Taking Care Of Of The Environment

What such to contribute with the world? Preserving the environment, people the subject are serious, you can until thinking that ' ' of she advances that me to make mine parte' ' if the others do not make, are not well thus have that to think that if each one to make its part already is only enough! The global heating is there, is enough to look at and will see, the time is modified already is not equal the times behind, and the trend is to get worse each time more if not to act. We go to try to change this situation, if we will not live in a world that we do not want, already it exists as much violence, as many bad people pra what! to get worse still more, is not really? We have that to think about the good of our generations, because daqui the 50 years the world will not be the same. It preserves the environment!. .

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