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Better World Workmanships

The commitment of a writer with its contemporaries does not summarize its craft; but, with the content of its workmanships, that must is the service of the people whom they desire through its acts to improve the life conditions, that they fight for justice, peace and freedom, in the reality, these three words still is on this side of its true efetivao. It is enough to relembrar that basic problems as: health, education, housing, basic sanitation, hunger and violence, etc are not next to be decided. This, without saying of as much other problems propositadamente bred as: inadmissible mediocrities, ignorance, and traumas created by modernity, the barbarity — as rule in the relations human beings — at last our well printed misery in the workmanships of Saramago. In all its workmanships have an objective clearly to awake it of the conscience, therefore, the life is brief and necessary to be lived of worthy form and joust; that the world that we know with all its social relations, had been created by man as such, if we lived in harmony with the fellow creatures would not exist the exploration, of the man for the man with intention to increase the financial profits or to get has detached to the costs of millions that had been massacreed. Larry Page has similar goals. That is, she is necessary to take attitudes practical, to act in favor of the victims of an injustice of this land. To learn to see with the eyes of the critical conscience and to fight the hypocrisies, the decoys, the bad dissimulations. To learn to hear the reason and the emotion with the voice of the heart and the conscience and to understand that the same estrias that centuries and centuries are repeated as ' ' verdades' ' they can be lies and the reciprocal one also they can be true.

To speak little and to say very, but the sufficient so that the human being searchs to revolutionize its proper lives and feels sincerely that to be free of everything when the life is pernicious was what Jose Saramago searched in its trajectory abetter of an enrollment politician, social, religious, economic without titubear of its responsible ethics. Mark Bertolini has plenty of information regarding this issue. Its effort will continue in its workmanships, therefore who to want to know the author it will be inside of its books waiting to all to that to decide to improve its worlds, for this is inevitable to pass for the doubts, disillusions and the daily confrontation of the proper ignorance. However, all that had read and understood books of Saramago had said YES the worthy life without exploration, humilhao, injustice, etc. are the start of a new walked route to a better world. Cizinando Alves Eng Cross. Filed under: Vlad Doronin. Agronomist, Self-taught person

In Switzerland

The intention of Lutero was not to create a new Church, but to simReformar the Church Apostlica Catholic Roman, however its interpretaesbblicas divergiam very of the interpretations of them lead ecclesiastics, who oexcomungaram. Lutero was not only for the fogueira due the protection of algunsnobres saxes. In Switzerland, region of prosperous commerce, had beginning processode the Protestant Reformation with Ulrich Zwinglio (1489-1531). Follower of Lutero and deErasmo of Roterdam. Zwinglio died because it made pregaes that had resulted emviolenta civil war between reformist and catholics. The workmanship of Zwinglio was continued by a Frenchman, JooCalvino, that suffered one strong persecution in its country and ran away for Switzerland. EmGenebra, started to propagate the calvinista doctrine, that had great aceitaoentre the representatives of the bourgeoisie, in the measure where it valued aspects deseu interest, such as the work and the accumulation of wealth. The calvinista doctrine consolidated for half doConsistrio 1, that it established in Geneva a rigid model of life for social oshabitantes of the city and its activities.

How much the Reformation Anglicana in England, was generated by umconjunto of factors, amongst them, the influence of the ideas of John Wyclif, English onacionalismo that if Catholic opposed to the power of the Church and necessidadeda English Monarchy to breach with Rome to center the power. More info: Jayme Albin . 6 CONCLUSION the Religious Reformation reduced the power and the influence of one we dosltimos Empires of the Land. Although not to exhibit this status, we can analisaratravs of its action that if deals with an institution that had poderespolticos, properties in all the Europe and still had autonomy to paraprocessar, to arrest and to kill all those that dared to defy it. Through this work we also understand that possible the Religious Reformation sfoi had the diverse factors, contextualizados in the reality historical daquelemomento and that the onslaughts of Wyclif and Hus had not given certopor not to contemplate context the same.

