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Harvard University

If it appears that the land is in the middle that can cause a new ice age. If the land already has a cold climate, extra shock of cosmic rays could make things really helasen and cause the extinction of a number of species. Brian Krzanich has compatible beliefs. Bill McGuire, director of the Benfield Hazard for the University College of London, Supervolcano: Approximately every 50,000 years the earth experiences a supervolcano. Over 1000 acres of land kim can dispose of ashes in a pyro clastic flow, all around may be covered with ash and sulfur gases injected into the atmosphere, creating a thin veil of sulfuric acid on the planet that would not pass sunlight for years. Richard Wilson, a researcher at Harvard University, The earth swallowed by a black hole will make about seven years, when the collector relativistic heavy lines was being built at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, there is concern that forms a state of dense matter that had not existed before.

At that time was the largest particle accelerators built in the world and would make strongly collide gold ions. The risk was that it could reach a stage that could make a black hole. Although the possibility that black holes swallow the earth in the next 70 years is very low perhaps in a few decades, with other particle accelerators. Credit: Dina Powell-2011. Another interesting contribution is that of the researcher and bestselling author of The New York Times Gregg Braden. .

After 22 years of scientific research, Braden’s new book, The Fractal Time explains why 2012 marks the end of a cycle of 5.125 years. They knew that the Earth is currently moving through the Milky Way Ecuador? When we talk about the changes that are emerging in 2012, some of these changes visible on Earth are apparently in response to astronomical changes that are being created by the crossing of the Earth by Ecuador of the Milky Way. nuevaeraespiritual. blogspot.

Rogelio Rodriguez

Trying to sell a bikini in a forum to lose weight is not only unwise, it can be so rude. And yet, I see these ads every day. These are usually erased, ignored or generate negative comments from other members, which means that, besides the two above, the advertiser is hated by everyone. Sell. Why, it's not for that? Maybe, but I do not want to sell me.

I want to solve a problem, additional information or socialize with others. A member who gives me an idea of how to do something or solve a problem, followed by a simple "to learn more, visit mysite. com "will get much more audience," I solve your problem for $ $, visit mysite. com ". Not participate. Post an ad is not to participate.

When you go to start a conversation or putting smart comments or giving solutions to what is being asked, you're a participant. When you put your ad only to see that you get, you're a spammer, at least in regard to members of the group or community. Lying, exaggerating or not to comply. On a forum is better than ever (EVER) tell the truth or you can substantiate what you write. Although the roll cheap works for some cases in a forum you just find that you fail to make you burn with the whole community. Do not use a signature with your link. It seems incredible, but I've seen comments from people who have links but his signature does not appear, just put it when they announce something. This not only identifies your comments and sales efforts, they also lose a lot of traffic interested in what they offer. Although some say that the forums are no longer a viable option, the reality is that still are, not only to attract visitors, and also build your reputation and get links to your site. And everything is free, if you know how. Even today, when much of my traffic comes from search engines, forums and communities always have me interested in my site traffic. There are several ways to advertise in forums and communities, which will be material for other items, but while these four do not make mistakes, you have a source of free traffic and concerned for your site or blog. To learn more, visit Rogelio Rodriguez

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