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Ecological Economy

General considerations, reach and repercussions the characteristics of the ecological reality in the present she is subject to commitment, active participation of the governments, to guarantee the preservation of the environment, the necessity to be kind before the reality of this in pro of the guarantee of the planet Earth, of course, all this it entails to that much interest is taken him to it reaches, repercussions that laeconoma generates ecological in the present. One comments, that is due to be kind in relation to protecting to administer the nature that it is the vital support of the humanity, we need to knowledge on the nature and the relations between the societies and their means. For that reason uncertainty with respect to the consequences of our actions exists, which as well supposes to adopt precautionary principles and approaches abiertos to the social participation since the scientific knowledge is insufficient. Use of the theory of systems, originating of natural sciences, to include/understand the dynamics and evolution of the problems. The intragenerational questions of fairness and Inter distribution and are fundamental. The nature has a value by itself, independent of its use or utility for the humans. The economy is integrated in ampler cultural and social systems in such a way that nature, economy and society coevolve.

The social and cultural aspects acquire much importance to guarantee exactly good sostenibiliad is had to the ecological economy. What includes/understands this ecological economy? , on the matter Wikipedia contributes to us, that defined as the science and management of the sustainability or as the study and valuation of (in) the sustainability, are not a branch of the economic theory, but a field of study to transdisciplinar. What means that each expert in a science, for example Biology, knows a little economy, physics or others, in order to communicate enter investigating and to realise a fusion of knowledge that allows to confront better the problems, orient than it and motivate, since the usual economic approach no it is considered suitable.

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