
But their citizens sail in the limb of the moral decomposition If they have forgotten in confusion the first principles social and human growth, printings originally in the company/signature, and happens the species of which the State is over them with comfort (the unique State that morally is below their citizens are the fallen one); then there will be no single projected shades more, without aspiration to the ideal elevated one. Any CONATO that by social nature a State undertakes in positive sense will be destined to the failure, because it will appear the Christian metaphor to preach on rocks or the bolivariana of sandarac tree in the sea. One will score towards you bring back to consciousness petrified or pulled back that will not bid up by the childbirth of the revolutionary idea or eugenic moral, given his intellectual incapacity. On the citizen moral quality it will depend the projection of principles and executive of the State, besides his existence. By them it is that the expression fits here of which the towns have the deserved governments (good or bad), that not to the inverse one (in idea, the S-state a morally elevated elaboration, at least from the informed point of view).

A demoralized society will never have the arrest of not being translated in the inoperancia of a State. Devoid of lights as it is, orphaned of rational tools to exert the critic and to make petitionary of positive changes, on the contrary will touch to the State with the contagion, the chaos and the political decomposition. An informed humanity is guarantee of itself, of advance in the civic gradation. If a State is fed in its leadership of the pool where deed, is not the time much that will happen so that, like the citizen, it also forgets the high principles the company/signature of the contract.

Fortalecer State

The Brazilian president allowed itself to challenge to Strap and he complained which the agent chief executives have appealed to " retrica" instead of to make decisions that would have allowed to conclude before with more concrete results. By then Peruvian president Alan Garci’a and the Uruguayan Tabar Vzquez already had retired of the room. Like it little review commitment of which the chancellors meet in September to continue speaking of the subject and the study of the impact of the presence of the United States in the region on the part of the Defense council of UNASUR is the unique thing that removed in clean from the meeting. Of the coup d’etat in Honduras and the flood to be able of its government de facto was not obtained anything more than a sentence. As if more they were almost worried about the official photo strictly speaking that reason why their chancellors were writing up as conclusion of the encounter, the presidents went to the patio of the hotel Llao smiling Llao and they removed the photo.

The certain thing like After seven hours of debate, it informed agency DPA, the reunited Chiefs of State in Bariloche (South of Argentina), within the framework of the Unasur, managed an arduous consensus to approve the document final. Final document: 1. Fortalecer to South America like zone of peace, jeopardizing to us to establish a mechanism of mutual confidence in the matter of defense and security, being maintained our decision to abstain us to resort to the threat or the use of the force against the territorial integrity of another State of the Unasur. 2. To reaffirm our commitment to fortify the fight and the cooperation against the terrorism and the transnational delinquency organized and its connected crimes: the drug trafficking, the traffic of small and light arms, as well as the rejection to the presence or action of groups armed besides the law.

Price Competitors

And how to make, I have already spoken. To start you need a client interested in your product. Ie show him a solution to his problems. Another most common request for a discount sounds like: “We compared your prices with competitors and their prices are cheaper. Do not be afraid of that phrase.

You have every right to ask with some competitors, and what criteria you are comparing. And further agree or disagree, that’s your right. Personally, I advise you to think about lowering prices, if all similar to your product is cheaper than its competitors. And while it is not inferior to not one criterion. Here then is sense to reset the price. But luckily for us the customer rarely can objectively compare and analyze your product and product competitors. Often, he misses a very important little things that were not visible at first glance.

Here what needs to be to focus on these small but they are not less important things. And explain to customers why your product is more expensive than almost the same product competitors. Let us return to that point, if the client is not reasoned, not as his desire get a discount, but simply says “I want” and that’s it. At the request of the argument, and engage in constructive dialogue you get a failure, what is there to do. Show your regret that you are having a dialogue. And tell something like: “I understand your desire to pay less, and I deeply respect your opinion. But you will agree that a desire not to our company got a smaller profit. You do the same would not be lose money. Please tell us why you think the price too high. We are ready to make concessions but only if the point, then the objective reasons “Of course, after the phrase dialogue might end negotiations will not take place. There is much jealousy on how you talk with your opponent before. Have you talked about the merits of your product and the problems of them to decide. But if in spite of all this negotiating an end, do not worry. Not possible to sell everything and everyone. These people still would not have you no what to buy. What would win such a client, they need to give everything away for free. But we do not fit. It’s not our strategy. The world there are many companies in need of your product. This was one strategy. But there is a second … what?

