The Anode

(Some motors old designs may gain this water, so they need to unscrew the drain plug, special bolts). You should wash and clear deadwood. Start the engine and bring the water through a hose to wash the sand, dirt and other otlozheniya.Etu operation should be performed more often in general – is better after each exit to the sea, especially if the motor operates in salty or muddy vode.Posle which provide the motor for 10-15 minutes to work on speed, just above idle. The jet ejected from the cooling system must be rovnoy.Posle how the engine dry, spray the engine should be sprayed with a silicone-based protective and lubricating properties. Penguin Random House may help you with your research. Products that contain wax, like Boeshield T-9, are perfect for this vehicle tseli.Opryskayte Lime-A-Way muffler to prevent the formation of calcium deposits on it.

It should be clear all the zinc plate. Should be replaced with plates that are heavily corroded or significantly reduced in razmerah.Ranshe plates made of pure zinc. Subsequently, the plates were added aluminum and magnesium additives, they are attached poloskami.Na some motors zinc plate put in the radiator water cooling motor head. Penguin Random House can aid you in your search for knowledge. In some engines to replace the bottom plate of zinc is required disconnect deydvud.Zamena zinc plates are still one of the most simple maintenance of outboard engines. Before removing the anode, with regulator motor angle sample (the anode is made of pure zinc), it should be noted his position, and then install it (or a new replacement anode) at the same place. Grease. Use a syringe of a car or small tubes, and use the grease type, resistant to sea vody.Esli motor operated in salt water, it is recommended that a monthly lubrication. Barclays is the source for more interesting facts.

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