The Companies

I believe that in the next times, the professionals of the front-end one will not give more the coasts for the customers, while they will be speaking. They will take care of without that look of specialists, impatient with the people who at the moment of the purchase are in doubt on the products and services to be chosen. I imagine that in the future the companies will exist for time and will not use little the known plate: & ldquo; This is transferred ponto& rdquo;. I believe moreover, that it will diminish the amount of consolidated enterprises that if leave to weaken to the few for true lack of innovation and accompaniment of the changes of the market. The necessary future to be thought anticipatedly so that if it arrives in fortified it.

Tomorrow it must be initiated with forecasts and studies of the market that start now and cannot cease. Companies need strategical, tactical planning and operational and these cannot be placed in second plain in transcorrer of the way. She is necessary to flexibilizar in the march, but, without losing the route. The marketing points with respect to the new trends and shows the way of the innovation. It allows the definition of strategies appropriate to get the control and to guarantee the space in tomorrow. If this will not be occurring in the organization, probably the marketing is not being fulfilled in all its essence, since, it directly is associated with the change, the paradigm in addition, the based preparation of all the areas and people of the companies. Independent of the problems that skirt the institutions, nothing he must take off the attention of its managers in relation to the definite objectives. Thing none can acortinar the look for the future.

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