United States

In the shampoo shop haircare4me you can assemble easily your hair care individually the start up haircare4me ( closes a gap in the market with personalized shampoos. The company produces a shampoo that is tailored to their personal needs and preferences on the basis of information that provides the customer over the Internet. Is best suited for the first time comprehensively the individual demands of the customers, but also the nature of the own hair. MANATNET has accompanied the founding phase of haircare4me of less than a year and provided expertise from their own network in the fields of planning, strategy and Internet. Mass customization”is a cutting-edge trend that puts the customer in the Centre of the product strategy. According to the individual wishes and ideas of the consumers, smart companies make unique items for their customers. Over the Internet, consumers order products, which no one else has available. Among other things this trend has to be chocolate, Cereal, sneakers and perfume reached.

“” Customers who desire I want a shampoo that gives my hair more shine, an improved Combability and more volume, but my scalp healthy leaves! “to us, come, we will satisfy,” says Hans Hayag, one of the two founders of haircare4me. We are unique in the market”, his partner adds Nicki dispute. The shampoos are composed entirely of natural and sustainable materials and in addition can be rounded off the shampoo with an individual scent. According to a study of the RWTH Aachen and the University of applied sciences Salzburg is the leader in mass customization”the creativity of German companies. Nearly 200 from Germany and therefore even more than the United States were manufactured by approximately 500 covered companies. With haircare4me, there is now a further creative provider from Germany. Nicki dispute

Airpas Airlines

International software specialist for airlines to market presence in Russia, Turkey and the Middle East strengthen consulting specialist for the aviation industry, the Airpas aviation AG operates the new growth markets systematically. Russia, Turkey and the Middle East are available at the top on the wish list of the Brunswick company. With several new customers in the first half of the year, the company underlines its position as a leading software provider for savings in the cost management in the airline industry. Airpas with the product”offers Airpas aviation airlines a solution that supports the controlling and accounting of an airline, the current requirements of an optimized cost management to meet. With successful new customer business with Ryanair and Martinair, Monarch Airlines we have already surpassed the economic objectives for the full year to the middle of the year”, Reinhold Renger, Airpas aviation CEO would be glad about the positive development. Airpas Aviation has new target markets on the radar next to the existing customer business is processing new markets with business potential in the foreground. To enter the emerging growth market Russia Airpas aviation participated therefore in may an ETS-workshop on emission allowance trading in Moscow under the guidance of tasc4Aviation and carbon finance & trade along with Baker & McKenzie.

Among other things the airlines Aeroflot, S7, Volga Dnepr and Air Moldova were. For fall, we already plan a workshop in Turkey with business partners. That is an exciting market with much potential at the interface between Europe and Asia”, RENGER. In addition the company goes in November for the first time as an exhibitor at the Dubai Airshow. This is the fastest growing industry event in the world. We want to use the fair to underline our presence on one of the key markets in the Middle East.” Airpas aviation looking continuously highly qualified personnel for further economic growth.

Among other things a project manager / a step for worldwide new customer projects. “Airpas aviation sustainably raised in the sector analyses of international airlines including Condor, Air Berlin, TUIfly, SunExpress, airBaltic, Royal Air Maroc demonstrate the acceptance of airpas” as integrated cost management system for airlines. We have already successfully our standard product with over 20 airlines. It provides a highly efficient audit including automated provisions”, explained Rafiu. Airpas aviation takes over operation from a single source as a full service provider. While monarch airlines and Martinair airpas”nor implement, Ryanair successfully applies the optimization of invoice settlement and cost management software since the beginning of the year. Innovative product extensions and additions to the portfolio are already in the implementation on the part of Airpas aviation. The development of more sustainable is sustained in the airline industry. This means a complex additional challenge in addition to the day-to-day business for the airlines. A major claim the entire industry is reducing greenhouse emissions. “Airpas Aviation offers airlines the product eMission” on one of the world’s leading software solutions for the handling of the EU ETS rules. The software is ever since November 2010 verified through the TuV NORD aviation and TuV Informationstechnik GmbH complies with the European Union emissions trading scheme (EU ETS). Currently, 18 airlines have eMission in use.

