Water Resistant

dobau FLEX-Sme – pasty, thixotropic sealant is used in waterproofing balconies, terraces and parking garages. Also, bitumen-latex emulsion should be used for waterproofing of floor slabs and walls; are in direct contact with the ground. dobau FLEX-Sme has the following features: Fits thixotropic, so that can be used on vertical surfaces. Method of application – painting or spraying. The material is elastic, does not form cracks Outstanding thermal stability. Even at low temperature, the material has a high degree of flexibility and elasticity. Can be used on wet surfaces. Does not contain solvents, is environmentally friendly.

Good adhesion to and mineral surfaces. Can be used for internal work. Water Resistant to solvents, acids unconcentrated, salts, lime, cement, etc. Requirements for the weather conditions: When working with dobau FLEX-SME surface temperature of the construction site and the air temperature must be above 5 C. Avoid exposure to water, rain and frost during application and drying. Requirements for surface condition: Construction of the surface, which will be applied dobau FLEX-SME, must be rigid, straight, not to have cavities, visible cracks, sharp edges, and should be cleared of contamination. Dimple size is greater than 5 mm, open and horizontal butt joints, or potholes, should be closed cement-sand mortar. The surface of the brickwork, open butt joints of up to 5 mm and surface profile or roughness should be closed and aligned either with plaster (thin or leveler), or sealant, or putty. Packing: 30 kg drums or 200 kg.

First Gastronomic Scene Venues

The first locations were already awarded in the cities of Mainz, Wiesbaden and Frankfurt. Wiesbaden, 14.09.2011 in three German cities the best restaurants, bars, Cafes, and hotels have been recently awarded address Award with the finest. The company Maximus award to gastronomic scene venues in major cities, which were rated above average in four categories. The quality of the food, the diversity of the beverage range, location and guest profile of the location are crucial. The selection criteria are aimed in particular to the special needs of young business traveler. The first locations were already awarded in the cities of Mainz, Wiesbaden and Frankfurt. The award winners are listed on the website and have been identified with a visible external award seal. The first addresses BBs, Mainz include gusto, as well as the Frankfurt WEGA, where among others the well-known Wiesbaden restaurant beetle wine bar already international stars such as pink have dinner.

Currently catering establishments will be evaluated in other German cities. The granting of the award forms the basis of the planned gourmet city plans of the company Maximus. On the maps of the city, the excellent locations for business-friendly and gourmet unerringly through foreign cities to accompany. Also a corresponding iPhone app is already in planning. In times where you should feel anywhere at home, is a little insider knowledge you can rely on, gold worth”says Christoph Acher, Managing Director of the company Maximus. As a young entrepreneur, he knows what he’s talking about. It was the two business partners Johannes Stephan and Christoph Acher especially to reliable balance during customer Qype reviews. Johannes Stephan sees the merit of the finest address awards in independent quality control: everyone all can say something on the Internet. Online assessments but on personal revenge campaigns, competition war or a very alternative marketing concept is based, while the reader cannot recognize unfortunately.” Refer to for more information about the award. Contact also the distribution company Maximus.

Crooked House

Such as Into the Fourth Dimension written by Ray Cummings in 1926, the comic Eugene the Jeep or – And I have Built a Crooked House by Robert A. Heinlein. Donnie Darko uses the fourth dimension as the argument for the trip in time. The reference relates to the water which is a fourth dimensional tool for travel time. Alan Moore in his graphic novel From Hell the fourth dimension is used as a reference to the madness of Jack the Ripper. The game Star Ocean: Till the End of Time uses the fourth dimension as a reality the Movie Cube 2: Hypercube (2002), the second in the series of cult classic of the cube, the characters are trapped in a Tesseract with traps and lures. Kurt Vonnegut’s slaughterhouse-Five characterized aliens that exist Jupiter between its moons who referenced it with the Fourth Dimension as time and space time in H.G.

