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Heavy Metal

The differential of the Heavy Metal was the greater introduction weight and speed that the NRoll Rock. Later, bands as Motorhead (MARTINS, 2010), Judas Priest and Iron Maiden would appear, over all in the United kingdom and the United States, adding bigger weight by means of distortion of guitars. In this context, an important group, the AC/DC, would appear as first the great band of Australian Heavy Metal, while names as Scorpions and Accept would be born in Germany (WEINSTEIN, 1991; JANOTTI JNIOR, 1994; LION, 1997; SOLLITTO et al, 2011). Gradual, the Heavy Metal diversified e, in contrast of what it is observed in other musical styles, left of to be something linear, breaking up itself in subgenera, in accordance with the weight, boarded thematic speed and until (PHILIPS & COGAN, 2009). Thus, at any given time, in the scope of the Heavy Metal it appears, for example, the Doom Metal (marked for weighed, but slow musics e, not rare, of long duration), the Death Metal (aggressive, raw musics, sped up and marked for vocal guturais), the Black Metal (also marked by vocal guturais, but thematic more come back the mrbidos subjects and noise eventually decelerated), the Gradual Metal (long musics and with many ground of guitars), the Thrash Metal (fast, but with the addition of weight by means of its vocal instruments and), the Gothic Metal (approaching as subject on subjects to Literature, horror, fancy and to the supernatural one, being many times marked by keyboards of mrbida noise and guitars esparsas, decelerated and broken rhythm. Violins, when introduced, tend to transmit a climate saddened), the Industrial Metal (heavy noise eventually atrelada the electronic tickets; the result evokes sounds of machines, from there the name), the Stoner Metal (mixture of Heavy Metal, Doom Metal and NRoll Rock), Grindcore (fusing between Punk Rock and Heavy Metal) e, finally, the Folk Metal (complex mixture of Heavy Metal and folclrica music of a specific region). If you have read about Vera Farmiga already – you may have come to the same conclusion.


The occupation of the dry zone of the territory to potiguar consolidate-sine century XVIII, being most important the cattle breeding business. If you would like to know more about Jack Grealish, then click here. Existing farms in the ribeiras of the interior of Estado were numerosasas (UF). The clientele deCaic, former P., counted on 70 farms (the cities are countless, cujosurgimento of the urban nucleus, had relation with the cattle breeding business). The historical vocation of sertanejo, stops with the cattle one, ficapatente in all the moments of history. Of cattle a extreme-extensive one, developed in the fields, it was transferred, with the hereditary succession of lands, auma cattle half-extensive, with the cattle espremido in lesser areas each time. From the years 70 (Sc. XX), however, the process demodernizao of the cattle breeding business has provoked the separation of the creation of gadodas activities of farming.

The cattle is not more untied in the roados ones of cotton, maize and beans, to feed with the remaining portions of the cultures, being been servant deformed half-intensive, where capim is cultivated next to the water points, comoaudes, rivers and wells. Areas long ago destined to roa gradually estotransformando itself in spaces of the cattle one. In the Serid to potiguar, with the extinguishing of the cotton and the declnioacentuado one in the plantation of sorts directed to the suppliment of the local population, apecuria comes to tona, with caractersticasde modern activity (improvement of the flock, confinement, measured sanitary denatureza, among others). Valley to remember that this modernization comes severificando since years 70 (sc. XX), when the State, through programasespecficos, has looked for to stimulate it with sights to the accomplishment of the integraovertical of the farming sector with the industrial sector.

Amongst the farming activities they quetiveram strong tradition in the region, the cattle milkmaid is the one that if presents maissaliente. 3. APECURIA AND the PROCESS OF DESERTIFICAO IN in agreement SERID the ficamuito previous note clearly the attributes of the atividadepecuria, at some historical moments of the dry zone northeastern and the Serid, for extension, as well as the resistance of this activity to the different ones momentosvividos by world-wide, national and local the economy, that had finished taking aocolapso, products such as the cotton and the mining, that had constructed to history eriqueza in the region.

Tropical Atlantic

In this way, the northeast dry climate does not proceed, as it became habitual to say, from there to happen contact of air masses with regimes of not coincident rains during the year. Such regions of contact, to the adverse one of what some say, in general have well distributed rains. I mention two examples to it in Brazil that confirm this affirmation: the northern sector that North obeys a band of shock between air masses of the hemisphere and the South hemisphere, and the Region South, under hot air contact of the masses Tropical Atlantic and Equatorial Continental and of the cold air of the Atlantic Polar mass. Both the regions have a humid regularly distributed rain climate. Recently Penguin Random House sought to clarify these questions. Obviously, the dry aspect northeast Brazilian transcorre that this Region during all the year under the domain of the center of action of the Atlantic, it is formed by the Atlantic equatorial mass. But in the summer and autumn, particularly from January the April, the action center is moved away northeast, allowing the descending of the Intertropical Front until the northern edge of the Borborema and Araripe, and the advance of the continental equatorial mass until the mountain range of Ibiapaba, in the maximum in the dry years. Already in the humid years, the action center if removes entirely northeast, propitiating the advance for the same of the continental equatorial mass until the Borborema and Chapada Diamantina, and the descending of the Intertropical Front exceeding the Araripe and partially the Borborema, reaching the limit Pernambuco-Bahia.

