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Federative Republic

It is also known, that the nurse has knowledge regarding administration to be a good manager, therefore is essential the union of the theory (knowledge) with practical the day to day one. With this, the controlling nurses of UBS establish an effective relation between the object and the purpose of its process of work, that is, the managemental actions are directed to the attendance of the necessities of health of the clientele. Therefore, the management as instrument of the process of work in the organization of health services, implies in the taking of decisions that affect the structure, the process of production and the product of a system, aiming at action that they make possible impactantes interventions in the process of work in health, that is, to make possible ways for installment of the assistance to the clientele with efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness, in order to make possible the satisfaction of the necessities of health of this clientele, and this only can be possible if the professionals of the area to give value manage as it deserves, specializing if and taking new knowledge in this context. .

Latin American

For such end, the Group Common Market GMC will be able to establish or to convoke panels of specialists or groups of connoisseurs with the objective to count on advising technician. If in the scope of the Group Common Market GMC neither will be reached a solution, the controversy will be taken to the Advice Common Market CMC, so that this adopts the pertinent recommendations. Conclue, thus, when if it finds a consensus, differently of an exempt decision, where somebody would leave losing, what he would be less advantageous for the economy. Being, therefore ' ' Arbitrational court of the Mercosul' ' an improper forum to the legal relationships between private companies or interests, therefore involves governmental politics. 2. 2. Private Arbitrational courts Brought in the bulge of the foreign investments, speeding the solution of the modern mercantile conflicts.

They have the arbitration ' ' ad hoc ' ' (11) the necessary characteristics to the contemporary globalizado commerce, through the judgments technician, of the confidencialidade and the procedural celeridade. According to GROSSMANN, (2003) in the words of the Attorney general of Justice of the State of the Paran, Ciro Expedito Scheraiber: ' ' It affirms Landmarks Pablo de Almeida Salles, of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil/Canada, in interview to the Leading Brazilian business newspaper Latin American, who the arbitration increases in the measure where it has the increment of the foreign investments in the country. It considers Salles that Brazil is the country that has greater development in private arbitration, therefore its law is ' ' much boa' ' ' '. In honrosa exception, Chile did not need to adapt its legislation, as affirmation of the President of the Center of Arbitrajes y Mediaciones of Santiago-Chile, Dr. Carlos Eugnio Jorquiera, ' ' legislacin Chilean there relative to the arbitrational juicio, contenida en el Code Orgnico de Tribunales (C.O.T.) y en el Code of Civil Procedimiento (C.P.C.), you are adecuada y in ha meant un obstacle for el desarrollo del arbitraje, especially en el area comercial.' ' ' ' Such application has if coated in valid resource for pacification of conflicts inside of national economic segments, it is enabled now in its adequacy to the relations of the block of the south cone between ' ' entes' ' private to the performance of excellent mission.

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