Wells’s the machine of the time traveler identifies the time as the fourth, as well as the Doctor of the first episodes of Doctor Who. The game Blinx: The Time Sweeper referred himself as the first 4 d action game, with the player taking control over the flow of time in the game. Many other games with abilities to bend time (as the Prince of Persia:The Sands of the Time and Viewtiful Joe) or an internal coordiacion of the clock (such as Animal Crossing and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater) is them referenced as games in 4 d. In the novel A Wrinckle in Time, the fourth dimension represents time, and the first three represent length, width and depth. On the Threshold, an alien race television series who are carrying out an invasion on Earth came to grounded with spacecraft that intersect the fourth dimension. There are many references to the fourth dimension in the science fiction film, in the film back to the future III, Doc tells Marty you are not thinking of the fourth dimension.

United States

I’m Mario Arcila, Economist, I live 10 years ago in Florida, USA. The events that occur around the world affect us all we want to or not. What is happening in the Middle East and Africa, strongly influences in our lives; Since the oil its largely comes from those countries and any alteration in them makes its price fluctuated by increasing fuel and thus affecting our pocket. The events of recent days in Tunisia and Egypt have drawn global attention; the first country after 23 years of dictatorship the Government fell; because people can not stand more, they want a change to improve their lives. We hope that people will not mistake again and choose someone the address really well and in a participatory democracy. Egypt live days of anguish, sadness and desolation; Thanks to its Chairman for more than 30 years has carried the nation to extreme poverty. Despite his great wealth of 80% of its people live in poverty, education levels are very low, and in general there is a nonconformity that has led to dropping rather sooner than later dictator Mubarak; He wants to continue holding to power despite some ads that do not submit to new elections but it has not defined 100% that leaves the power; as many have suggested it is leading world including the President of the United States; Barak Obama; a great ally in previous years. There are many countries that continue to suffer dictators who all they do is get rich, while the majority of people live in conditions of extreme poverty. These people are concerned when falls any of them; that town is slowly awakening from its slumber. All have optimism that the economic recovery take its course, but we can not ignore that if members of OPEC (oil exporting countries) there is destabilization in some countries there may be a sudden change in the prices of fuels and affect us all equally. Original author and source of the article

Good Seller

First let’s start by describing a real seller. Seller is the person who is dedicated exclusively to the sale, but not which is back of a counter or a desk only attending to the people, but he who knows the entire cycle which comprises sale, preparation, development, first contact, follow-up, implementation, delivery and up to the collection of the same. He is a willing, firm attitude, clear determination and resolution person. Good seller should be ductile, and must not create problems, must solve them. You must know the client and always updated. You can sell any kind of products although they are also those who are specific, that are devoted to specific niche and they have been trained and prepared for it.

Be a good seller is not something that is achieved in a short time, it is necessary to gather several determining factors, but the trait that defines the good seller is his career and stay carrying out that task. Elapsed time in that role has made him a person of experience in sales, this gives you If security same and mainly credibility of others, something essential and indispensable for sale. The seller can be: exclusive seller, who was hired by the company (dependency ratio) and is dedicated to sell products or services of the same. Or may be: free seller, that is which does not maintain dependency relationship with a company in particular, but it carries in his briefcase different (usually related) products of different companies and gets a Commission from the sale of these varied items. It should be noted that generally, when a seller, in addition to selling, also operates collection receives in turn a percentage of Commission by this collection made in time and form. Mostly, good seller is by vocation, pervades both with sale which is part of his personality, way of being, because selling is an attitude which ends up becoming a habit.


