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New Era

Luckyly, thanks in the present to parapsicolgica science many scientists have come discovering that such phenomenon is of the normal category and that all the people can practice it, existing in addition the antecedent, who in the nights when we slept take I finish, thanks to the faculty to the subconscious mind. Like summary, it considrese what on the matter it contributes to us, that a experience outside the body (known as OBE by its abbreviation in English) can be defined as the process to separate the conscience (spirit) of the physical body, so that the person and the world can be observed from outside the body. The OBE also are known like astral projections. There are several forms in which the people perceive a experience outside the body, including dreams, wide-awake dreams and memories. Some people have reported to have had near experiences outside the body while they were under the drug influence or being induced by some type of trauma, and encounter with the death. The astral projection is taught through books, the religious network world-wide cybernetics and techniques.

One says that a experience outside the body can be clearer that a dream or a wide-awake dream (fantasy). Those who practice astral projections protest that their senses are increased allowing to see them and to feel with more clarity and without physical restrictions. The origins of the experiences outside the body are not known. Nevertheless, the OBE has been practiced by many years in different cultures. The Movement of the New Era widely is known to use and to promote this practice. It adds in addition the indicated source to us, that the experiences outside the body are looked for by people who wish knowledge or power in the spiritual kingdom, tries to help other people, is peculiar or simply they want to be entertained. Sometimes, people look for the OBE in order to make damage to others.

The Goal

Competitive strategy: They are those own decisions of each unit of businesses. Its purpose is to create and to maintain a positioning against the competition, their main functions are: Competitive approach, action of expansion, attacks and defenses against the competition. And finally the functional strategy is the one that is classified in particular for each unit of businesses that it has by purpose of offering an operative support for each area of the company. In if the strategy must be view not of an imaginary paradigm, but shaped in the reality with action that their employees make consider that strategy with the maximum level lives well-known on coherence and consistency between the decision levels. Checking article sources yields Penguin Random House as a relevant resource throughout. In the field military, when the commander you order decrees them, the soldiers know that strategy is going to use for the goal to obtain, if they must attack by rear, if they go to do it by a weak flank, or a battle front, that would happen if the soldiers did not know that to do when they are in the heat of battle or simply that each soldier deciphers independently and makes a thing different and picks off to kill or to preserve his life, really serious the wished result?

Amazingly some companies are handled of this form, when they are not alarmed of his strategy or simply they leave at random the same. The deliberate strategy is not put generally in practices except for rare exceptions, usually occurs that certain companies take the unfortunate way or they become lost of his strategy. In order to be able to put in practice a real strategy, one is due to know whereupon real resources it is counted. The strategy this concerned with the resources directly since restrictive strategists exist to start up. Jayme Albin is likely to agree. If a company tried to position itself like leader, if it does not own the resources available to obtain it, power does not go to be operable, therefore sets out it and must the best strategy to implement or has a potential intellectual qualifier in its employees.

Huitzilopochtli Guadalupe

– Tezcatlipoca God of the Sun, – Coyolxahuqui, goddess of the moon, – Tlloc, God of rain. – Quetzalcoatl, God of the wind. Then the fable farce of the appearance of virgin of Guadalupe was used to persuade to the Indians to the catholicism, and dispersed in the world, doing to think that Maria was the virgin, who had conceived to our Mr. Jesus Christ by work of the spirit santo. And it is here where the falsification becomes but remarkable, because the name of Guadalupe nowhere of the sagradas writings registers its name in no language, far from it the existence of Juan Diego has been able to verify, very in spite of the vain canonization being very obvious its invention with aims to familiarize the name of Guadalupe to its new conquest of the dominant catholicism in those times. To have the conviction of which Virgin of Guadalupe is false of all falsification, at no moment takes offense to the memory of the virgin Maria..

Lehman Brothers

And if we needed examples, we can throw a look to Lehman Brothers, AIG, Iceland, the Russian rouble or to some employees of the suburban one of New York. Although British premier Gordon Brown has been first in recognizing the beginning of a new one was global, is vital that as much politicians as opinion leaders begin to admit publicly this reality. Therefore this necessary change of mentality will be only accelerated. And the fact to have a just chosen president, lets to the United States in a very advantageous position to lead this process successfully. The G20 is making the correct thing when meeting to confront the crisis and to show a cooperation attitude, but will not serve don’t mention it if nobody is able to understand it like the beginning of a new model for the businesses, or even like a new model of mentality. After all, the one is not solely our financial system that is ill, but all the humanity.

