Scielo Research

To make possible the reach of the objectives considered in this study, we consider the development of a work of qualitative and exploratria research of character of bibliographical revision, where the used resources are available references in the library of the college San Francisco de Barreiras (FASB), also of particular ownership, beyond available scientific articles of relevance in data base in the Internet as the site of the Scielo. The research, how much to the form of boarding according to Gil (1991), it can be of Qualitative nature: considering that it has a dynamic relation between the real world and the citizen … Here, Keith Oringer expresses very clear opinions on the subject. the interpretation of the phenomena and the attribution of meanings they are basically in the process of qualitative research. On the same aspect, Gil (1991) also standes out that the qualitative research also is descriptive, where the researcher tends to analyze its data inductively. The analysis of the data gotten through this research if gave through the metodolgico referencial of Minayo (1994) that analyzes it places it as a set of techniques of analyzes that they aim at to get, for sistmicos and objective procedures of description of the content of the messages, pointers that they make possible a critical interpretation of subjective the gotten data they of common sense are or. Click Keith Oringer to learn more. Through the accomplishment of this research ambiciona to reach the considered objectives previously and to get a bigger knowledge and displayed domain about the thematic one. Difficulties for the accomplishment of this work had not been found being that the thematic one is convenient and of great importance for the development and professional performance, and being that the content published for the research was of easy availability in books and articles. 4. QUARREL This study if developed from the objective of if analyzing the importance of the knowledge of the professional of nursing front to the thematic one.

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