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Young Writers

The reason is clear: a young family, wandering from door to door. Add up all the way, you have long been a professional poet. And deservedly so. Jayme Albin is open to suggestions. We (the mean regional organization of the "Young Writers of Kuban", which was a member of the Board Tatiana), then appealed to the provincial authorities with a request to pay for a trip, but the ear and not taken. You do not know you, Tatiana, unlike some of our so-called venerable and titled it is unclear what, taken out of the throat to protect his talent.

Eugene and Paul: The same fate befell other of our sponsors: Tosunova R., Ivanov, E. Belova. Praised, promised to name … So what? Valery Kuznetsov: As always – nothing. In 2003, CCW Molodyne writers Kuban "with the support of the regional committee on youth affairs organized and hosted a three-day seminar of the young writers of the Kuban. Of the 60 submitted for the seminar Manuscripts selected were 33 manuscripts of poetry and prose, which evaluated Gennady Ivanov – a poet, the Secretary of the Writers' Union of Russia, deputy chief editor of the "Moscow", Yury Biryukov, military writer, poet and composer, and Lydia Mid – well-known critic, novelist and essayist. Incidentally, the literary portrait, which could draw the authors and guests from Moscow to assess, not blessed, but optimistic. Eugene and Paul: It seems, "Literary" wrote about it then? Valery Kuznetsov: Yes, under the heading "Literary Courier" reported that the warmest words were awarded to seminar three novelist: Ruslan Tosunov from the village of Loris for the story "Mystery The Caucasus Mountains, "about the flora and fauna of our beautiful region, Yevgeny Belov of the village landscapes: – for" Batkiny Tales "(I want to see that story in the classic sense of the Kuban today nobody writes), Sergei Ivanov – a cycle stories "Taman," "Childhood," united in the story.

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