Volt Cordless

The Bremen company GESUTRA GmbH has a new partner for the online shop of CompanyDEPOT. Bremen, June 2011: For the online shop GESUTRA GmbH of Bremen has a new partner, the market leader for electric tools, METABO. The company’s many products expand the range in the online shop several times. Who does not know that: hedge cutting the cord has been cut or the battery pack from the drill bit invites not more reasonable. Often a new drill is purchased immediately or to buy expensive long extension cord, and it not only once. What many but then forget is that there are also battery hedge trimmers and even with highest quality, namely by METABO. METABO is a group of companies from Germany, the history of which began in 1924. Since 1929, the company is named after its main product: METABO.

The word was the common abbreviation for Portable drills. Already in the initial phase, METABO products is characterised by the high quality and durability. Still be Manufactured parts in-house to meet the external and internal demands. This year has brought METABO a world novelty on the market: the first Cordless magnetic core drill. The battery technology is achieved a maximum flexibility in the freedom of movement with this product. Without power supply cable the drill can be vertical, horizontal safely overhead and utilize. Additional security brings the magnetic base, even over head in the right place holding the drill and relieves the workers while keeping.

Also a depot for a second battery located rear of the unit, so that it can operate without changing and charging of the battery to lose much time, continue with the drill. These and other feats can be ordered CompanyDEPOT’s customers now conveniently from home or from the workplace. And just for the eternal problem of the broken cable when cutting hedges, the online shop delivers the answer now. The 36 Volt Cordless hedge trimmer by METABO weighs only 4 kg and has a battery life of 50min them a convenient and more elegant alternative and of course everything is as usual a few days back home, or in the company.

Elvis Presley

To illustrate what I want to say, I offer a simple and direct example: If we fossemos to auction a normal penxs how much we would obtain to collect? Certainly not more than what some cents. if such penxs were announced as used favourite penxs for the famous and deceased singer Elvis Presley? After such information without a doubt none an incommensurably bigger amount of what the value in fact would be collected. In this example, the penxs is supervalued by having belonged to a celebrity. Therefore, it is not the object and yes ' ' load of fantasia' ' projected on it that it makes the difference. Still on the example of the penxs, the true reason for which some would give everything to have it, appears implicit, disfarada of harmless eccentricity.

Who purchase the penxs of the singer Elvis Presley, thinks unconsciously to buy proper Elvis Presley, or to be more accurate, what it represents as Pop symbol. As dolo Pop such singer is very desired, and that one that hypothetically came to possess a thing of this celebrity, would usufruct (at least in the field of the internal fancies) part of its prestige and fame, it would be loved in transference for that they venerate and they consider important the famous singer. In the deep one, the purchaser strong desires to be desired and to be loved by many, to obtain this, it uses a mercantilista strategy that of the support the candy illusion to exist from the desire of the other. In the consumption theory the manipulation of ' ' desejo' ' human being and its consequent use with commercial purposes, configure one of the basic reasons for the expansionista success of the consumption society. That one that purchase a pretty imported car, certainly does not make it for its utilitarian value, unconsciously aims in the truth to awake the other people’s desire, thinks about being loved and being desired through what it possesss materially.

Fortunato Brescia Tassano

1889: Fortunato Brescia Tassano comes to callao from Cogorno, Italy. It starts as an Assistant in the shop of an Italian in callao. He sought to make it pretty in the Peru. I had clear ideas.He hoped to make a capital to invest in something which I thought was a safe investment: farmland. In 1920 Fortunato strove to acquire land in what is now San Borja.Fortunato, was a small farmer who acquired land in the outskirts of Lima. She wanted to be near the city which provided bread products carry, without imagining that the farms that buy would acquire great value when the city began to expand. 1893: acquires Mirannanes fundo bread carry and dairy-1913 purchase fundo Limatambo1920 acquires the Hacienda San Borja and Valverde. Creates agricultural negotiation Fortunato Brescia as holding of their purchases.