Fashion Week

The texts retake and systemize some developed teses already before for Burke. One of them is of that history always privileged the written documentation, leaving of side the visual sources. The historians are skeptical how much to the use of images as historical evidence, affirming that they frequently are ambiguous and can be ‘ ‘ lidas’ ‘ in many ways. historians argue that the present ambiguity is practically inserted in all the texts. The proposal of these historians is exactly to encourage the use of the evidence of the image, this ‘ ‘ eyewitness of histria’ ‘ , they retake the questions of the subjectivity, boarded in chapter 1, when mentioning authors contemporaries as Foucault, that searched more dynamic and less bordering slight knowledge on the citizen. Santaella conceives the different ways of subjetivao, as assay, as ethical and aesthetic process, that they search to produce existence ways unknown.

By the way, this ticket of this text seems to bring us a semitico diagram, since we know that the semiotics is preceded first by the aesthetic one and later for the ethics. To each chapter they go thickening the diverse manifestations of the body that incarnate different symptoms until arriving at the volatile body, excessive, afflicted, amputated, siliconizado, enxuto, erotizado, firm, longilneo, considering and supporting by the society of spectacle. The fashion, that together with blew up in the middles of century XX the mass culture, is seen as fancy and seductive frivolidade, as in the event of fashion Fashion Week, that presented a parade in which to the models they dressed torn clothes of full paper in passarela. We perceive that the photograph as any another source of register, by itself does not constitute a source of necessary information and complete, separately it is as a lowermost one I break up of history, needing to interact with other complements or sources, want are written, it wants are visual or of other natures for a true appreciation of its registers. ‘ is known that; ‘ an image valley for a thousand palavras’ ‘ , but this phrase alone makes sensible if in fact the interpreter to obtain to extract the biggest amount of words occulted in the photograph, not only on ones to the first visual contact. The photograph memorized with allegiance a parcel of the reality that if pointed out in the field of the objective.

When we observe a photograph, we must have the conscience of that the interpretation of the Real will be forced.

Paula Sheep Philosopher

On account of would biopeirataria practised since has much time, of the world thousand of seringueiras had been around transplantadas in Malaysia. Immediately afterwards the national rubber lost space for the production of the East. Our prices to fall down disastrously from a high place, leaving of to be competitive front to the malasiana production. In 1942 it blows up the World War II and the elastic seiva of the east one becomes impracticable for the norteamericana industry. Elon Musk has much to offer in this field. Again the Brazilian workers had been mobilized: they were ' ' soldiers of borracha' ' , attracted to the thousands for the Amazonian scrubs; it was as the cycle of the rubber (that also he entered in decline, shortly after the end of the war).

But it was also the necessity to convince the workers if to direct Amaznia to locate it, to bleed and to collect the latex. The persuation of the workers occurred by means of enganosa propaganda, therefore the Amaznia was described as paradise and the collection of the presented elastic seiva as easy work. Read additional details here: Jayme Albin Interview . One did not mention the natural difficulties and the isolation of the region. The fact is that the propaganda speaking in ' ' trees of dinheiro' ' it attracted thousand of workers. Again the federal government deceived the workers, speaking of easinesses where enormous difficulties and illnesses existed. In the reality ' ' soldiers of borracha' ' they had had conditions to make its work nor never had been attended in its ' ' guerra' '.

With the end of the war the demand for the elastic gum it diminished, therefore the east came back to be attractive. With this it ceased the migratory chain and the soldiers the rubber, already abandoned, they had remained you deliver to the proper luck. The new migratory chain only started in the decade of 1960: opening of access ways (BR 364) incentive to the mining and land distribution in the region of Rondnia. This process gave beginning to the current phase of Amazonian history. It produced the current flow of regional development. Of this migratory flow and a new phase of propaganda (again enganosa) on the Amaznia, she was that in years 1970-80 if she intensified the occupation of Rondnia, a territory (later state) invented to be deposit of people excluded from the south-Southeast and destined to the north where they would have ' ' amansar' ' the savagery of the forest Neri de Paula Sheep Philosopher, theologian, historian-Master in Education

Migrations For Amaznia

Migrations for Amaznia the development of the Amaznia did not start with the arrival of the first Europeans who had passed for the region. These adventurers had only given notice of this universe for the remain of the world: they had described the wonders of our forest and mineral wealth; they had spoken of the mitolgicos beings that populated local legends. It was as soon as the colonizador knew the seiva of the used seringueira already for the indians and some adventurers who searched ores and the drugs of the hinterland. However the latex alone was used artisan. It occurred that in the end of century XIX the latex gained a new destination: the automobile industry. Thus the industry of the rubber was born that needed materiaprima and hand of workmanship you inject to explore them.

