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Editions Doing History Letter

Several leaves have been come off the calendar from the crucial moment at which Jorge Mendoza Castle, endorsed firmly by his friendly and unanimously by their family, decided to undertake it literary journalistic adventure to found a magazine on Riohacha, city where every day mass media are born and die as they arrive and the waves of their anxious sea go away. A magazine more? , somebody in dispproval tone was asked; How much it will last? Another one was asked, with incredulity accent. And thus every one went away expressing with respect to the new project. They supposed that he was simple embeleco of province journalist and one more a company of short flight, destined to increase the enormous listing of the magazines of first and unique number of the Guajira.

Who thus thought they were mistaken. They did not consider a determining factor and differentiator: the tenacity of the Mendoza Castle and, mainly, of Jorge, that from its youth, practically from the childhood, had within reach of its hand a typewriter with which it was helped to put in black and white their surprising ideas exceed to the popular art; its rigorous vision about the centennial history of the Caribbean; to its delight by the biographical chronicle structured good; to the news article from province for means of the capital. In short, while the adolescents of their generation dreamed about someday dancing in the style of John Travolta, or in enjoying last Diomedes, Jorge caressed the idea to see its name the foot of an article in the Spectator or the Heraldo, The Freedom or the Time. While their schoolmates gave any thing to have a new car although outside lent, Jorge kept awake to see his name in the cover of a book in which he expressed histories that sailed by their mind of visionary man.

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