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Work And Madness

To work is the only sacrifice for which we are paid to make. I woke up today per the morning thinking that it went to be one day normal, as all the others. At the height of summer, I arose myself, I took my bath I dressed, me, with summer clothes, is clearly, I took a coffee and I was to the work. At the moment where I place the foot is of house here it is that I come across myself with the following situation: he was cold! at the height of summer! 12 degrees were the temperature. But as good Brazilian, I did not come back to agasalhar me, and of the way of house to the work I came passing cold. There vocs they ask to me: you are wild? Not, I answer, I do not only have will to even come back in house, to change of clothes, stops later passing heat. But we go what it interests. Where that a normal citizen goes to live deeply what I live deeply all day? Where you would work to only have transtornadas people to its redor? I know! Where I work This is my first chronicle.

I decided to write it therefore I do not have as to say this with my colleagues. One of them, this exactly, one of them, therefore I am the only one man of the commercial department hates, me. Simply without reason none, without I to have done nothing against it, in my first day of work it already did not accept me as its colleague. I do not know if she is because I am ugly, or hairy, or great excessively, but hates it me. Another colleague suffers from TOC: Compulsory Obscessivo upheaval.

It organizes clips in one petty cash, divided of 8 in 8, lined up perfectly. This loses one hour for turn almost making. It must be being stammering, close to the 40 years, bachelor and run aground. To another one it is the one that better I coexist. It is the one that more speaks with me, even so does not stop of speaking per one alone minute. I have a supervisor that it seems the Incredible Hulk, taking off the question of the voice, that seems the squirrels of the Alvin film and the Squirrels. Now it constructs in its mind the figure of this person, is tragic! My head is one serious super face, but today she must have taken some type of drug, therefore she was playing with my compulsory colleague. They seemed two children! There vocs they speak to me: this face must be had fun! Not, this is tragic! The people simply only think about same them. They find that only because they are older or because they are ha more time in the company is superior, that they order. I find that I am not of this world, where all only think about the proper nose, that exactly you trying to help are seen as an adversary. I must be being wild.


Contradictions, many details badly explained, had taken the Policy to accuse Figueiredo as being ordering of the death. It arrived at other presumptions involved, that would be intermediate and even though one that would have testified the execution, but did not arrive to the main one, that is, the body of Alba. Exactly, Figueiredo and other defendant had thus finished considered and imprisoned, being that some had fulfilled the penalty integrally. Coming back the searches of the body, the paranoia was as much that certain time arrived the rays of the nonsense. A person communicated that she had a skeleton next to one quarter of the Army, to few meters of the edge of the Anhanguera highway. She very did not need for policemen and the press already to bind: ' ' Finally, she must be the body of the poor person dentista' '.

In few minutes, the place all was put into motion, with apreensivos policemen ahead of a possible newness to follow in the inquiries and the press in agitation waiting the sad one, but so waited confirmation of that, after years of searches, finally the corpse of the victim was found. It fit to the medical legal expert Fortunato Badan Palhares, in few minutes, to play a cold water bucket in what it could be a new way for the inquiry. When analyzing the bones, the connoisseur evidenced that the skeleton at least was human being Policemen and reporters if entreolham they disfaram as if each one wanted to excuse itself for limped and fine rain if it would put in charge to disarrange marks of steps and tires left in the place Until this chronicle to be written, in 2005, therefore per 18 years, the mystery of the disappearance of the body of the Alba dentist continued, arrives in 2012 and nothing.

The Presence

The text is a system of such combinations and thus it must also have a place inside of the system for that one to who fits to carry through the combination. This place is given by the emptinesses (Leerstellen) in the text, that thus are offered for the occupation for the reader. As they cannot be filled by the proper system, it they only can be by means of another system. When this occurs, if it initiates the activity of constitution, for which such emptinesses function as a central commutator of the interaction of the text with the reader (ISER, 1979, p.91). The author believes that in the act of the reading the reader must be prepared to question and to modify its proper beliefs. Of the biggest freedom to the reader when placing that he does not have an only way to interpret a workmanship correctly and to deplete its semantic potential, ' ' … the workmanship does not offer a message of separable it; the direction is not redutvel to one meaning referencial and the meaning is not left to reduce to one coisa' ' (ISER, 1996, P.

