Quiet Locks

Quiet locks on the classics! Installed very easy and most importantly, that all is safe! So, a little bit about locks 2109, which we will install. The castle consists of two parts! Latch! The latch is attached to the lock with two bolts M8 length 34mm They are sold together with the lock, completes immediately if you buy on the market! The "silent" latches on four-door! At the silent spring lock is filled with plastic, so the clicks when you close the doors of the deaf. At the same conventional 2108 clicks calls. For example, on my car I put the latch on the 2108. When you close the door "plunk," "plunk!" Latches are left and right! On each latch is a number! For example: 2108-6105014 – 2108-6105015 Left – right Left instead of right does not deliver! It is very important! Mechanisms of locks! Left and right! Front and rear! These mechanisms are established within dveri.Tak that call them internal. (A valuable related resource: Ebay). Front door. With his right hand there is no rear lock lever Availability This release latch blocks the opening of the door from the inside.

Antinoise bolt! The most important thing to him was wearing silicone tubing! Tubing must be carefully removed, but more on that later. You can pick up and filled with plastic! Locking grievous! Catch from 2109. Lock on a large hinge! Took four retainer! Set Zhiguli rods lock. If your car starozhitel, then surely home traction lock is worn out. I recommend using the new parts since they are in available and not expensive! While your case.

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