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In order to work they have found interesting and challenging projects because they understand clearly that in the modern world people preferably want to feel more healthful and cheer, he fears to him to the aging and he would give what is to resist these evils of the accelerated modern world. The tendencies economic perfectly of the 21st century know that the masificacin of the Internet and the massive vitamin consumption or nutrients walk towards antioxidants or antiaging. They are you allow apart from which using the modern systems of communication they do not need to move of the house to knead great fortunes, they contact and they educate to thousands of consumers by means of a novel system of interactive distribution or networks. From the above, doubt that does not fit the heads and the traditional use they are happening to better life, that is to say, they are dying slowly, are a species in extinction but that no has still worried about this surprising phenomenon. Finally, it is necessary abrir the mind against the megatendencias of the world in the 21st century, like: a) The tendency to the extinction of the traditional use, b) the masificacin of the Internet, c) the system of interactive work or networks and d) the massive consumption of nutritious products or vitamins. The technology is changing and the work system also. The most profitable works are doing from the own place of residence or the own offices, no longer it is necessary to leave outside. You can travel to another place and make the business during the same.


The minimal conditions to be able to choose to obtain the enterprise classification on the part of the Administration are the following: To have own bottoms superiors to 6,000 Euros. That the countable net patrimony is major that half of the share capital. To have the book of inventories or the registered annual accounts. The use of the classification of companies is indefinite, whenever the conditions stay on the part of the classified company on which the concession was based. Although the use is indefinite is necessary to justify annually the economic solution of the classified company and every three years the technical and professional solution.

Whenever the company wishes to increase the groups or categories for which it is classified can ask for a revision of the classification of companies. The revision also can ask for it the administration if it has detected some change in the conditions on which this concession was based. In order to obtain the classification of work companies, the minimum own bottoms that are demanded are the following: Category To minimum bottoms 6,000 Euros Category B minimum bottoms 12,000 Euros Category C minimum bottoms 24,000 Euros Category D minimum bottoms 72,000 Euros Minimum category and bottoms 168,000 Euros Category F minimum bottoms 480,000 Euros In order to obtain the classification of companies of services the average annuity considers and the categories are the following: Category To if the average annuity is inferior to 150,000 Euros Category B if the average annuity is included/understood between 150,000 and 300,000 Euros Category C if the average annuity is included/understood between 300,000 and 600,000 Euros Category D if the average annuity is equal or superior to 600,000 Euros. To secure that a company obtains the enterprise classification is an arduous work in which several justificatory documents of the good economic and technical health of the company are due to present/display, for that reason is advisable that is a consultant specialized in these subjects the one that are in charge of the proceedings. These companies that are dedicated to manage classification files go on a daily basis to the Advisory board with new files, which entails to be informed at any moment into the march of any presented/displayed form, therefore if it is necessary to present/display more documentation in some tactical mission they solve, it with the greater rapidity possible so that file follows its course normal and as rapidly as possible to obtain the classification for the company client. A company that has obtained the enterprise classification, facing its clients has been able to increase its credibility since to be able to work with the Administration it demonstrates that the company is reliable economically and has the average technicians and humans necessary to carry out his work effectively. We transact its files of classification of companies so that its company obtains the enterprise classification. It can contact in: Original author and source of the article

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