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Gallardn Sells

The Olympic Games to which it inhales Madrid will celebrate in 2020. Lack much. Lack as much that, if they allow it to the markets, the crisis can by then be a painful memory of the past. To that Alberto clings Ruiz-Gallardn, who sees itself in brete explain to the citizenship why Madrid cannot fail to take advantage of the opportunity, why the economic scarcities do not have to ballast the Olympic aspirations of the capital. In the crowded press room of the new City council, in the Palace of Post office, a word was heard yesterday mainly: austerity. The mayor, the leader of the socialist municipal group appeared and ex- Secretary of State for Deporte, Jaime Lissavetzky, and the one of the popular group, Manuel Cobo. And they repeated all it. One was to transmit an idea: that nobody lies down to shake, because the Olympic dream will not leave expensive. You may wish to learn more. If so, Doronin is the place to go. Source of the news: : Gallardn sells a candidacy of low cost

Mark Strong

A protagonism that has not mattered to him to lose the last winner of the Oscar – by the speech of the king -, its compatriot Colin Firth. " It has not changed to much the life to me from the Oscar. Simply I chose the best thing between which they offered to me and was this papel" , Firth said, to add that it fitted to him very well not to have to take all the weight of the film, since years have passed him in the last. Understanding between these two actors that can be extended to all the casting, that counts on name like those of John Hurt, Benedict Cumberbatch or Mark Strong, all of them enchanted with the work of Alfredson and " maravilloso" script of Peter Straughan based on also " fantstico" book of Him Carr. " We had a fabulous material.

In the book subtexto&quot was all the; , Goldman explained, that did not need to leave the script and the novel to be able to prepare a personage whose emotions were all in texts. A Goldman that showed its humbler side when recognizing that before beginning the running it felt nerves before the idea to know John Hurt, to that always it has admired much. And a Hurt that it sentenced when a journalist remembered to him that he was the unique one of the artistic equipment that already worked at the time of the cold war: " It reachs us to the death all, even to reyes" , it said sarcastically before the laughter of the room. On the film, the protagonist of the man elephant assured that it is the masterpiece of Alfredson and considered " enormous privilege to comprise of ella" and to have worked with a group of actors " fantstico". All of them interpret in a while to members of the British secret service in which an investigation by the possible existence of an awkward person is abre who passes information to the Russians. Heavy decay and atmospheres declining Air, heavy atmosphere and old image for a film that recreates in the details, like must be in a history of spies, with a wonderful music of the Alberto Spanish Churches and which she is as complicated as usually they are these histories. The awkward person, films that he is released the 23 of December in Spain, does not have counted with a gigantic budget, which allowed to create the atmosphere adapted for the work of Alfredson, to that it likes the smallest projects and to be able to dedicate itself meticulously to the work of the actors, according to explained a producer.

And that moves away much and of the previous film of Alfredson, a history of vampires. In order to put it in march, the director dealed with to look for a single line in the novel Him Carr because he considered that to take it he finds out to the screen was impossible task. A process of adaptation in which Carr participated to Him offering real anecdotes and ideas that were included in this films that it conjugates good cinema and entertainment perfectly. The problem in Venice is that this year the competition is very strong. Source of the news: The director of ' Djame entrar' , Alfredson, shines in Venice with a history of spies

Indian Ocean

Within the framework of the naval mission of the European Union against the piracy in the Indian Ocean, the well-known one like ' Atalanta&#039 operation; , Spain can unfold maximum of the 395 military. In fourth place, up to the 38 Spanish military they can participate in the mission of training of somales forces that carries out the EU in Somalia (EUTM-Somalia). To the control of three of the four missions At present, three of these four missions (Lebanon, the Indian Ocean and Uganda) are commanded by a Spanish military man. To them it is necessary to add up to the 40 military who will participate in 2011 in the mission of advising of the Armed Forces of Bosnia, after the past November finalized the Spanish participation in the mission Eufor Althea. In addition, a maximum of 50 military observers, military liaison officers and advisers, will be able to contribute, to request of the Ministry of Outer Subjects and Cooperation, in missions of humanitarian aid, operations of peace and crisis management that realises those international organizations to whom Spain belongs. The Government, following a proposal by the minister of Dnsa, Car to me Chacn, eliminated from the 1 of January of 2009 the maximum that was established previously the socialist Executive of the 3,000 military unfolded in the operations in the outside, establishing that the Armed Forces have capacity to maintain in the outside to 7,700 ctivos. With the new norm, the presence of the Spanish military in the outside is only limited by the legality of the mission, the will of the Spanish town (expressed through the necessary authorization of General Cortes) and by " the capacity of despliegue" of the Armed Forces, that NATO bases in a 8% of the total, which supposes about the 7,700 military. Source of the news: Afghanistan, Lebanon, the Indian Ocean, Uganda and Libya: the 5 military missions of Spain.

Venezuelan President

/The Venezuelan president is in Cuba receiving a chemotherapy treatment. He is using solely the social network to communicate with his compatriots. " Good morning, living world! Here we go, ready to initiate the today battle! ". The president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, assures that he is with " optimism insuperable" in his " it battles by vida" , in reference to the treatment against the cancer that follows the past in Cuba from weekend. " Good morning, living world! , Venezuela good morning loved! Here we go, ready I am for initiating the today battle! We will live and win! " , it has published east Tuesday the Venezuelan president from its personal account of Twitter, from which also he has informed into the visit of Fidel Castro. Also, Chvez has announced east Tuesday through this social network the approval of different budgetary games for the Interior de Merida, the Front Francisco de Miranda and the new company of cleanliness.

" Good night Compatriots! This way, closing another day of this Batalla by the Life. With an insurmountable optimism! " , the past night took leave the agent chief executive. Chvez has solely been using the social network to communicate with the Venezuelans since the past Saturday moved again to Havana to follow with its treatment against the cancer, in a new stage in which it will receive chemotherapy. Delegation of functions the president was the past operated 20 of June in Havana of a cancerous tumor del that knew by mouth of the own Chvez in a message to the nation from the island ten days after the operation. The president returned to Venezuela the 4 of July, a day before the celebration of the bicentennial of independence, and since then he participated in some official acts and in Government and realised commentaries of habitual form through Internet and the state channel of television. Before leaving to Cuba, Chvez delegated in the minister of Planning, Jorge Giordani, and in the vice-president of Venezuela, Elas Jaua, part of his functions like j of State like budgetary crossings of the ministries, appointment of civil servants of smaller rank, as well as the responsibility to approve or to deny resources. " This it is a decree to delegate, not as they want some sectors of the opposition, that I give I govern () I am going to delegate a set of functions as the Constitucin&quot commands; , Chvez announced during an extraordinary advice of ministers who was celebrated the same day from his game to Havana. Source of the news: Chvez is conceited in Twitter of " optimism insuperable" in his " it battles by vida"

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