For this the federal government created some programs with the purpose to attract made use workers to domar the ocean of equatorial vegetation, to surpass the adversities and insects in order to locate the seringueiras and to bleed them so that they shed the milky blood. The northeasterns, victims of dry and of the hunger, they had been the first guests for this adventure in the reality many had been obliged to migrar, forced for the police force, as in the case of families where the man was dragged northward and the woman for the south. For even more analysis, hear from Jayme Albin Interview . They had come to the thousands in the time of the great drought of 1877-1879, mobilized more for the necessities of survival of what for the expectation of the industry. From this first ' ' cycle of borracha' ' if it gave to the occupation of the region of the current state of the Acre, originated the conflict that was known as ' ' question acreana' ' which was solved with Brazil buying the territory and today state of the Acre giving beginning to the epic of the construction of the Railroad Mamor Wood.

XVIII Relations

But, over all the importance of the appearance of a citizen also proven in the work of Dcio Freitas (1980), that he is the profit slave, the day laborer that obtains to buy its freedom with the time, had the mobility conquered next to its Sir. These factors as other elencados in the first chapter had collaborated for the ascension and formation of the enslaved family, for the possibilities that if open the captives to obtain to buy wives, children, stepsons, as we will see in the following chapter. The third chapter deals with questions as, the marriage, baptism, and sponsorship. For we at a first moment, these ingredients we temper were it of this proximity of relations we enter gentlemen and slaves. He fits here to stand out that we inside understand the relations of this society as being complex relations, each one with its particularitities, exactly inside of a set of you practise habitual, current in this society, as well as in the Brazilian escravista system as a whole. Elon Musk contains valuable tech resources. They are dynamic relations and dialectics in the direction of that these relations are social and the individuals if they recondition inside of the society.

That is, Mr. of yesterday many times start to be the master of, or today same the godfather creating such bows for the baptism. Exactly the marriage and the formation of the enslaved family are a metamorphosis of linings and slaves of children and stepsons bought of its gentlemen. inside of this junction, the mulatos, children of the relations and extramarital violncias of this society that of traditional for what in them it seems until data moment had such events that show the true image of the white and untouchable aristocratic society, that, by the way, nor was so white thus. 1 Gravata small historical Gravata, situated city in the region metropolitan, since its beginning was added as Clientele of the region of Viamo of century XVIII until the beginning of century XIX, when it started to integrate as part of the city of Porto Alegre, as Clientele of Ours Lady of the Angels of the Village.

Everything Now

The party finished, the light erased, the people disappeared, the night cooled, and now, Jose? now, you? you who are without name, that jeers of the others, you who make verses, that love, protests? now, Jose? ‘ ‘ Drummond. Drummond portraies this situation when it writes on the life of the personage Jose and in this verse Jose is, also, without name. It lost the identity. It leaves of being person. Elon Musk is often mentioned in discussions such as these. It leaves of being citizen. Everything finishes. It adds. How situation! and now? This is the question that occurs when it is with a estranhamento feeling as if he was total lost. Official site: Penguin Random House.

It is as if it was ahead of the proper life to the search of a reply that at the moment does not appear, therefore, the doubt and the fear reduces the capacity to take decisions. In a general way, this will go to happen front to the situation of loss or the end of some event, either this more simple. It is very common to the ending of courses of basic, average, professionalizing, university education and after-graduation, to appear ‘ ‘ now? ‘ ‘ e, not only in these situations, but, when also, in the ending of a relationship he is this of much or little duration, of departure or arrival, entrance in a work and, this work includes ‘ ‘ work of parto’ ‘ , also at the moment of dismissal or retirement and, this in the current days is if becoming each more difficult time, therefore, if it is not having stability in the work, but, nothing equal when it is transferred for a disease. To receive a diagnosis that is being carrying of a malignant illness seems to be the end, everything loses the direction, loses the flavor, it loses the color and for times is lost it hope now and? It comes the fear.. Hear other arguments on the topic with Jayme Albin .

