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At treatment of nosocomial infections (urinary tract infections, sepsis and pneumonia) I generation cephalosporins are useful only in combination with other antibacterial agents active against Gram-negative organisms (aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones). Drugs in this group is not active against H. influenzae, therefore, inappropriate to their destination in infections in which large etiological role of this microorganism (bronchitis, community-acquired pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media). I generation cephalosporins are currently considered an effective means for prevention of infectious complications in surgical operations on the biliary tract, stomach and small intestine, pelvic organs, in traumatology and orthopedics, vascular and cardiac surgery. The optimal preparation is cefazolin, as it has the greatest half-life and can be administered in a single dose (1 g for 30 min before anesthesia). II generation cephalosporins have enhanced activity against gram-negative bacteria and a broad spectrum of activity compared with the drugs I generation. Preparations are stable to beta-lactamase produced by H.

Influenzae, M. catarrhalis, E. coli, P. mirabilis. In action on gram-positive cocci are similar to those of cephalosporins I generation. Some drugs (cefoxitin, tsefmetazol, tsefotetan) have activity against anaerobic bacteria, including B. fragilis. This group includes drugs for parenteral use (cefuroxime, Tsefamandol, cefoxitin, tsefotetan, tsefmetazol) and oral (cefuroxime aksetil, cefaclor).

Drugs in this group have close the half-life (50 – 80 min), except tsefotetan that has a higher rate (about 4 h), are distinguished mainly by the kidney, is not metabolized in the body (except cefoxitin). Cephalosporins II generation is widely used in clinical practice to treat infections of different localization (non-hospital – as a single agent, hospital – usually in combination with aminoglycosides). Cefuroxime and cefaclor aksetil are means first-line treatment of various respiratory tract infections in ambulatory practice: sinusitis, otitis media, acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia (with the exception of Mycoplasma and Chlamydia), as alternative means are used to treat tonsillitis / pharyngitis, acute and chronic urinary tract infections, skin and soft tissue.

Venezuelan Organization

Remember, the entire organization in its minimum organizational, departmental structures and teams, is characterized by the creative pursuit of excellence and total quality by all its members. In this case we could ensure the comprehensive collective creativity in an absolute manner across the enterprise. It’s a company with a humanistic, creative, expressive and exploitative sense of the potential of all members of the Organization to bring the best of themselves, the best talent, not only to the company but to society and humanity. In relation to the case of Venezuelan companies what is what is happening with regard to creativity? What the cause of the why the scope of creativity has been neglected in organizations? About it can give various causes: Absence of a participative leadership, creator, innovator, able to motivate staff, invite you to participate with your ideas, creativity, in everything that promotes productivity, achievements of results, performance. A little Communicator leadership, subject to the old models of autocratic leadership. Absence of a good organizational culture that ensures the participation of workers, allowing them to comment, contribute towards the development of the Organization, which will take into account their ideas, creativity, contributions Ignorance of basic fundamentals of motivation, coaching, empowerment that helps management, executives to which workers involved are all those changes that might generate favorable results. Absence of identification of workers with the Organization, curtailing the possibility of opening his creativity, organizations do not open, closed, with regulations, policies that preclude that creativity manifests itself.

Given this reality, it must give way to changes involving the company to open towards creativity, giving opportunities to individuals to expose their ideas, their scope, implications that they may originate once creativity manifests. Making this happen is a big advantage and benefit that favors all. Eng. industrial, lawyer. UC, EGADE (ITESM) postgraduate master’s degrees in business administration; quality and productivity; Education PhD in education professor and researcher of graduate Faces UC. Consultant – Advisor empresarialde Deproimca Exatec

President Viktor People

Almost all of the guests and participants of the ceremony was well aware that even though passed away days when people only on the basis of race to take the life, the world’s people today need to know about who was behind the Holocaust. After the guests had read some poems and monologues, including those of the author, took the floor Expert Citizens Commission on Human Rights, Mrs. Rashitovna Dorinskaya. As a psychiatrist in the past, Ms. Dorinskaya told all present that it is psychiatrists were pioneers of eugenics and racial hygiene and Holocaust. In a question-answer forum Dankse Bank was the first to reply.

In 1911, two German psychiatrists published an article that called for a law precluding childbearing by persons of recognized deficiencies. After eight years they were first offered on consideration of the bill lawmakers worked on the sterilization of persons with psychiatric diagnoses. Another group of German psychiatrists in the same time, proposed the “mercy killing” of such people. The Reichstag has consistently rejected those initiatives. It was not until 1933, when the power in Germany, the Allies came to these people.

