Softkinetic Venture

Developer of 3D-Gesten-Erkennung takes part in the European venture Summit developer by 3D-Gesten-Erkennung participates in the European venture Summit Dusseldorf, 02 December 2008 Softkinetic, which takes leading manufacturer of 3D-Gesten-Erkennungs-Software, at the European venture Summit (EVS) Europe unlimited part. On the EVS are much promising European Start-Ups in the fields of bio-tech, industrial bio-tech, new energy and shown out of IT. Softkinetic previously participated at Europe Unlimiteds Benelux Venture Forum on March 18, 2008 where the 50 most promising high-tech companies in the Benelux countries gathered were. From here, the next step was clear, to be recognized as one of the best European Start-Ups: the EVS on the 1st and 2nd December in Dusseldorf. Since Softkinetic part of the Benelux venture forum, our attention “is paid to them. We are pleased with the steps, Softkinetic has taken to become one of the leading technology companies around the world”, as Paul Webber, business development Director of Europe unlimited. Softkinetic proved in his latest enterprises of innovation and creativity.

The big ad-games as well as the fitness products make people finally to enjoy entertainment throughout the body.” The EVS brings together international investors and companies that are looking for partnerships with the best European Start-Ups. By the company’s performance and the networking opportunities, the Congress strengthens the market presence of these Start-Ups. “Since the venture forum our victory in the Benelux in March we the world with new applications of 3D-Gesten-Erkennung enriched”, says Michel Tombroff, CEO of Softkinetic. Now, where we are venture Summit by Europe unlimited again at the European stage, we can let others have part of our growth and demonstrate the applications that we have developed with our partners.” Find more information about the European venture Summit see: events/p200245/overview.asp about Softkinetic Softkinetic is the leading manufacturer of natural Interfaces, which change the way how people interact with the digital world. Softkinetic provides intuitive and totally immersive user experiences in the interactive entertainment industry, consumer electronics, health care and serious games with its middleware to the 3D-Echzeit-Gestenerkennung. Softkinetic, iisu and interface is you are trademarks or registered trademarks of Softkinetic S.A. More info on Softkinetic, see. Europe unlimited: Europe unlimited was founded in 1998.

The company offers innovative technology entrepreneurs, companies, investors and researchers important business resources that allow them to operate sustainably. Europe unlimited believes that entrepreneurship is the driving force behind innovation, economic growth and sustainability in Europe and Europe’s technology innovators therefore supports it, to become world leaders in their field of business. About the European venture Summit: the European venture Summit contributes to the economic growth and the development of innovative high-tech companies in Europe. It builds on Europe Unlimiteds regional events and networks and connects regions and entrepreneurs with new markets and customers. TriplePoint Martin Fischbacher Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 6, 80336 Munich + 49 (0) 89 945 060 – 002

Aquarium Forum

Aquarium Forum competition: Aquarium Forum celebrates 10th anniversary ForumFactory the tenth anniversary took now as a reason, the members for their loyalty to thank and to a creative competition with many attractive prizes from sponsors such as Dennerle to arrange sera, JBL and main riff. We can make with all registered members who have submitted their contribution by the end of the year. Then, a jury will decide the winners. The launch of a forum is a bit similar to the launching of a ship, without water and champagne baptism is also usually smaller: the forum administrator is much preliminary work in the project, is worrying about underlying technology such as hosting and software, topics to be discussed, the target group and the structure of the Forum. Finally, the big day comes, it is the Forum in the Internet and hopes that it is good for the readers and the ship”bypasses all difficult cliffs well.

This well managed the Aquarium Forum: 10 years ago, in the 17.09.2001 it was accurate as far as that. went online and immediately in the first thread was eagerly through the intersection between Guppies and Platys discussed. Overall, is the Aquarium Forum has grown since then and has successfully survived the one or the other storm as various change of operator: over 50,000 users signed up in the 10 years, there are 1.7 million articles posted and 28,000 images uploaded. Since the launch, much has changed in the Aquarium Forum, new features such as the thank you button are added, new features such as interest groups, chat and blogs were used more intensively. “According to the motto trial- and -error” the current structure of the Aquarium Forum has developed with freshwater aquarium invertebrate aquariums, saltwater aquariums and other specialized forums for brackish water, reptiles, or amphibians, as well as a marketplace for users. Finally the Forum brought ForumFactory to the latest version of the software by the current operator, which allows members of a new faster search or has also a map, which the Members can find other users in their environment. Highlight the very clear and structured image gallery has emerged here, in which users specifically can look certain species of fish, aquarium plants, aquariums and terrariums. ForumFactory now has taken as occasion the tenth anniversary, the members for their loyalty to thank and to a creative competition with many attractive prizes from sponsors such as Dennerle to arrange sera, JBL and main riff. We can make with all registered members who have submitted their contribution by the end of the year. Then, a jury will decide the winners. The Aquarium Forum’s this competition: f18/10-years Aquarium Forum-de-247958 /.