Much of what is now San Isidro, San Borja and La Molina and los olivos was part of their land. 1940: Expropriate le part of their land to build the Limatambo airport. starts the real estate business, 1952: Die Fortunato. the capital of the Group amounts to 38 million soles 1962: creates the coast and sea fishing companies. Food technology and Indomar.1969: expropriate you haciendas fortaleza, Pativilca, supe, huacho, webbing and lima. But stay with southern Limatambo, Valverde and the naranjal.1976: becomes the largest local actions fork bcp – 14.2% – were already owners of international insurance Cia and Cia de seguros Rimac1977: join the shareholding of Cia minera Alliance constituting the maker of explosives – Exsa-1979: purchase fabrica de La union1981 tissues: acquires Cinsa, Cia Peruvian paintings and 13 supermarkets Scala… fails in its attempt to buy Banco de Lima Los Brescia invested in trade, agriculture, fisheries, industry and the financial sector, in a process that I take no less than 50 years before achieving consolidated. 1987: Sold its participation in the Bank of credit and withdraw from Scala. 1990: Face imminent bankruptcy, sold its participation in the 1995 Union factory tissue: in association with BBVA acquired Banco Continental and Libertadores Hotels chain.

Timeless Variable Pinch Valves

AKO has been successfully resistant designs the AKO 26 years on the market and sells various pinch valves in several series. A powerful hose cuff via the actual crushing is all valve types together. In the pneumatic version we this cuff via air or a liquid column pressed together, so that the product flow control comes to a standstill. Mechanical hose pinch valves work against it with so-called crush beams, which are above or below the line are mounted and mechanically crimp the sleeve if necessary use of lead rods. Functionally equipped pinch valves used versatile in industrial and manufacturing plants, among other things, to remove abrasive suspensions and slurries, corrosive granules, pellets and powders and fibrous solids. The simple technique has proven itself particularly in the line-driven transport of highly reactive substances as both mechanical and pneumatic pinch valves work reliably and precisely. The fact that in the normal operation only the cuff directly with the flowing medium in contact comes, makes also economic system, because the cuffs of the AKO consist of resistant elastomers, which meet depending on the device type, the most different requirements cost farrier. The pneumatic pinch valves of the AKO total boast an extraordinary material technology, incorporated into the entire know-how of the company’s own development department.

Minimal friction resistance and a free flow of product shall ensure that AKO leakage -, verstopfungs – and largely maintenance-free working valves for long periods of time. Also a specially designed housing contribution, which reduces the energy consumption. The housing of the AKO pinch valves is namely elliptical-shaped and flattened, allowing the compressed air demand lower. The outer structure of the flanged also specifies the direction, where the cuff at the closing of the pinch valve is lippenformig folds. Has the equipped crushing a wholly owned seal resulted in even larger particles cannot penetrate a barrier so secure. At, consumers and users for more information about the proven engineering of AKO, its valve solutions constantly evolve. State of the art analytical methods now supported the product optimization, which is down not only in economically working high-tech controls, but also in a convincing price / performance ratio.

Ecological Economy

General considerations, reach and repercussions the characteristics of the ecological reality in the present she is subject to commitment, active participation of the governments, to guarantee the preservation of the environment, the necessity to be kind before the reality of this in pro of the guarantee of the planet Earth, of course, all this it entails to that much interest is taken him to it reaches, repercussions that laeconoma generates ecological in the present. One comments, that is due to be kind in relation to protecting to administer the nature that it is the vital support of the humanity, we need to knowledge on the nature and the relations between the societies and their means. For that reason uncertainty with respect to the consequences of our actions exists, which as well supposes to adopt precautionary principles and approaches abiertos to the social participation since the scientific knowledge is insufficient. Use of the theory of systems, originating of natural sciences, to include/understand the dynamics and evolution of the problems. The intragenerational questions of fairness and Inter distribution and are fundamental. The nature has a value by itself, independent of its use or utility for the humans. The economy is integrated in ampler cultural and social systems in such a way that nature, economy and society coevolve.

The social and cultural aspects acquire much importance to guarantee exactly good sostenibiliad is had to the ecological economy. What includes/understands this ecological economy? , on the matter Wikipedia contributes to us, that defined as the science and management of the sustainability or as the study and valuation of (in) the sustainability, are not a branch of the economic theory, but a field of study to transdisciplinar. What means that each expert in a science, for example Biology, knows a little economy, physics or others, in order to communicate enter investigating and to realise a fusion of knowledge that allows to confront better the problems, orient than it and motivate, since the usual economic approach no it is considered suitable.

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