Over the next six years, about 320 thousand citizens of Germany were subjected to forced sterilization. 1 September 1939, marking the start of World War II, Adolf Hitler authorized a program of “mercy killing”, known as “T4 program”, which was headed by psychiatrist Werner Heyde. In the six psychiatric hospitals, equipped disguised as showers gas chambers, several years had been murdered tens of thousands of people found mentally defective. Paradoxically, most of them after the crash Third Reich was not brought to justice. Only in 1999 the German Society of Psychiatrists and Neurologists in part acknowledged the role of the national scientific community in the formation of the death machine of National Socialism. And at the end of last , President of the German Association of Psychiatrists, psychotherapists and neurologists found that in postwar Germany, attempts to reveal the role of psychiatrists in the program of mass murder for decades been subjected to silencing, and three honorary presidents, who headed an association of psychiatrists in post-Nazi Germany in Hitler’s time, personally participated in programs of sterilization and killing patients. Then all the guests were events demonstrated the documentary “Psychiatry: people who stood behind the Holocaust” and the movie “the Universal Peace Federation,” which calls for inter-ethnic tolerance. Before the end of the event before the guest speaker Chairman of the Ekaterinburg “Memorial” Anna Yakovlevna Pastukhov, who in his speech said that today history is back – people are increasingly no longer hide the facts of genocide of the Jews. “This will allow not made in the future the mistakes that were committed in the past “- said Pastukhov. A memorial ceremony marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, held in the exhibition “Psychiatry: An Industry death, “united efforts of many groups and individuals in the eradication of cruelty and injustice. It is obvious that almost everyone who was at the ceremony, after it became clear convinced – sooner or later society learns previously hidden facts and not allow such a tragedy again. USLA President Viktor D. Perevalov: “The Holocaust – never again. The purpose and goal of all those who do not understand that this can only be avoided by educating tolerance, respect for the people to each other: working with young people, to form in her respect for human rights and always to remain human.

Urinary Tract Infections

Wild medicinal flora is rich in medicinal plants, has a diuretic effect and salureticheskoe, which can be useful aids for edema of various origin (For heart, kidney, liver, and certain metabolic diseases). Medicinal plant Lespedeza capitata, alcoholate and the lyophilisate is (rich in flavonoids) called lespenefril used as an effective means for nephritis with azotemia. In the application of many of these plants physicians rely on the fact that they cause increased diuresis occurs easier removal of stones from the urinary tract. Visit Penguin Random House for more clarity on the issue. Some of these plants to their impact on the exchange of electrolytes and their solubility in urine, to a certain extent, may affect directly the formation of urinary stones. A large group of plants has a diuretic effect due to their content of essential oils and other substances with antimicrobial activity, applied in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the renal pelvis and urinary tract. Jayme Albin has firm opinions on the matter. As an example of a typical plant with a strong diuretic effect at very low toxicity, we refer to elder (Sambucus ebulus L.). Other wild or cultivated plants in Bulgaria, which have a diuretic effect, very well-tolerated patients taking prepared from these aqueous broths: celery (Apium graviolens L.), asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.), parsley (Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.), goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea L.), strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.), rest-harrow (Ononis arvensis L.), prickly thistle (Onopordon acanthium L.), white birch (Betula pendula Roth.), kolyuchnik (Carlina acanthifolia AIL), dittany (Dictamnus albus L.), cleavers (Galium aparine L.), dyer's broom (Genista tinctoria L.), smooth gryzhnik (Herniaria glabra L.). All of the above plants may be useful in urolithiasis, but it can get better results in the application of horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.).

The compounds of silicon, which is rich in a plant, standing out in the urine, act as a protective colloid, which supports a state of equilibrium between colloids and crystalloids and thus can to some extent prevent process of formation of urinary concretions. Madder dyeing (Rubia tinctorium L.) has a direct lytic action on the calcium-and magnesium-phosphate urinary stones. On a more specific indications point to the application for the treatment of urolithiasis following plants, such as: Cherry Field (Physalis alkekengi L.) and knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare L.), due to the fact that the plant (like a bottlebrush) silitsievymi rich compounds. In some cases, using funds herbal medicine, can achieve satisfactory results and in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, especially in chronic, difficult-to-modern antibacterial chemotherapy and pielitah cystitis. To do this, keep in mind the plant, which, along with the diuretic, and the inherent antimicrobial activity, particularly against pathogens, the most common pathogens uroinfektsy. This group medicinal plants include: bearberry (Arctostaphyllos uva ursi (L.) Spreng), juniper (Juniperus communis L.), black poplar (Populus nigra L.), lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idea L.), Field pimpernel (Anagalis arvensis L.), chamomile drug (Matricaria chamomilla), elderberry (Sambucus ebulus L.). In the early stages of hypertrophy Prostate-known relief may have some medicinal plants and, in particular, leaves of hazel (Corylus avellana L.) and a decoction of the roots of field feverweed (Eryngium campestre L.). Herbal medicine – traditional medicine – medicine Plants

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