“Definition of Canon Digital (from Wikipedia.org): Canon is the compensatory remuneration for private copying or private copying levy is a rate applied to various means of recording and whose collection receive the authors, editors, producers and artists, associated to any private entity management of copyrights, in compensation for copies that are made from their work in the private sector.” Already in recent months barrel had created more than controversy to be considered illegal by various public bodies. Now, the national hearing has decided to do away with this tax, which allowed to increase the price of all digital or multimedia devices: CDs, cameras, computers, regrabadores all these items and more were affected by X % of this type of tax, where, according to associations like the SGAE, aired to ensure intellectual property. At the moment and not to create false hopes already has been said from the outset that there will be no returns; If any would be a chaos to return the money to the population, inter alia because very few people would keep the purchase receipt, and if this is difficult to verify that the object has been applied. _ _ CreativosRed News (www.creativosred.co..
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