PRESENTATION: Our Christ the King parish, located in the urbanisation Santa Beatriz, Lima Cercado, account with the participation of various groups corles, animation in Sunday masses and activities within the pastoral work. Our pastor: father Luis Elordi CP. In their eagerness to see all these groups work in a coordinated way and communion, he proposed the creation of a single Ministry of singing before the Parish Council and animation, in masses and parish activities, which would be represented by a single person, responsible for coordinating unit of that group. The Parish Council, consisting of 7 people including our pastor, agreed with the proposal and was then appointed to the person who must undertake this mission, and was elected a Member belonging to one of the groups for a year. The necessity of establishing an order of labour for this mission, inevitably forces the creation of a general regulation for all groups in question, which should be complied with at the foot of the letter, if it is to belong to such groups. Chapter one general representative. 1.1 Attitudes, obligations and responsibilities: general representative, must have availability of time needed for the pastoral work their behavior must be consistent with their testimony of life your attitude main must be like St. Paul’s (no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in my) that will banish all eagerness to personalism and protagonism likewise must incarnate the Gospel in your life (father(, which may be one, as you and I are) always seek unity among all members of the groups. The representative, is obliged to inform the various choral groups, all decisions taken in the coordination parish (E.C.P.) team as well as the collect the concerns and suggestions of each of the members of such groups, this involves listening to each of them. General representative is generally responsible for the behavior of each Member of the groups corals and therefore it has the authority to separate or integrate the members thereof, after consulting the Parish Council (C.P.) 1.2.

The Walls

Generally speaking, a room with lots of natural light with floor to ceiling Windows, can for example be painted with warm, dark colors. On the other hand, a space that does not receive much light the lobby, for example will be brighter if it paints it with a lighter tone. 5. Develop an accent if they like colore dark, vivacious, but not sure whether it is appropriate for your space, consider creating an accent wall. Paint the other walls with a softer tone and a primary wall with the dark color of your preference.Accent walls are also an excellent way to highlight a particular feature of your home.

Do you have a coffee table style next to the window? Paint this wall a darker color to create separation and focus attention. 6. Choose the most appropriate finish type the type of finish that you select for your painting is as important as the same color. If you want to hide the imperfections of the wall, opt for a matte finish. Please note that flat finishes are harder to clean, therefore, do not use this type of finish on your kitchen or bathroom.

Glossy finishes reflect light and are very easy to clean. 7 Dare to change a bit of adventure It helps to achieve striking changes. Consider painting the moldings with unexpected colours. Black frames, for example, can create a very original and unexpected effect. If it is not yet ready for the impact, follow conventional ideas. Paint the molding the same color as the walls. You can make a slight distinction painting walls with matte finish paint and finish with a glossy finish to the same color paint. Whatever color that use, remember that a color may appear different when combined with another color. Take both color chips and make that work well together for the wall and the harmony of cut. Above all, remember that the painting is one of the least expensive changes you can make in a room. Don’t be afraid to be bold or take some risks!


If you’re tired of e? bility to? do do do do love of t? ida, pr? eba alg? not of? hese spells to moor to a man. Do do do v? ras q? e? on mu? effective. Does does does start collecting f? Owers? ilvestres and place? form qu? do do the t? llos are hermet? cos c? n preference in a bowls? nylon zippered. You add water d? River. Do keep this bag if? mpre in your wallet or purse. Do do do do do three days des? ues he you proposed, env? elve the bols? ta? n a d tissue? paper along with a red rose? Another pink. It throws everything into a distint River? a? that you took? l water.

Other spells to moor a cash man? do are those that ocur? in? n l? Noche de San Juan (23 June). If t? do do parej? has gone? do do you want that vu? lva? is always? do your side, burying a red rose? n root them? is a tree that have a nest in the? amas. He placed otr? rose near a stream of agu?. Do a third? ra? n l? a church door. Do do do leave cua? pink ta r? ja, in a cruc? from cu? tro streets. He placed the fifth baj? your pillow? do leave it to the? i by three days. A? a.

