State College

The present work were developed and lived deeply in the State College Ip-Purple located in the zone north of the city of Estuary of the Iguau, in the quarter New City (attached) whose used methodology was a questionnaire, considered in chapter 12, of the book ‘ ‘ Methods and techniques of social research, the Gil (Antonio Carlos Gil, 1999). This is composed of five closed questions (appendix). The research work was carried through with twenty and five pupils of basic education, the research approaches the conscience of the families in the destination of its residues with approach in the kitchen oil after-consumes. The results will be presented in form of graphs. Of the twenty and five questionnaires you deliver to the pupils all had been answered. 3 RESULTS Appear 1. Jayme Albin Interview may also support this cause.

‘ ‘ According to art. 3, Law 6938/81 ‘ ‘ environment ‘ ‘ it is the set of conditions, laws, influences interaction of physical, chemical and biological order, that allows, shelters and conducts the life and all its formas’ ‘. In figure 1 it is observed majority of the interviewed ones (88%) understands that the environment is not only one coadjuvante factor in the society. Figure 2. In relation to the consumption of the soy oil, as figure 2, can be said that all consume the interviewed ones it, indicating the necessity to acquire knowledge the ambient if discarded impact of irregular form to the environment, but also to stimulate the reutilizao of this exactly residue in soap form.

The vegetal oil is an extracted fat of plants. Brazil makes use of a great diversity of vegetal species oleaginosas such as the sunflower, maize, soy, oliva, rice, grape, cotton, peanut, canola, buriti, babau, mamona, dend, urucum, among others. Amongst the cited oleaginosas vegetal species, more used for the extration of the vegetal oil it is the soy.

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