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CNPJ Protocol

All its trajectory is registered in documents, since its creation, until the current days. Being preserved in the archives, that can also be defined as: ' ' the commanded document accumulation created by an institution or person in the course of its activity and preserved for the achievement of its objectives politicians, legal and cultural, for related instituio' '. (CASANOVA, 1928 apud SCHELLENBERG, 2005, P. 37). nich. The cultural values are preserved in the enterprise and institucional archives, demonstrating its growth, and its conquests before the society where it acts. To recognize the culture of the society where he is inserted, to analyze as to work this culture they are important factors for the development of the companies and institutions. The archive through its documents makes possible to make this analysis. 2,1 FUNCTIONS PROTOCOL SECTOR Let us see an example of functioning of the protocol.

A company needed a negative certificate in an agency publishes to participate of a licitation process. For in such a way, this document needed to present the CNPJ.A card apanhar, the person in charge signed the protocol book, accusing the withdrawal it document in the specified date and schedule. The CNPJ was taken to the agency, and after taking you provide them to all necessary to the attainment of the certificate, the responsible one for the execution of the activity again returned with the CNPJ to the sector from archive, signing the protocol book, where the devolution of the document was written down, in the specified date and hour. All the instances of these encaminhamentos involve tasks that constitute protocol service, that can be summarized: to receive, to register, to distribute, to put into motion and to forward correspondence inside of a company or organization. But attention: the word protocol can also have other significaes. It costuma to assign the given record number to one determined document or, still, the book of received and forwarded document register.

Business-Oriented Manager

At the beginning of my enterprise life I knew a counted real history for a manager business-oriented who does not like if identifying for personal reasons, that /MG happened in Belo Horizonte and that it would like to share with you. – The manager business-oriented arriving in Belo Horizonte, found a franzino and unfed boy, with appearance of 8 years of age, but that in the reality he had 12 years. – Then talking with the boy he was knowing that he liveed with the dismissed mother, separate of the husband and with 2 lesser brothers who it, and all were it are of the school. – He asked then to the boy: What you go to be when to grow? The reply he was: ' ' I go to be one avio' ' (for who it does not know, airplanes are the minor ones used for the dealers for the delivery of drugs)? – There then the manager spoke: you know that this is crime that you go to make and will be able to take it chain? – The boy answered: He does not have skill doctor? is alone this that I know and I obtain to make? because necessary to every day place two plates of food in the table for my mother mine two brothers to eat? – Then the manager shocked with the history of the boy, elaborated fast in its mind, a plan of business to save that child? – A series of questions Made then, which the boy went answering with an impressive vivacity: – You obtain to arrange some bottles pets of 2 liters of cooling empty? Clearly, I go back in the lixo cato and I wash and if not to obtain I ask for the Portuguese owner of the bakery of the esquina to keep for me? – To be given liquids in ones bombonas to you, you obtain to mix and to full the bottles pets? I obtain therefore I help my mother in the kitchen? – To give pamphlets to you to distribute in the points where if concentrate the people of the quarter, you obtains to distribute? I obtain therefore when the necessary staff and it asks for to me, I distribute pamphlets in the quarter for ones changed? – To ask for you to take care of the telephone and later delivering of bus, the full bottles pets of liquid in the houses of the people who had asked for? – This is easy doctor I walks of bus without paying, step under the ratchet? – Then manager business-oriented spoke: Boy I am made an impression with you and I go to teach to you to mount one manufactures of liquid detergent? – And today in the installed shed, formerones work more than 100, manufacturing the detergent and taking food for hundreds of families. – Therefore it identifies the problems of the people and offers a solution without waiting return and will have its perpetual gratitude? – It knows other cases of success in: Yours truly Enrique Meinberg

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