Social Media Forum Ludwigsburg

Media change requires strategies for the social Web in the Ludwigsburg company, in May 2011. 52 percent of medium-sized companies in Baden-Wurttemberg are already represented in social networks. This is a result of the study, which was presented at the 1st social media forum in Ludwigsburg, Germany on 25 May. The study was presented social media into the middle class. The importance of social networks in the communication of medium-sized companies in Baden-Wurttemberg”by Uwe Baltner, Managing Director of SMO14 GmbH & co. KG.

The company is a spin-off of the advertising agency Gerhard Baumann, the social media forum was held in the offices. Uwe Baltner explained to over 50 guests from the regional economy, data were evaluated for the study of 368 companies in Baden-Wurttemberg. This showed that the 52 percent share comes active companies primarily by employees. 88 percent of these companies have websites in the business network XING. These are created automatically, if employees the company as Enter the employer. “The proportion of enterprises that engage actively in social media is, however, much lower: excluding the sites generated by employees, the proportion is reduced to 15 per cent”, explained Uwe Baltner.

It lacks strategies for entering a user communication through new channels the company, this show also the example of Facebook: only 17 percent of the there present there also participate the dialogue, as a result of the study. The complete study can be ordered by email at. Every company is a media company In the first lecture of the evening SMO14 – Managing Director Axel Burkert had shown the consequences of media change for companies. Every fourth German was under 25 years of age, a life without the Internet is unthinkable for this age group. Companies would have to adapt themselves and their communication strategies for this new development. It was crucial for the future success of the company pick users with high-quality, search engine relevant content there, where they moved about in the major social networks. According to Axel Burkert company can a content strategy create online not only visibility but intensify customer dialogue, strengthen their brand and support the sales department. Greatest challenge the SMO14 Managing Director, sees the time and lack of resources and lack expertise in the area of social media. A collaboration with experts to develop of a strategy for the social Web so often is the best way to build a successful presence. The study social media into the middle class. The importance of social networks in the communication of medium-sized companies in Baden-Wurttemberg”can be requested by emailing. Yyyyy (Uwe Baltner,)


Everyone has long been known, perfumes, perfume, eau de toilette, perfume – are an integral part of every modern man. Not for no longer a secret that perfume is one of the most important parts of our style. Whatever nebyli fragrances they always accompany us wherever we go, and create certain impressions about cheloveke.No like to know what perfume will suit anyone better? What should be the quality of perfume or toilet water? What a difference in them? To early look at what is meant by perfumes. Perfume – a special composition of alcohol, water and concentrate odorants. Often consists of and dye, which only affects the color of the perfume. Perfumes and toilet waters differ in stability, the concentration of essential oils and saturated odor. Choose for yourself the spirits, if you need a long, unquenchable flavor, because the spirits contain a 90-percent alcohol and 15 percent or higher essential oils. If you prefer a weightless, gentle, soft scents that you should use the toilet water.

Spirits, in contrast to the toilet water is more suited to evening, and toilet water on the contrary, as the day, especially in active working time. The difference between male and female odors, is that men seem to be "stronger" and female "softer." And this is true, because fragrance for men is based on a strong scent of wood and is associated with masculine qualities such as endurance, strength, self-control. Women also smells are based on floral arrangements, emphasizing tenderness, sensuality, beautiful half of humanity. It is worth noting that addition of the "male" notok fragrances for women and vice versa, will bring spice or even daring in the choice of perfume parfyum.Opredelyayas to shop online, remember that whether perfume or toilet water, essential criterion should not be your preference, and the place of fragrance, time, etc. should be in harmony with the perfume time of year, style of clothing, situation, and most importantly reflect your personality.

