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Regional Director

I want it with time our supper. E, for the visa, about the love also thought Laura closely. After the presentations of the reports, had been for the laboratory of the company, where they had passed all the afternoon. When returning to the hotel, Laura obtained to esquivar itself of Gnter. It entered in its room and the telephone touched. It was certain that it was Gnter and she decided not to take care of.

The telephone insisted on touching and Laura decided to take care of, from fear Gnter to go until there. Forgives me it delay in taking care of. It was in the bathroom, I find that I ate some thing that did not make well said Laura to me. Gnter asked what it had.> Vomits answered Laura, with a cynical smile in the lips. Acho that is better not to leave, because I am feeling that already I go to pass badly of new. The telephone left to fall and ran for the bathroom. Tempinho gave one and later it gave discharge.

It came back to the telephone. Gnter still was in the line. Forgives me, needed to run Well, I find that we will have that to leave the supper for another day. I am not accustomed with as many sausages and gravies that vocs have this way. Gnter said that it understood. It desired improvements to it and it disconnect the telephone. Laura was felt alliviated but, on the other hand, its future was unsafe how much. After all, it excuses the Regional Director of Latin America and this would have some price. the other days will be better here, because the Gnter goes even so tomorrow. thought. Laura wise person who, at least, would be placed in the refrigerator


About 3.000 years Before de Christ, Mnfis already was a metropolis, capital of the Egyptian kingdom. To the edges of the river Nile agriculturists lived, throughout the coast of the Mediterranean meet fishing populations and field of the interior, villages of shepherds. Hanareb, the potter, lived under the government of the fourth Egyptian dynasty and liveed next to the capital, in a house constructed on a rise, where the full ones of the Nile did not reach. The son of it, Zer helped, it in the manufacture of odres, amphoras, vases and other utensils of adobe cooked to the oven that vendiam or changed for other merchandises in the market of the city. Hanareb was skillful with cinzel and with it sculptured beautiful figures in the vases that it manufactured. Zer if puted in charge to paint them.

As soon as the day clareou, Hanareb was arisen and waked up the son for plus one day of work. While it took milk of goat with honey and ate a bread piece, it said the son: – We go to finish plus some vases and tomorrow we will go to the market. – Necessary of new botinas, my father. – Your mother made it a pair makes little time! – Yes, but not disdaining the work of my mother, of Ozor they last more! – We need to buy oil, wheat and milk. I was thinking about acquiring a milk cow – He goes to be difficult. He knows you as the shepherds venerate its cows! – I go to speak with Huni, it has a great flock. Hanareb finished to eat and was arisen.

– We go. – And my botinas? It asked to Zer diving a bread piece in the honey pot. – Later people it deals with this, in the market. Leaving the house, Hanareb placed a hand in the shoulder of the youngster.


OF OF the MILL After the death of the wife in an car accident, Miguel passed not to have more joy of living. For it, the life did not have more enchantment. It was moved away from the friends, was displeased of the work. It decided to leave the job and to follow a new route in the life. It decided to leave the capital and life in the interior. Its intention was to buy a small farm where it could live isolated of the civilization.

Consulting announcements of property in a periodical, it found two announcements of small farm the sales. It wrote down the addresses in a paper, caught the car and it left to the dawn for the interior of the state. But, in the passage it was lost in crossroads, when a strong fog went down on the region. It stopped the car in the side of the highway, left the lighted lighthouses and it waited that the fog if wasted. But, the time was passing and the time did not improve.

It tried to bind the car again, but the engine remained inert. It pressed the accelerator diverse times, without result. The gasoline tank was almost full. Finding that perhaps he was something simple to fix, it decided to give one looked in the engine. He opened the door and he left the car at the accurate moment where one I propagate appeared in high speed and it almost ran over it. Miguel played itself stops backwards, but some thing beat in its head. It was idiot, the sights had darkened, the legs had been bambas. He felt himself to fall and to roll for the soil. When finally he stopped to fall, he remained lying, looking for to regularize the breath and the thoughts. He saw himself lying on relva humid.

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