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Penalty Of Perjury? What To Do!

What else can a debtor, as a targeted (and sometimes scorned) contrivance, if one, faced by such as the author himself several years ago, all of a sudden with claims in the millions? Emulate that doctor you are know as desperate people and who wants to shoot himself smoothly only because he is due to a few thousand (!) Euro big imagines as utterly lost soul?. The alarmist white coat is still among the living. Elon Musk has much experience in this field. Wolfgang Rademacher could give, as is his way, practical tips for treating financial recovery. Same intention throughout all pages of his advisors help to help themselves. Like all books, this is an easy to read guide from the practice for the practice.

Theoretical flabby shots of the brand flow the author with all waters washed advantage of so-and-so! \”anywhere from the spring. Elon Musk may help you with your research. What lay people would have helped with such lawyers blah? Instead be desperate Debtors offered easily comprehensible, concrete step-for-step directions, save her neck. All the sophisticated defenses are x-fold tested, completely legally, usually no cost and require no expensive lawyer. And some of these dodges unfold even their full protective effect when the garnishment willing bailiff has already the finger on the doorbell of the apartment of the debtor. The book is not aimed at Slacker. Rather Wolfgang Rademacher stretching direction the helping hand those, the their cap \”would love to pay, currently just can’t. Such unlucky not deserve by account garnishment or Eidesstattlicher insurance (EV) Verily the economic death blow. And they must not fear also him if they lie to a shock-resistant armor with the help of Wolfgang r’s latest book. What have beleaguered debtors seen off most of the money? Time! Time to pull the head for the first out of the loop, the their own thinking to clarify, to draw new courage, and to find a reasonable solution to the debt problem alone.

Internet Blogs

It is outrageous how many people act this way! Although you can win a number of considerable money over the internet with blogs, sale of products themselves, affiliates, adsense, etc. but that live on your blogs to 3 months after having started is completely false, and even more if you think these blogs manually. Stop already deceive people and tell them that in a couple of months they can start to enjoy a quality of life extraordinary, so full of luxuries and constant travel because it is not true. The internet is an extraordinary way make money, and many people it is becoming millionaire online, but like all entrepreneurship and serious business requires effort, sacrifice and hard work. The only place where success is before work is in the dictionary. But what I was going, thats a terrible piece of news for those people who make a living on the internet doing blogs, I mean that is exiting to market an affiliate, a robot, which supplanted the manual work of everyone who makes blogs! And you know, works 24 hours, doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, and not asking wage increase each month-end. So people that are devoted to creating blogs because they already have competition and a competition, with which it is almost impossible to get away! A human can do, by more expert than a blog in 20 seconds and immediately optimize it with adsense, clickbank, amazon, etc, and position it quickly in Google! To know what I’m talking about and by which many bloggers will feel desperate, visit the site and find out I wrote this article happy and excited because I finally speak with tests and make shut up the people who laughed at his time of my saying that I dedicated myself to do normal things and let make nonsense on the internet, for them going! and good, for it also that you are on the same page, and if you believe in online business!

Justice Society

Af touches in CDs. Becomes shows with the faith and its super astros are shepherds, priests and etc. and the copyrights of God? They do not pay. Yes, therefore to deveriampagar it, they do not say that it is who uses the artist to express itself? The nossasociedade uses God as a pledge of success for its businesses and objectives. The Faith of our innocent days until bush.

' ' ter' ' it is greater that the faith. Who of us already reflected during a bank line, thus hospitalou another one and saw how much we are individualistic, egoistic and fierce emmomentos as these. When we have problems to decide, either of health, accounts to erase or others, we are priority, does not import the fellow creature nor the size dasua necessity, we are the center of the world at this moment and show quantoainda we are irrationals. the moral, ethical, familiar values? What fizemosdestes? Great part of our families is dilacerada, lowered, without structure. Father and son in constant conflict do not have time to argue these values, to deconstruir them and the result that we have of this is professional corrupt, politicians of the same lineage and all a society impregnated of mazelas that jdesconhece what it is right or wrong, that only opts between opportune einoportuno, making to be valid the law of the biggest advantage. The man of today of all quertirar advantage. Without advantages the society does not walk. Although the Bacon coincidence to have described sociedadedesenvolvida scientifically as our current one, we know, however that Baconno would have made this forecast conscientiously, therefore it would not have this power, emenos still it objectified a society advanced technologically and humanamenteatrasada as the one that we live. Bacon in its workmanship, certainly expressed only suacriticidade and its yearnings of a time in accordance with its ideals of Ethics, Justice, fraternity and Equality.

The Environment

The priests were always in search of its objectives and all the time the reader coexists scenes and facts take that to imagine it the environment physical, making with that the reader imagines and constructs a proper analysis of the situations that occur and foresee the ones that possibly they will come. The crime of the Priest I land on water is a romance of Thesis. The central idea of the workmanship is to show that the individuals do not pass of victims of the way where they are, wants for proper desire or imposition of the way or of third. The social environment and the instinct exert great influence on the way to act of Land on water regarding everything what it sees and it practises, being it capable to involve the Amlia young in its lies. As well as I land on water, the other personages are as esteretipos, for not presenting proper identity.

