The Environment

The priests were always in search of its objectives and all the time the reader coexists scenes and facts take that to imagine it the environment physical, making with that the reader imagines and constructs a proper analysis of the situations that occur and foresee the ones that possibly they will come. The crime of the Priest I land on water is a romance of Thesis. The central idea of the workmanship is to show that the individuals do not pass of victims of the way where they are, wants for proper desire or imposition of the way or of third. The social environment and the instinct exert great influence on the way to act of Land on water regarding everything what it sees and it practises, being it capable to involve the Amlia young in its lies. As well as I land on water, the other personages are as esteretipos, for not presenting proper identity.

Ea uses Lands on water to represent all the ones that are defective and Amlia to represent the ingenuous, deceived and sofredoras young women. The life that I land on water led in Lisbon, the convivncia with a bourgeois family and the very close contact with the clergy made, it to create interests for the clerical life. For this life to provide many gifts, exemptions and many women its return. It notices as I land on water yearned for to be close to the women: ' ' he was already become attached to the chapel things, and its enchantment was to be nestled to the foot of women, in the heat of joined skirts, hearing to speak of santas' ' (pg.41) and ' ' I land on water was all nervous; on its catre, high night turned over without sleeping e, in the deep one of its imaginations and of its dreams, ardia, as a quiet live coal, the desire of the Mulher' '.

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