Small Groups

Examining the Beddings of the Small Groups For: Amilton Wedge ' ' Because nobody can launch another bedding, beyond what already it is rank, which is Jesus Christ ' ' .2 The success of any enterprise passes for a clear perception of the vision, mission and objectives of the initiative. The declaration of vision answers to the following question: what we want becoming in them? That is, what we will be? The mission designates the reason for which the enterprise exists and what it will make. The objectives are the specific tasks to be done in a period of determined time, destined to fulfill the mission. In the context of the Small Groups it is not different, but also, the success depends, amongst other aspects, of one fulgente intuition of theological, historical, sociological and organizacionais the aspects of this ministry, and the Bible presents ample evidences of these beddings, the theological evidences teach that the essence of God is community, and as God does not exist alone, Its people also cannot existir.3 Ademais, God waits that Its children live in community, Jesus dreams of the unit for all the Christians, reason for which we must make with that the church pursues this untiringly ideal.4 the historical evidences discloses that the small group is a program of God for all the times. Throughout the ages, we find forts evidences of this plan.

Not obstante, it is in the New Will that we find arqutipo supreme of the life in community; Jesus in them presented the ideal model when establishing the apostolic PG. The sociological evidences indicate that the man is a social being, were formed to live in community, however, the current world live the drama of the solitude, of the broken relationships. The interdependence human being is dived in deep crisis, then, That one that cannot make a mistake, presented the small groups as a plan to restore the life in community.

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