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BRF Products

For a fast research in the Internet on chemical product BRF, the little that I found it was that one is about an used product to delay flames in case of a fire. A point that the author does not cite, and this yes is preoccupying and has sufficiently reference of studies the respect is on the agricultural products and veterinarians used in the agropastoril sector. In face of stated periods to eliminate agricultural financings, a bigger productivity for planted area (defensive against plagues and fertilizers), many they are the substances that if can find in some vegetables, a time that is difficult to all control the grace period of such elements in thousand of tons of vegetables and fruits produced in the country.

Ademais we have the greed of the great producers of these products that want to always vender more, without if worrying about the consumers and of eye in the high edges of profit, little if mattering with the results in long stated period, in the case of the cumulative poisoning of some of these products in the man. 152-c1-276268’>Intel. According to Project of Analysis of Residues of Agrotxicos in Foods (For), carried through for the national Agency of Sanitary Monitoring (Anvisa) in 2.001, was analyzed diverse vegetables, fruits and vegetables to see the contamination degree. Between the samplings, the foods that had been contaminated with a bigger frequency had been: chili (80.0%), grape (56.40%), cucumber (54.80%), strawberry (50.80%), borecole (44.20%), pineapple (44.10%), papaya (38.80%), lettuce (38.40%), tomatoe (32.60%) beetroot (32.00%).

The question of the system of production and its logistic one, treated in the documentary nothing more are of what the logic of a molded global capitalism in the consumerism without limits. Particularly in U.S.A., a system politician total dependent and submisso the great enterprise corporations, and this is undisputed fact.

Groups And Social Service

The author presents in a doutorado thesis of an analytical reflection on the groups, pontuando its comments and perspectives concernente the continuity of the research with groups, using itself the references of Jean Paul Sartre displayed in the book ‘ ‘ She criticizes of the Dialtica’ Reason; ‘ of 1960, covering a first historical partner in the field of the production with the groups, the author argues incisively with questionings on them practises group contemporaries, emphasizing that if she cannot leave to consider the social historical conjuncture, cultural and politics of the group pursuings, positively to understand its dynamics. It appraises that certain particularitities cross what is produced by the Institucional Movements, detaching some publications that support empirically its defense of thesis. The author makes vindication to the fact of the collective of the groups how much the organization in intention to make solid conquests of being able and the ample participation as exemplificado for the workers in the Europe.

She brings to the light a reflexiva quarrel on the social groups and classrooms, enaltecendo the question in the scope of the relevance of the category in the marxist vision. She emphasizes the multiplicity of involved extenuating circumstances in the construction of the social classrooms, making according to author, the revolution inside of the revolution revolution, or same for the continuity, she makes what it to question on the capacity of organization of the groups, however the same one she cites the importance of the movements for the collective fight capable to transform. Thus the author discourses on the condicionantes of the perspective dialectic for intervention in the groups, focando as objective of the related thesis, the exploration of ways theoretician-operative that contribute for the work of the Social Service. The author finishes detaching the theoretical contents that she judges of great importance for understanding of the practical groups and the group ones in the context of a capitalist society, without however locking up to the quarrel on the subject.

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