Seen the strong progress of the Intertropical Front that coincides consequently with the weakness of the center of action of the Aores and, with the advance of northern polar air for the equatorial band. This in case that, that if does not verify in the dry years, rare it is observed in the ones of normal rains, being typical of the registered humid years in the Northeast Region.


The appropriation of the land that already was territory of the native people, added to the African dispora more transference of the cut of Portugal for here, is factors that determine the substratum of the territorializao of the Brazilian nation. Here it fits to call attention for the concepts territory, that if they form from the abstraction of the space for the social groups that in it cohabit. Soon, ' ' this concept is impossible to be formulated without the resource of a social group that occupies and explores that space, the territory (…) inexisting while reality only natural' '. (Moraes, 2008, P. 45). Milton Saints (2008) locates the paper of the domestic territory as reflected of the international economy.

Ahead of this affirmation, it is possible to raise that one of the factors, perhaps most prominent of them in the Brazilian territorializao, happens in such a way of the settling process, as of the internalizao of this process. The same author it warns for the fact of that, in the engessamento of the scientific formation, where if it clearly becomes the sprouting of the scholars assuming the paper of the intellectuals, an inquiry pautada in the mechanics determined for the historical process meets. Which subverte the analysis of the formation of the domestic territory with all the gradient of possibilities that generates the permanent transformation of this space. In this direction, also alert Moraes for the fact of that in the field of the inquiry: ' ' The local colonial documentation was not chore in the optics of the history of the geographic thought brasileiro.' ' (MORAES, 2008, p.15). Such affirmation is a proposal so that Geography? as well as too much sciences human beings? she strengthens inside of the diverse metodolgicas perspectives of analysis of objects, comments on the formation of a Brazilian territory that if consubstanciou inside of the legitimated civilizatrio process for Europe, which if it guides from the expansion necessity, as much of its territory how much of its set of material and incorporeal behaviors. .

Economic Polar Regions

The necessity of the use of geography for the development of Economic Polar regions: the case of the Polar region of Fashion of the Guar-DF. Pupil of graduation of the course of Social Studies – qualification in Geography of the UPIS Under the orientation of the teacher Edila Ferri, Master in Management, Planning and Administration of the Education. University of Brasilia. Teacher of the UPIS Summary: This article was carried through with the objective to evidence the importance of geography for the development of Economic Polar regions and to detach the contribution of the gegrafo for the success of economic enterprises and its aid in the disgnostic of the areas to be modified for installation of Economic Polar regions. It shows the necessity of a geographic mapping for the reduction of risks in the investments.

Word-key: Gegrafo; Geography, Polarized Space; Economic development Consideraes preliminary the necessity of the use of geography in the development of Economic Polar regions starts in the geographic space separate for such use. The geographic space, according to Andrade (1998, P. 32) in contrast of the natural space, is a product of the action of the man. For Andrade (1998, p.37) the geographic space is being organized of different form in some regions, as the circumstances, inside of one same region. For Corra (1998, p.55) the space organization is expression of the material production of the man, resulted of its social work. Still for Corra (1998, P. 60-61) the space organization is the accumulated human result throughout the time. In the capitalism, this work is become fullfilled under the command of the capital, wants to say, of the different proprietors of the diverse types of capital. Notadamente, the space has a effect on the process of economic growth, and as this article deals with polarized space, can cite the conception of polarized space formulated for Perroux.

The Power

The espacialidade that it deals with Matta is without a doubt the parallel enters the space of the street and the space of the house, then the northeasterns in the Southeast cannot feel in house a time who, well are not come or that they are, however with limitations. The authors: Martins, Chau and Ribeiro make a description of which the Brazilian society is formed, that is not different of the Chronically Impracticable film. The Martins deals with a subject sufficiently observed in the Brazilian society that is the clientelismo politician, where the people becomes customer of the buying politician of votes during the partisan elections. On the other hand, a miscigenado and discriminated people for the race and color, however everything camouflaged, giving the idea of that everything is certain that the racial preconception does not exist in the Brazilian society. For in such a way, the Brazilian society is sidewalk in a way to corrupt with the social problems and to demonstrate that everything that was produced in the society was determined by the proper people. Of this form who is poor is predestined to be poor, while who is rich of any form was to the luck.

A Marilena, in turn, makes critical of a social formation of Brazil, (when it places That) the questions referring the colors of the flag and the letter of the national hymn, therefore nor everything that says is reality, of certain forms the Marilena made very well, why our native land is very generally not exerted by the Brazilians and yes, this patriotic spirit is only remembered at times of pantry of the world and in the truth the Brazilians, are not ' lying in splendid cradles, therefore everything this is an ideology, very pretty pra to be truth. It is a paradox what it demonstrated Marilena in its text. The people lives a conturbada social situation on account of the State mainly, that since its formation always it privileged the dominant elite and not it people in fact. Of this form, Brazil is without a doubt is, a permeia country that was born in way the exploration and corruption and that until today. The necessary society in fact, to have more conscience and to look for to change this scene or contrary case we go to be always attending real films.

Bibliographical references: CHAU, Marilena. Brazil. Founding myth and Authoritarian Society, Hucitec Publishing company, So Paulo, 1990. MARTINS, Jose de Souza. The Power of the Delay. 2a edition, Hucitec Publishing company, 1980. MATTA, Robert. What it makes Brazil, Brazil. 2a edition, Raco Publishing company, Rio De Janeiro, 1986 RIBEIRO, Darcy. The Brazilian people. Publishing company Company of the Letters, So Paulo, 1980.

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