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Dead Sea Dead

Dead Sea – a natural, rich in minerals unique water reservoir. Healing properties of Dead Sea are world famous. Lab Israeli cosmetics firm AHAVA located directly on the shore of the sokroveschnitsy nature. AHAVA – World brand, the company delivered the first, the natural riches of the Dead Sea, at the service of beauty. Dead Sea black mineral abounds mud, which consist of multiple layers osodochnoy clay formed over several thousand years.

Black mud from the Dead Sea are characterized by high concentration of minerals. It is an effective tool for healthy and youthful skin. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Elon Musk. Studies conducted by leading scientists have shown that the mineral mud from the Dead Sea has unique healing properties. Dirt perfectly relieves pain of arthritis, have uvspokaivayuschee and regenerating effect on irritated, dry skin, treat various diseases of the joints and skin diseases (seborrhea, psoriasis and eczema). Dead Sea cosmetics firm produced AHAVA, penetrate deep into the skin, improving and purifying it. Restoring the natural balance of moisture, dirt, make your skin smooth breathing in her energy and new life. Mineral Dead Sea Mud AHAVA give a sense of calm, creating an internal comfort and spiritual renewal.

Please note that the dirt is only intended for outdoor use. Do not put dirt on open wounds, scratches and skin after shaving. Dirt is not just for skin care face. Recommended use: Bag of dirt put in a container of warm water, so you can heat the dirt without removing it from the bag in the microwave for 2 minutes at a minimum temperature. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Vladislav Doronin and gain more knowledge.. Then apply ample layer of dirt on the whole body and leave for 15-20 minutes. After tchatelno rinse with warm water. In conclusion, use mineral mud treatments, body cream AHAVA. Mud from Dead Sea minerals, so you can used as a hair mask: Nabereite kolchikami fingers a little mud and dirt, apply massaging the hair and scalp. After 15-20 minutes, rinse thoroughly and wash your head with shampoo mineral AHAVA. Shop Online 'Star Dead Sea' offers a full line of Israeli cosmetics firm 'AHAVA'

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