English Velibritanii

Jewelry and jewelry have become an integral part of mankind's existence since its inception. The first archaeological finds proved there were more than 100 thousand years ago, there were beads made from sea shells. Throughout history, jewelry was accompanied by people and be with them even in the most critical times, when was a question of survival of a society or humanity as a whole. In the languages of all peoples there is a word or words denoting ornaments. But if we look at the origin, we see that it can be very different. For example, compare the most popular British jewelry (jewelry), and Russian – jewelry. If the Russian version of the original sound theme decorations, selection, English points to a completely different way. Jewelry, in English Velibritanii – jewellery, a derivative of jewel (jewel), which in turn leads to the Old French jouel and then to Latin jocale, which means a toy, or rather the thing to play with.

As you can see, the origin of words is very different, however, despite the fact that different people means different things in it word of the trends in the jewelry originally and now have a planetary character. Regardless of whether people have contacts in different times, or as they are now all in a single global space related to jewelry was very homogeneous. Despite the variety of jewelry, which he had made for himself a man, the focus was still jewelry. Moreover, there is virtually no part the body that people would not try to embellish these products.

Modern Fashion

Braiding of any kind, whether African or French braids, Senegalese or Thai – consuming procedure, which results in the original hairstyle. The best material for afrokosichek kanekalon – artificial strands that are woven into your hair. Pryadok color can be anything – close to your natural hair, or bright colors, giving your hair an exotic touch. Afrokosichki can climb up to the effect of live tip, or with truncated tip, when the ends of plastic sealed. Woven jewelry – beads, rezinochki, balloons – will make hair even more interesting. The number of braids depends on their thickness of the thinner – the easier and neater hairstyle looks. Senegalese braids differ from the classical technique of African weaving.

Stumble out of the two strands, similar to the flagella, and more elastic texture. As afrokosichki may be of different lengths and different colors. Thai braids weave their own, natural hair without the use of artificial material, because they do not recommend wearing more than a month, so as not to spoil hair structure. Tight braids close to the head, forming a contrast pattern – french braids – as spun by using artificial strands, and from his own hair, and can be combined with other afrokosichek. Using monofilament "pony" pony-hair-created tile. This is a classic African braids, with free, wavy ends. Plaits of the corrugated strands that looks similar to the "wet" chemistry and dragged on hair of medium length.

When woven into your own hair at the bottom left lock of loose, creating a volume and density. Curley – the same kind of weaving, but locks are in the form of elastic curls, and do not ripple, the hair is obtained from more rounded curl, lush and extensive. Dreadlocks – one of the most time-consuming hair, which may take several days. Those who believe that dreads – their style, "kata" sausages of your own hair. For the rest there alternatives, using subtle synthetic dreadlocks, which do not damage the hair and easily removed without damaging your own hair. Stylish afropricheska help you get rid of stereotypes and to allocate You among others, will bring into your life a pleasant variety.


By design skirts divide: bias cut – Flare (such as "Sun" and "polusolntse"), flared and straight. Expansion of direct skirts often created using a single or bilateral folds and slot. Buckle in such articles should provide an accurate, tight, strong bond details. It can be located in the side seams, front, rear, ie, where it is more convenient to use and made fashionable. Zipper in the pants to do with reducing the design or single cut codpiece and slope. Means fasteners can be loops and buttons or zippers.

In the skirts at the clasp hooks and loops requires single cut allowances and obtachek, zipper operates in the seam. In skirts and trousers belt construction can be stitched or single cut. The upper sections of the belt korsazhnoy make out with tape or padding. Upon graduation belt buckle have a button or hook and loop. If the ends of the belt in favor of the edge of the main parts, the protruding ends attach the loop, and the main part of the belt – buttons. Time of trousers and skirts used to for a tight encirclement shape at the waist, to ensure the safety cut, trim the upper edge of these products.

If necessary, the belt should be adjustable length (strap, belt loops for belt finishing vdevaniya, stock fabric in the seams, elastic webbing). The bottom of the product shall be resistant to abrasion, thin slices of allowance for Acc should not flake off during wear. Width bending must meet the density and thickness of the material, as well as the structure of the bottom – with a larger bell-bending width is reduced. In products made of silk and wool fabrics podshivochnaya line should be imperceptible to front side. Bottom of pants on a design distinction without sleeves and cuffs. The bottom of the cuff without bending perform basic details, and to strengthen the edges of the reinforcing ribbon nastrachivayut. The cuffs are single cut or stitched. Single cut cuff formed an increased allowance for Acc. Stitched cuffs used in sports trousers, similar in structure stitched cuffs in the sleeves of dresses, blouses. The bottom of the skirt the most common represents the boundary with the seam vpodgibku obmetannym cut. In some models, the inner edge of the allowance okantovyvayut or overlapping ribbon.

