Social Media Forum Ludwigsburg

Media change requires strategies for the social Web in the Ludwigsburg company, in May 2011. 52 percent of medium-sized companies in Baden-Wurttemberg are already represented in social networks. This is a result of the study, which was presented at the 1st social media forum in Ludwigsburg, Germany on 25 May. The study was presented social media into the middle class. The importance of social networks in the communication of medium-sized companies in Baden-Wurttemberg”by Uwe Baltner, Managing Director of SMO14 GmbH & co. KG.

The company is a spin-off of the advertising agency Gerhard Baumann, the social media forum was held in the offices. Uwe Baltner explained to over 50 guests from the regional economy, data were evaluated for the study of 368 companies in Baden-Wurttemberg. This showed that the 52 percent share comes active companies primarily by employees. 88 percent of these companies have websites in the business network XING. These are created automatically, if employees the company as Enter the employer. “The proportion of enterprises that engage actively in social media is, however, much lower: excluding the sites generated by employees, the proportion is reduced to 15 per cent”, explained Uwe Baltner.

It lacks strategies for entering a user communication through new channels the company, this show also the example of Facebook: only 17 percent of the there present there also participate the dialogue, as a result of the study. The complete study can be ordered by email at. Every company is a media company In the first lecture of the evening SMO14 – Managing Director Axel Burkert had shown the consequences of media change for companies. Every fourth German was under 25 years of age, a life without the Internet is unthinkable for this age group. Companies would have to adapt themselves and their communication strategies for this new development. It was crucial for the future success of the company pick users with high-quality, search engine relevant content there, where they moved about in the major social networks. According to Axel Burkert company can a content strategy create online not only visibility but intensify customer dialogue, strengthen their brand and support the sales department. Greatest challenge the SMO14 Managing Director, sees the time and lack of resources and lack expertise in the area of social media. A collaboration with experts to develop of a strategy for the social Web so often is the best way to build a successful presence. The study social media into the middle class. The importance of social networks in the communication of medium-sized companies in Baden-Wurttemberg”can be requested by emailing. Yyyyy (Uwe Baltner,)

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