29). Valley to stand out that the conception of reader of Iser is of implicit reader, that is: … the implicit reader does not have real existence; therefore it materializes the set of the preorientaes that a ficcional text offers as reception condition, its possible readers. In consequence the implicit reader does not establish itself in an empirical substratum, but yes in the structure of the text. …

the conception of implicit reader assigns then a structure of the text that anticipates the presence of receiver (ISER, 1996, p. 73). The direction truily is constituted by the imaginative activity of the reader who is directed by the proper text that brings obtains the adequate structures to this performance of the reader who only catches the direction of the text as image.

The Question

However, if these phenomena are not gifts and other indications still compose this picture, not if it can consider it as a neurosis, therefore it is mentioned to another type of structure. Of this form, the analyst is taken to perceive of general form, the psychosis concept. Miller (2010) establishes that the fact to generalize the psychosis represents that Name-do-Father is inexistent. ' ' Name-do-Father is a predicate, always is a predicate. It is always a specific element among others that, for subject determined one, he functions as Name; ' (p.20).

To if affirming this idea, one becomes to extinguish the barrier between psychosis and neurosis. It is a representation similar to the fact of if affirming that all the people are insane people, resulting in the declaration of that all the individuals have its particular way to be delirious. Lacan writes on this in the year of 1978. Clearly that this is not the only form of classification, but of certain form, the clinic is accurately thus. You cannot function as psychoanalytic if she is not conscientious of that what knows, its world, is delirious fantasstico, we can say, but fantasstico means delirious exactly.

To be psychoanalytic is to know that its proper world, its proper fancy, its way to make sensible is delirious. This is the reason for which vocs they try to abandon it exactly to perceive the proper delirium of its patient, its way to make sensible. (MILLER, 2010, P. 20). Ahead of these arguments, it was objectified to answer to the following questioning: Which the main difficulties in becoming the diagnosis of an usual psychosis? One estimates that the absence of elementary phenomena (hallucinations, deliriums and others) can cause impediments in the diagnosis of the usual psychosis. This work for contributing for the advance of a scientific study was justified on the question of the diagnosis of the usual psychoses, a time that the existing research does not tell with clarity on such context.

Gestational Diabetes Study Group

In our country the tracing of this type of Diabetes is universal. The accompaniment of the pregnant must be effected by one equips to multidiscipline specifically vocacionada and with experience in this illness. The therapeutical one of the pregnant woman with DG has some sources that include measured farmacolgicas in such a way, as the related ones with the nutrition, education and programming of the physical activity. The importance of the knowledge of the dose of insulina adjusted for the beginning of the treatment of a patient with DMG is closely on with maternal-fetais a glicmico control fast better resulted, reducing in this way the number of perinatais complications. (BUCHANAN and KJOS, 1999). For being a problem of public health it deserves attention and cares on the part not only of the gestante, but of the people who follow this woman, a time who the potential factors of risk to this future mother premakes use to the appearance of some not inherent complications to the childbirth in itself, more yes, due to base illness. Another important fact that we must stand out is how much to the rapidity with that the glicmico control is established, where will provide better resulted perinatais.


Federal Norm

collides with the made use one in the Federal Norm that traces the general disposals on the ISSQN and that they will have to be obeyed by the legislation municipal' ' (CHAGAS, 2011). The author leaves clearly that this is a form to verify about what really is the substance that is come back to the examination of uniprofissional society conducted by the Decree n. 406, of 13.12.68, recepcionado for the Constitution Federal, remaining in vigor the special form of determination of the value of the ISS due for the self-employeds worker, and the societies of professionals, established for its paragraphs 1 and 3, devices that had not been revoked by the Complementary Law n. 116/2003, that currently it disciplines the ISSQN (CHAGAS, 2011). In these aspects, it can be affirmed that these liberal professionals, as cited, the example of the doctors, dentists, lawyers and others, when congregated in uniprofissionais societies, ' ' … incident could not be citizens to the payment of its ISS on the basis of aliquot on the prescription of the rendering of services gained by sociedade' ' (CHAGAS, 2011). E, in consequncia of this, these types of services given for societies that are formed by these professionals, will have to be citizens to the tax on the basis of a fixed annual value, calculated in accordance with the number of professionals integrate who them.

It is what in fact, it was verified in many instances that the jurisprudence looks for of some form to search the pacification of the generated conflict, in the direction to make possible that the uniprofissionais societies without enterprise character, in the terms of art. 9, paragraph 3, of DL 406/68, has right to the differentiated treatment of the ISS. It was looked in this arrives in port elucidative to weave some commentaries concerning the taxation of the incident ISSQN in the above-mentioned category of professionals, with target directed toward the collection of the ISSQN on the value for professional (uniprofissional) of the society, later will be elaborated a scientific article to extend the focus of this question.

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