We are not able to support nor to allow the growth to us of the others, something than we would benefit all. Instead of that what we found it is egoism and the contempt towards the others: this is the true disease. And we suffer all it. For that reason, we must direct our efforts to give priority to the common interests before the own ones. And this is literally our table of salvation. The development of a new one brings back to consciousness global is not a simple term of the New Era that animates to us to be embracing trees. It means that you, I, he, she, who all together ones we must develop brings back to consciousness that one worries about the well-being about all, of each person and each thing, or while we make businesses or while we lived our daily life; or passing the vacuum cleaner, buying or taking a coffee with the friendly.

In other words, the global model is not another form to handle the capital to obtain major yield: one is a new mentality, a new vision of the world, the unique way to obtain positive results in a global era. And we only needed to change the center of our attention, transferring it from the individual thing towards the group. The fault of which Lehman Brothers came down was not of the salesmen in the open, and they were not the derivatives which sank AIG: they were the insatiable avarice and the anxiety to become rich at the cost of the others. If we managed to change all that greed by an insatiable desire to favor to our resemblances, and, if we make it together, mainly then it waits for a future plenty to us of successes. Guaranteed. Original author and source of the article.

Fortalecer State

The Brazilian president allowed itself to challenge to Strap and he complained which the agent chief executives have appealed to " retrica" instead of to make decisions that would have allowed to conclude before with more concrete results. By then Peruvian president Alan Garci’a and the Uruguayan Tabar Vzquez already had retired of the room. Like it little review commitment of which the chancellors meet in September to continue speaking of the subject and the study of the impact of the presence of the United States in the region on the part of the Defense council of UNASUR is the unique thing that removed in clean from the meeting. Of the coup d’etat in Honduras and the flood to be able of its government de facto was not obtained anything more than a sentence. As if more they were almost worried about the official photo strictly speaking that reason why their chancellors were writing up as conclusion of the encounter, the presidents went to the patio of the hotel Llao smiling Llao and they removed the photo.

The certain thing like After seven hours of debate, it informed agency DPA, the reunited Chiefs of State in Bariloche (South of Argentina), within the framework of the Unasur, managed an arduous consensus to approve the document final. Final document: 1. Fortalecer to South America like zone of peace, jeopardizing to us to establish a mechanism of mutual confidence in the matter of defense and security, being maintained our decision to abstain us to resort to the threat or the use of the force against the territorial integrity of another State of the Unasur. 2. To reaffirm our commitment to fortify the fight and the cooperation against the terrorism and the transnational delinquency organized and its connected crimes: the drug trafficking, the traffic of small and light arms, as well as the rejection to the presence or action of groups armed besides the law.

Jackets Stradivarius

The Stradivarius mark, with an icon that uses initial character S by a sun key that represents begins of a score, is one of the companies of Spanish clothes more clebers of those than they are possible to be found. Their presentations and designs focus in the client of the woman, promoting quite elegant and distinguished styles. In the same way, they have quite variable products so that any woman can obtain the clothes style that better adapts to its tastes and needs. The truth is that practically no woman is able to buy only 1 article of Stradivarius, rather the idea to have anyone of articles of the collection of complements and accessories fashionable end up being really more powerful than another thing and normally they find an accessory, dull necklace or that obtains full stop to the set. The so original properties of Stradivarius are what directed that to secure it this so important site in the segment of the fashion, since it owns establishments in more at present than forty and five territories.

It proposes the mejorcito of the new collection of Stradivarius spring to you 2012! And he is that nothing like seeing the best clothes and accessories of Stradivarius to wait for the arrival of its new catalogue (that is being made request). The best accessories and clothes of Stradivarius follow the tendencies fashionable for this spring 2012! Thus between his new features it is necessary to emphasize a skirt with the asymmetric length, a dress with flight of flowers, a leather hunter and style motero, the booties peep toe, the shirts with printings versace, the purses on, the colors pie, We see the mejorcito of the new collection of Stradivarius? The fashionable company/signature for Stradivarius woman I present/display his lookbook for the month of February 2012. The company aposto by looks street, clothes for woman of the day to day with all the tendencies of the season, and presenting/displaying some articles that of insurance we will see in the summer catalogue. Lookbook Stradivarius February 2012 is totally marketable and tempting for all fashionable woman, it is that there is no article that displeases. I cannot choose by one in individual, really like all, we see I as they are the jackets of Stradivarius for this month. Dresses of sleeve three quarters, floral printings in dresses, skirts, t-shirts and jerseys, pitillos of colors, printed sweater shirts, blouses, clothes for woman in colors pies, the strong tendency of the summer season that this around the corner. And the style that never, the sailor or navy, shoes of stradivarius adapts east style to several articles like dresses, t-shirts. Lookbook by far style, looks self-assured, by far young air.