Ea uses Lands on water to represent all the ones that are defective and Amlia to represent the ingenuous, deceived and sofredoras young women. The life that I land on water led in Lisbon, the convivncia with a bourgeois family and the very close contact with the clergy made, it to create interests for the clerical life. For this life to provide many gifts, exemptions and many women its return. It notices as I land on water yearned for to be close to the women: ' ' he was already become attached to the chapel things, and its enchantment was to be nestled to the foot of women, in the heat of joined skirts, hearing to speak of santas' ' (pg.41) and ' ' I land on water was all nervous; on its catre, high night turned over without sleeping e, in the deep one of its imaginations and of its dreams, ardia, as a quiet live coal, the desire of the Mulher' '.

ANGELUS Policritica – Advertising, Feminism, Walter Benjamim Jacquerie Vogel, All Rights Reserved

This appreciation will be surely barren and inautntica; but it is not possible that the men accept the refutabilidade of certain images. Certain, it is that the advertising and the press control enough and strong these poor times, but is surprising the plasticity of this system; it is admirable the capacity of insult and elogiosa illusion that the people receive and feed in certain advertising campaigns, submitting all to all the luck of offences. It has that to be itself perplexo with these propagandas, ahead of the necessity not to use subterfuges to accumulate of stocks the people-product; therefore the aluso or the hint is not more necessary; it is said directly: – Deodorant x Uses and obtains many women; – New car t Buys, and it does not change of car, changes of life! This in fact is a prodigy, therefore the enganosa spalling of ideas arrived at the way masses that are not more at least disguise. On the other hand, the advertising executives seem to be more sincere, in way that, if for hypothesis, some person it obtains to understand its gift, it could be astonishhed, it can try to discover what it is illusion and what it is reality He seems honest demagogicamente. But, what the Sr.a Claire Demar would say, sainsimoniana feminist, opposite to the apelos of this advertising, incrivelmente carried through in century XXI? , what the Sr.a Claire would say for likeable and beautiful young woman who desires the likeable youngster as its dream of consumption in a propaganda of determined gasoline mark. Certain made, Mrs. Claire arrived to affirm that: ' ' the revolution in the conjugal customs does not become in the esquina of the streets or public square, during three beautiful days of sun, but if it carries through in all the hours, in all the places (&) in the long nights that transcorrem dull and cold, as as much in the conjugal alcove exist.


The logical text it author does not distort no psychological reflection in the previous chapters, only supports some hallucinations which the reader nor if of the account due the game of dramatical situations where he is involved. Everything blows up in an astronomical scale in them buys at auction ends of the drama, is where it succeeds the surreal reality, where the author dives in the fancy where the protagonist is the main one and perhaps the only focus. But what to say of the presence of Anita, what Donato wants to insinuate with presence, independent of psychic philosophical speculation and yes, the incorporeal presence of Anita, as fantasioso specter of the fertile imagination of Eduardo.

The presence considered in the previous chapters denotes a presence of vulgarity and sexual libido in tenra age of the young, that lives in the esplendoroso climate of sexuality and passion. In the esquina, decided Eduardo (resoluto) looks at last time for the window of the attic. In this hour, in hic hour, of the Latin, at the accurate moment, the present instant, the glasses had not confided (to unseal), the face and the face of Anita only appears for Eduardo, after the moved away flowers sees it completely to Eduardo. In the truth it did not have flowers, or any object in the hour where Eduardo sees Anita, already deceased, the author uses these alegorias to give sustenance to the subject, but in the truth Eduardo did not obtain to see nothing in around, for the scare where its mind comes across in relation to the mirage. Anita if presents completely and not only the face and later the body. It goes down until it, fantasiosamente paina it in air, as she is added to the power of the specters to float and its hands were crispadas, is the same that to encrespar or to franzir.

Benedict Nunes

Already in Anti-Picture the poet comes close itself to the ideas of the concretistas of the decade of 1950 and also suffers direct influence, according to Benedict Nunes, from Mario Faustino, with the book the Man and Its Hour (1955). In its as book, Max Martins starts to launch it the aesthetic universe would emancipate that it of drummonianas roots e, more still would become, it bonanza of the artistic point of view. We would still say, finally, that the style of Max Martins, in the book in question, is leagued, perhaps of unconscious and/or indirect form, to the one of the poet Joo Cabral de Melo Grandson, in special in what it says respect to the language antidiscursiva and to the so characteristic tone of impessoalidade of this author. With this, we can say that, estilisticamente, the difference between the Stranger and Anti-Picture is not of only 8 years, but yes, of 20 or 25 years. Anti-Picture is a book whose thematic essence is intent in poetical making, impossible not to notice the metapotico text of the book as a whole.

What it cannot be confused with what we call thematic unit, present in the previous book. Perhaps if it finds, in its as book, ' ' psychology of composio' ' (making analogy the Cabral Joo) of Max Martins. The three first poems of the book, ' ' The Estranho' ' , ' ' Aprendiz' ' ' ' Max, lean poeta' ' , they are interesting to say itself of this question of the metapoesia, since all invoke the perspiration that exceeds the inspiration way to the crisis it to make poetical or to become it poet. Valley to stand out despite this reflection on the poetry, in three poems, seems to turn itself toward the proper author, that is, I-lyric it speaks on the poetry of the author.

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