morning sigu? ente, remove the petals and distribute them in the corners of your home. Do do the third l? s spells for tying a man to want to? s present you today consists of writing behind d? the PIC? from your love s? name with red ink? do then c? locarla in? l Fund d? an empty bottle of wine. Do do do do do adds 3 petal? s of? pink na ro? a. Ta? to? to bottle? do keep it durant? four I gave? s. Do v then? a stream of water? He throws the bottle. The u? timo d? n? estrus spells to tie a man is very simple. Do you place? iel t? finger? Please? do do do do on one? anzana red in? n cial? name of? to pe? sona that t? We like. Do do pe? a? to soothingly? and eat it. Entierr? do do do shell in? to? a pl aceta? nta c? n flowers. Do do do do water them all l? s di? s with a? aso d? water.

The Run

The inability to manufacture glasses of large dimensions was resolved subdividing window leaves into squares more small, able to be covered with a single piece of glass smaller. The usual current of subdividing window cloths into smaller squares is aesthetic reminiscent that has survived since then. The use of glass in facades, it is worth stopping at the chapter of especially the Gothic cathedrals. They knew how to turn the problem of the size of the pieces into a virtue: drawing different figures on the openings of facade with a lead frame, and filling the resulting holes with tinted glasses, created magnificent stained glass Windows. Once overcome the problem of protecting the hole with glass, the limitations due to the structural character of the facade. A hollow opening forced her bodice, the lintel, to support the load of the building. This prevented practice holes too wide, so the openings adopted vertical forms to increase the surface of lighting where possible. It was also you have aligned holes some on top of others, in a way that will facilitate transmission of the load of the building for the rest of the wall.

Just as with glass, and despite no longer be necessary, this facade with vertical and regular Windows composition has survived until our days as a cultural heritage. Arch was used to increase the size of the vain, in singular buildings of half a point and then the pointed arch. However, the first breakthrough in the facade came in Gothic cathedrals, when removed the problem of gaps by stripping of structural function to the facade. The revolution consisted of the replacement of the traditional concept of load-bearing wall by the of pillar point, deflecting the burden of the deck by flying buttresses to exterior buttresses. Thus the facade, liberated from the weight, could close now with large stained glass Windows. The arrival of steel at the end of the 19th, and the reinforced concrete in the early 20th, definitely ended up freeing the facade of their structural dependence. The architects of the modern movement explored the possibilities of a free facade, popularizing the run window and horizontal holes rather than the traditional vertical, using them both for best suit the vision of people, as to demonstrate its independence from the facade structure for modern homes

Antonio Villavicencio

The facts were unclear and the inhabitants of Fe did not know very well what was happening because the versions were contradictory. In an important place of the Capital of the Nueva Granada a monumental home was armed because someone, an arrogant Spanish for older signs, refused to lend the vase needed to decorate the site that is offering an agasajo Antonio Villavicencio, a Commissioner of the Council of Regency of Spain. The matter began in a heated discussion but soon acquired dramatic touches and, at the end, was the trigger that Creoles expressed the discontent by long years accumulated against foreign authorities who then ruled the country. The popular movement imposed a Supreme Board, composed of criollos, which proclaimed loyalty to King Fernando VII at the time which claimed popular sovereignty as was stated in the minutes of the July 20, 1810. Historians agree that as the most important date in the fight by the independence national and onwards all generations of Colombians would learn to reverence the heroism of all the participants in that and the following days which concluded with the final separation of Spain in August 1819. Two hundred years of history marked by the ups and downs of a country surrounded by conflict and where there is a perverse and dangerous tendency to resolve these conflicts through the permanent and indiscriminate use of violence. Extreme violence was against indigenous peoples during the conquest; violence there against Blacks and indigenous people in the colony and a fatal violence was the main feature during the emancipatory gesta led by Bolivar and Santander. To more misfortune, the Republican era has also been marked by the rivers of blood that have run our Plains and mountains: in the 19th century suffered twelve civil wars since the confrontation between centralists and federalists in the Patria Boba, up dreadful war of the thousand days between 1,899 and 1902.

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