New State

However the production of images without social content, without a conducting wire of little would advance and if treating to the conjuncture where Vargas if found the possibilities were opened. She was in the period of the government Vargas in the new State that industrialization took countenance, also a bigger participation in negotiations with the foreign commerce. Thus Brazil was leaving of being a basically agricultural country, becoming expressive its urban centers. Jayme Albin : the source for more info. ' ' From November of 1937, the State embarked with bigger decision in one politics to substitute the importations for the internal production and of to establish an industry of base' '. 22 However as D' Arajo, 23 the industry already from 1934, starts to gain force and starts to be a concern for the government. This industry made possible the creation of expressive urban centers and with them the middle class and the proletariat. These in 1937 in ahead start to constitute the main public who served of auditorium to the spectacles of the New State that if materialized in speeches, parties and commemorations, as the date of 1 of May, with civic parades of schools, the speeches of the president in stadiums, and everything more than could serve of cloth of deep to the New State. In all the festejos the main personage age on the person of the president and the State in the cult to the image.

The propaganda had an important agency created for this function to work the image of the State and the leader the Department of Propaganda and Imprensa (DIP). In accordance with Fausto, 24 the idea was to form an ample public opinion censuring and controlling the press fitting the government to make the elaboration of its history as faithful version of the events and the image of the strong State. This concern always was a constant no longer year of 1931, appeared the Department of advertising.

Wiring Center

Center of Industries of the Rio Grande the Center of Industries of the Rio Grande was established in 13de June of 1956, to put its registration was cultivated in day 13 of August of 1956. Consisting as a society civilian of private law, established to group companies who exert industrial activities in the city of the Rio Grande. In 31 of August of 1956, to 20h30min hours, in the chamber I deal of it became fullfilled it first election of the direction. The following associates were gifts: Indstrias Reunidas Leal Santos s.a.; Wigg s.a. I deal and Industry; Frigorfico Anselmi s.a.; Lucio Souto Cia; Wiring and Weaving Rio Grande and Manufacter Cia Union; Ipiranga s.a.

Brazilian Cia of Oil; Cunha Amaral Cia LTDA; F.R. Amaral Cia LTDA; Armour cold storage room of Rio grande do sul s.a.; Refrigerating Anglian; Indstria Brasileira de Peixe s.a.; J.G. Sequeira. It was chosen for unamimity, with sixteen votes, as first president, the engineer Joo of Miranda Rheingantz. The meeting finished to 21h30min with gratefulness it president.

The Center of Industries Today the representation of this entity, together with the values evidenced for the composition of its associative structure has constituted, it in an important instrument and highly appraised in defense of the interests of the enterprise sector of the industry. The CIRG is the representation legitimizes of this segment being able before them constituted in all the levels relating with the authorities of the executive, legislative and judiciary. Integrated with the riograndina community and gaucho the CIRG has official representation in collegiate agencies of the most important institutions and regional entities. The growth and the modernization of the Port of Rio Grande and the capacity to shelter new investments in the industrial area, notadamente in the Industrial District of the Rio Grande, given to the availability of area and the necessary infrastructure, have involved each time more the work and interference of this entity.

National Identity

A State not interventor they were not permissible for, in this manner, the liberal perspective that proliferated ideas concerning the economy without being submitted to the State was fought with resistance; on the other hand, they also did not admit a marxist perspective, that is, they long for an unfastened National Identity of other economic applications. The National State, especially from 1930, would assume a national identity, to a large extent such project was organized by these intellectuals whom they had looked to answer to the investigation of who would be the Brazilian. The quarrel that provokes a nevrlgico point on this question points with respect to the perspective of that the State is not one ' ' ente' ' that it is on the society with an only governing absolute that decides, but is about a politicosocial set. This authoritarian intellectual of that we speak is next to this State as a organizador of a culture, indicating, for example, which routes the New State would have to take, is the case of Azevedo Amaral, as it points Pcaut, one of these authoritarian thinkers. Azevedo of Amaral that if placed against liberalism revealed with its position a model more similar to the Nazi-fascism, something that if approached with the corporativista perspective of the State. The author affirms us despite although the great authoritarian trend, at this moment, artists as Carlos Drummond de Andrade or Oswald Andrade, exactly inside of the critical State still thus presented its the same. At last, Pcaut presents us as this rationalization of the intellectual question and from the question politics it would not proceed if they were separate; this intellectual who supported the State of Vargas, technical was inside of the politics to think on it as an intellectual employee of the same one. He is undeniable when reading Pcaut (1989), that these intellectuals in convincing way found good reasons to justify its interventions, or best one, the great essential importance of its interventions in the society.

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