South American Nations

Carlos Mora Vanegas closed the Summit where facts, agreements, opinions, proposals were to be taken into account. At this writing we have considered some that we share with those interested in these topics, such as: the Presidents of the 12 countries of South America signed in Brasilia the constitutive treaty of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and resolved to study a Brazilian proposal of creating a Council of Defence Treaty, which must still be approved by the national to enter into force conferences, establishes the objective of strengthening political dialogue and form a space of concertation to reinforce integration in the region aims to build South American identity and citizenship, welcomes democracy among its guiding principles and unrestricted respect for the sovereignty, integrity and territorial inviolability of States the new block encompasses an area where 388 million people live, and represent a domestic product Regional (GDP) gross of approximately 1.9 billion dollars, according to official data of 2006 the Presidents of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva; Bolivia, Evo Morales; Ecuador, Rafael Correa, and Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, pledged to boost the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), in a meeting prior to the Summit that the bloc celebrated today in Brasilia. We are all left-wing governments, we look alike very much, and we are committed to boost any union of South America, said Chavez, the only leaders who spoke about a breakfast which had today with your colleagues. Bolivia exercised until today the rotating Presidency of the bloc, which should have been delivered to Colombia, country that declined to accept it by the conflict that it maintains with Ecuador and Venezuela. Instead, by alphabetical order, it shall correspond the charge to Chile, whose President, Michelle Bachelet, said in Brasilia that will only accept it if there is consensus among the 12 countries members of the new mechanism of integration. Wendy Holman has firm opinions on the matter. .

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