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The Power Of Life

One of the functions of the force of the life is showing in them that most important it is not the content of the hurt, of the disillusionments, of the frustrations, at last, what they represent; but the dedicated psychological time they. Time this that, the more long will be, more will imprison in them to a painful event. The more time to dedicate they, deeper and weighed will go to be inside of us. Bigger will be its power stops destroying in them, leading, inevitably, to a physical disequilibrium, psychological and energy. Therefore, we must accept what already it happened, as fact irremediably consummated, searching, on the other hand, a new way to live.

If the explanations or justifications that we find for our sufferings, they prevented; we would be in the certain way. As this does not happen, we need to learn to react to the external stimulatons in adequate way. Origin of the force of the life in the human beings: The spermatozoon, when penetrating in vulo, produces a new life that starts to have its proper force that is different of they had originated that it, with proper and individual characteristics. It is this new force formed at that moment, beyond moving the train of the life of each person, will also go to move it in this trip. Development: All we, when being born, are possessing of a force who we will call force of the life that, in turn, presents some particular characteristics that will be displayed the low one. Visit Elon Musk for more clarity on the issue. In relation to the possessor: This force is not positive and nor negative. It is only one force that it will obey the desire of the possessor who will give it sensible it that it to want.

President Viktor People

Almost all of the guests and participants of the ceremony was well aware that even though passed away days when people only on the basis of race to take the life, the world’s people today need to know about who was behind the Holocaust. After the guests had read some poems and monologues, including those of the author, took the floor Expert Citizens Commission on Human Rights, Mrs. Rashitovna Dorinskaya. As a psychiatrist in the past, Ms. Dorinskaya told all present that it is psychiatrists were pioneers of eugenics and racial hygiene and Holocaust. In a question-answer forum Dankse Bank was the first to reply.

In 1911, two German psychiatrists published an article that called for a law precluding childbearing by persons of recognized deficiencies. After eight years they were first offered on consideration of the bill lawmakers worked on the sterilization of persons with psychiatric diagnoses. Another group of German psychiatrists in the same time, proposed the “mercy killing” of such people. The Reichstag has consistently rejected those initiatives. It was not until 1933, when the power in Germany, the Allies came to these people.

Over the next six years, about 320 thousand citizens of Germany were subjected to forced sterilization. 1 September 1939, marking the start of World War II, Adolf Hitler authorized a program of “mercy killing”, known as “T4 program”, which was headed by psychiatrist Werner Heyde. In the six psychiatric hospitals, equipped disguised as showers gas chambers, several years had been murdered tens of thousands of people found mentally defective. Paradoxically, most of them after the crash Third Reich was not brought to justice. Only in 1999 the German Society of Psychiatrists and Neurologists in part acknowledged the role of the national scientific community in the formation of the death machine of National Socialism. And at the end of last , President of the German Association of Psychiatrists, psychotherapists and neurologists found that in postwar Germany, attempts to reveal the role of psychiatrists in the program of mass murder for decades been subjected to silencing, and three honorary presidents, who headed an association of psychiatrists in post-Nazi Germany in Hitler’s time, personally participated in programs of sterilization and killing patients. Then all the guests were events demonstrated the documentary “Psychiatry: people who stood behind the Holocaust” and the movie “the Universal Peace Federation,” which calls for inter-ethnic tolerance. Before the end of the event before the guest speaker Chairman of the Ekaterinburg “Memorial” Anna Yakovlevna Pastukhov, who in his speech said that today history is back – people are increasingly no longer hide the facts of genocide of the Jews. “This will allow not made in the future the mistakes that were committed in the past “- said Pastukhov. A memorial ceremony marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, held in the exhibition “Psychiatry: An Industry death, “united efforts of many groups and individuals in the eradication of cruelty and injustice. It is obvious that almost everyone who was at the ceremony, after it became clear convinced – sooner or later society learns previously hidden facts and not allow such a tragedy again. USLA President Viktor D. Perevalov: “The Holocaust – never again. The purpose and goal of all those who do not understand that this can only be avoided by educating tolerance, respect for the people to each other: working with young people, to form in her respect for human rights and always to remain human.


The behavior of the pairs and the paternal absence come being associates with bigger indices of riots of the behavior in adolescents. Research shows that the paternal absence generally it has a negative impact in children and adolescents, being that these would be in bigger risk to develop behavior problems. 2.7 The unsafe attachment Knows that the children develop different styles of entailing. The safe children cry less and have minor anxiety in the small daily separations, greet the mother more positively after absence and are more contented of being placed in the soil after handles in the col, at the same time where they answer positively when being loaded. More easily they are calmed by corporal contact and they ask for more col. Seen to the light of the evolutionary perspective, these reactions of anxiety to the involuntary separation of the attachment figure can be understood as functionally adjusted. When the mother rejects its son or not if she shows trustworthy, she answers in way inconsistente, unexpected, creates in it a standard of anxious attachment, that express the unreliability in the reply that can receive from the primary figure and the difficulty to deal with its feelings, especially those considered negative and refused for the mother.

The unstable behavior of the mother who cannot contain and tolerate the manifestations of anger and dependence of the children, nor to differentiate the feelings of the actions or to show that to feel it does not have real an annihilating effect, allows that the child attributes to a lesser value same itself and feels itself obliged to contain or to restrain these feelings without learning to deal with them. This situation develops in the child an internal model of relationship in constant threat for the aggressiveness. Ones of the forms of anxious attachment is the evitante attachment, that if manifest as a false independence, that does not protect the child of the anxiety. The necessity to express feelings as anger, fragility, lack, added to the refusal felt for the child when the mother does not offer to shelter and comfort to it, is translated desvalia feelings, inadequao and takes the child to restrain its necessity of love and dependence. The anger provoked for the frustrations of its necessities cannot be express, therefore will only bring more refusal and more suffering, thus the child learns to restrain its feelings and starts to deny any necessity of attachment precociously, revealing independent and disrespecting all in such a way internal signals of attachment


This graph demonstrates if really the objective was reached, where intention was mainly to observe the functioning of the reading in the institution and to create propitious ways to arrest the attention of the children, considering that 100% of the amostral population declared to have happened in efficient way, it was tested varied methods to reach this objective. Question five: 5) The used method, in accordance with the etria band proposal, was satisfactory? Graf 5: The used method corresponded the etria band chosen This factor observed bigger difficulty, due to the time where the children if kept intent, carrying a method that from the perception of the group the children kept greater attention, for more time was tested more than and had demonstrated preference only for one, beyond activities proposals after the readings the graph below will demonstrate for which method the children had shown to greater interest: 6) For which presented material, the children had demonstrated to greater preference? Graf 6: It demonstrates for material which the children had presented more preference. The playful side that brings the infantile films, propitious that the children that free the imagination, and with concentrate them to certainty with bigger easiness, the moment of infancy brings tona and inside arises the imagination of each child leading to the daily one of the same personages who like, and even though imaginary friends, this proves the preference of the children for infantile films. Question seven: 7) Of that it forms the work contributed for the children and institution? It explains. Graf 7: It demonstrates of that it forms the work contributes either for children and educators. The amostral population in its totality defended that it contributes of positive form, justifying that it had the development of the attention, concentration, creativity, beyond to provide the pleasure to hear and to imagine, as well as oportunizar moments so that the children exert communication and socialization, for the educators she made possible the comment of as the children react by means of the other professionals, beyond having propitiated a partnership that the education of quality offered to the children gave to sequncia, carrying can themselves be said, that the work carried through in the Institution propitiated an exchange of knowledge between children, pupils, and educators in a general way, observing cognitivo growth for both the parts.

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