Groups And Social Service

The author presents in a doutorado thesis of an analytical reflection on the groups, pontuando its comments and perspectives concernente the continuity of the research with groups, using itself the references of Jean Paul Sartre displayed in the book ‘ ‘ She criticizes of the Dialtica’ Reason; ‘ of 1960, covering a first historical partner in the field of the production with the groups, the author argues incisively with questionings on them practises group contemporaries, emphasizing that if she cannot leave to consider the social historical conjuncture, cultural and politics of the group pursuings, positively to understand its dynamics. It appraises that certain particularitities cross what is produced by the Institucional Movements, detaching some publications that support empirically its defense of thesis. The author makes vindication to the fact of the collective of the groups how much the organization in intention to make solid conquests of being able and the ample participation as exemplificado for the workers in the Europe.

She brings to the light a reflexiva quarrel on the social groups and classrooms, enaltecendo the question in the scope of the relevance of the category in the marxist vision. She emphasizes the multiplicity of involved extenuating circumstances in the construction of the social classrooms, making according to author, the revolution inside of the revolution revolution, or same for the continuity, she makes what it to question on the capacity of organization of the groups, however the same one she cites the importance of the movements for the collective fight capable to transform. Thus the author discourses on the condicionantes of the perspective dialectic for intervention in the groups, focando as objective of the related thesis, the exploration of ways theoretician-operative that contribute for the work of the Social Service. The author finishes detaching the theoretical contents that she judges of great importance for understanding of the practical groups and the group ones in the context of a capitalist society, without however locking up to the quarrel on the subject.

Gestational Diabetes Study Group

In our country the tracing of this type of Diabetes is universal. The accompaniment of the pregnant must be effected by one equips to multidiscipline specifically vocacionada and with experience in this illness. The therapeutical one of the pregnant woman with DG has some sources that include measured farmacolgicas in such a way, as the related ones with the nutrition, education and programming of the physical activity. The importance of the knowledge of the dose of insulina adjusted for the beginning of the treatment of a patient with DMG is closely on with maternal-fetais a glicmico control fast better resulted, reducing in this way the number of perinatais complications. (BUCHANAN and KJOS, 1999). For being a problem of public health it deserves attention and cares on the part not only of the gestante, but of the people who follow this woman, a time who the potential factors of risk to this future mother premakes use to the appearance of some not inherent complications to the childbirth in itself, more yes, due to base illness. Another important fact that we must stand out is how much to the rapidity with that the glicmico control is established, where will provide better resulted perinatais.


Popular Parliamentary Group

Francisco Distinguished Lerena was born in Valdemoro (Madrid) the 23 from January from 1964. Married and with two daughters, one received the master’s degree in Economic and Enterprise Sciences in the University of Alcala of Madrid. Francisco Distinguished was director of financial analysis of Interdealers S.V.B and the Socit Genrale, where also he showed the position of bank director. Between years 1999 and 2003 he was advisor of Caja Madrid and Ibercaja, as well as advisor of electrical French SNET, in representation of ENDESA from 1999 to his appointment like regional advisor in November of 2003. During I SAW legislature was Secretary General of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Assembly of Madrid and at the moment he is member of the Regional Executive committee of the Popular Party of Madrid.

Francisco Distinguished happened to exert government competitions after the municipal elections of 13 of June of 1999, when chosen mayor was from Valdemoro, since he maintained until the 22 of November of 2003. Then, he was appointed advisor of Transports and Infrastructures of the regional Government, position that carried out until December of the 2004. Since then, it developed its work to the front of the Council of Presidency of the Community of Madrid, position that made compatible with the one of Secretary General of the Madrilenian Popular Party. After the elections celebrated in May of the 2007 it happened to direct the Council of Presidency, Justice and Interior of the Madrilenian Government and was reelected like Secretary General of the PP of Madrid in September of the 2008. Francisco at the moment Distinguished is the Secretary General of the PP in Madrid and Senador by the Community of Madrid. You can follow Francisco Seeded in: Twitter: FranciscoGranados Facebook: Francisco Distinguished Flickr: Francisco Distinguished Slideshare: Francisco Distinguished Linkedin: Francisco Distinguished Youtube: Francisco Distinguished

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