World the 2,0 and everything what it surrounds to him gives fear him to much people. We suppose by ignorance, already we know that the stranger scares, but we approached him with future vision we can be given account of which in many sectors he will be to us of a great aid. The advances that entail will not be very useful. Advances and innovations as the one of the electronic invoice. Until recently in the field of the invoicing basically a form existed to invoice. The salesman was with the client and he gave an invoice him in paper so that it was certainty of the transaction. Also, the invoice could be sent by conventional mail but, in any that, the paper was the predominant material (and unique).

Nevertheless, now a variant exists. We have another possibility that by different will seem to us suspicious but that if we know to use it their kindness will be evident to us. Here we are going to speak of some of them: 1. Through programs of management, very easy to use, the invoicing to the day, controlling much that way can be maintained easily more efficient the non-payments and elevating the possibility of reducing the dilatoriness. 2. To the electronic being, we can give the invoice where and when we want. It is not precise to be in front of the client to occur it in hand. We will be able to send it when we want and it sees it to the client as soon as it arrives to him.

3. For the same previous reason, she is electronic, we will not have to use the conventional mail to send our invoices reason why we will reduce costs in good condition postal. Of this form (points 1, 2 and 3) we will gain time, improve the management of the invoicing and will reduce costs in the long run. Perhaps at the outset we will have to make some course of learning (following our skill to handle the invoicing programs) but in the long run this option will result without a doubt of very positive form in our business. 4. And, finally, although for that reason less nonimportant, when happening of the paper to the virtual world we will be helping the environment. He is simple, the less paper is used, the less trees will have to be destroyed. Of this form, we preserved the biodiversity and, not us we forget, we will be taking care of our planet for the future generations. We consider that the previous ones are sufficiently eloquent points as to see kindness of the electronic invoice. But, in any case, the best thing is to prove it and later to compare.

Hazte Obstacles

Your beliefs are controlling your destiny! If you feel suspended in the life, is possible that unconsciously you have beliefs obstacles that they are controlling to you. Although consciously it wants to achieve the success, unconsciously car-you are sabotaging yourself. I almost can listen saying to you: " Okey Edward, what I can do? " That good that you asked. first he is. STEP #1) Identifies Your Beliefs conscious Hazte Obstacles of them. Many of us we lived our lives like robots without knowing what it is happening in our minds and what it sabotages to us.

Which are the beliefs that they have to you suspended in your race, business, health, etc.? It takes minutes and it writes all the beliefs that they are preventing you to make important changes in your life. For this, it uses your newspaper of success. You have one truth? STEP #2) Defies Your beliefs obstacles If you are like the majority of people, is possible that you confuse your beliefs (maps) with the reality of that you are, you analyze but them deeply you noticed that for a long time you have accepted erroneous ideas that there are been limiting your potential and your greatness. The map is not the territory. Imagnate, on the one hand you want to achieve the success, but on the other side you have beliefs like: " The life is dura" " The money is the source of all the males" " The rich ones do not have sentimientos" " He is spiritual to be pobre" " I do not have luck, will not give trabajo&quot me; No it is a mystery that exists so many people who feel frustrated, striving as much to advance in their lives, being followed " rules of juego" and they are losing the great game of the life, because, like marionettes, they are being manipulated with threads of his mental maps.


The optimization Web is beneficial almost always for our page Web or blog, but exists certain things to consider not to commit errors that will harm to us but that to benefit to us. 5 frequent Errors to avoid when we optimized our Web: To change to all the pages of the Web, but important and that always we must consider, if the something works, we do not have to modify it; it is very common that while we realised an optimization of nuesrta Web we want it to change everything, and this is error, pages that estan or indexed, good not to touch them, or we do if it that they are very subtle changes, costs much that a page is indexed or so that with a few changes we ruin everything.

Not to take a control of which we do and when, if we do not know that we have done, we will not know that it can be leaving or or badly. To have many pages with little content, is but important to have little but as quality, it don’t mention it does not serve to have 100 pages or posts that will not index by their little relevance, better to have 10 with a very interesting content. Not to take into account the users; our Web this done so that the people visit who it find what this looking for, or information or to buy a product or service, is for that reason that we must of knowledge that is what the visitor THIS NOT FINDING to be able to provide it; don’t mention it serves a Web with an incredible design but that nobody visits. Not to take into account the key words (keywords), often we are not conscious that words or phrases they estan taking traffic to us to our Web, first we must know that keywords is those that work well, before optimizing and running the risk of losing the traffic that already we have.

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