is predestined to be poor, while who is rich of any form was to the luck.

A Marilena, in turn, makes critical of a social formation of Brazil, (when it places That) the questions referring the colors of the flag and the letter of the national hymn, therefore nor everything that says is reality, of certain forms the Marilena made very well, why our native land is very generally not exerted by the Brazilians and yes, this patriotic spirit is only remembered at times of pantry of the world and in the truth the Brazilians, are not ' lying in splendid cradles, therefore everything this is an ideology, very pretty pra to be truth. It is a paradox what it demonstrated Marilena in its text. The people lives a conturbada social situation on account of the State mainly, that since its formation always it privileged the dominant elite and not it people in fact. Of this form, Brazil is without a doubt is, a permeia country that was born in way the exploration and corruption and that until today. The necessary society in fact, to have more conscience and to look for to change this scene or contrary case we go to be always attending real films.

Bibliographical references: CHAU, Marilena. Brazil. Founding myth and Authoritarian Society, Hucitec Publishing company, So Paulo, 1990. MARTINS, Jose de Souza. The Power of the Delay. 2a edition, Hucitec Publishing company, 1980. MATTA, Robert. What it makes Brazil, Brazil. 2a edition, Raco Publishing company, Rio De Janeiro, 1986 RIBEIRO, Darcy. The Brazilian people. Publishing company Company of the Letters, So Paulo, 1980.

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