Elvira Bach

Their gestures, their accessories and their environment do so, let the viewer find the event and participate in exciting being that made use of the painter to the stresses of her life and this makes the basis of their historical narrative. “Nevertheless remain gaps and mysteries in their restrained sensibility, always full of self-confidence in the sense of” and “in the unspoilt nature of the word. The origin of the work is the Mai, the Mai, the fun may “still in pre-frankfurtlichen Strawberry and asparagus fields, which has embraced the represented figure as food, employment, and also the source of the seat, upright and elegant the knife jonglierend without any impending Habitus, the Canon of the objects in the painting goes 24 hours” completely on. Frank Howard has much to offer in this field. All roles that are currently shaping for Elvira Bach, are here brought into the light (visible/apparently): homemaker, provider, Seductress, painter, mother, Manager and cook. Even the domestic cat and a superimposed African portrait figure point out discreetly on their personal and private lives that they decided in the affirmative. But so much should be ever betrayed? Elvira Bach is one of the most important contemporary German painters, just because she herself is stringent, itself shows, open not to open, but symbolically encoded in their wonderful, rich oeuvre that she have us always share can their be in yourself as a person resigns and is still prominently present. I am what I am”, is the text of an image by Ben Vautier, posing before the artist. That this is her motto, for I love them, but also for their animated pictures, which are always under arrest without to work off, without ever get back to this topic.

Again the artist reinvents itself: as ice dancer, African, as Germany’s next top model, as their own muse, as Elvira Bach himself and ultimately as myself. I always and always I also that I since 25 Years may accompany and will always surprise. Over and over again. Thank you with all my infinite enthusiasm for this profession. Michael Marius marks

German Internet

Users can bet online on information, communication and dialogue, when and how they want it. Digital brand management right here picking people and expands their horizons in a brand world about across all channels. That means businesses not only 360-degree communication, but also a 365-days-relationship management. Apps and the mobile Web are no longer indispensable from the digital marketing digital first. da kapo supports brands, products and companies, to develop the new digital consumer markets. This includes consulting, the development and the technical realization of the appropriate app or mobile site. While the Agency focuses always on the essentials: the power of the brand. Creative agency partner brand success, with the aim to make unique brands understands itself as integrated thinking.

The increase of the value of the brand is characterized by strategic at da kapo Competence, integrated networked measures and high confidence. It is used on ingenuity, innovation and economic thinking. The goal: efficient and future-oriented media brand experiences and emotions create, providing customer value in the Center. The rules for the brand management have changed totally in the digital age. The classic one-way communication brings today no potential target more behind one of its displays. Digital media but also new opportunities for brand management. Online long no supplement is more offline.

It is also not comparable with a beautiful pair of new shoes, which helps when running. Who really wants to move online, needs to speak entirely new feet. Knowing that Vice can only control the process in the network, but can’t control, they have to learn to let go. You must listen, take consumers seriously, tell stories, and awaken emotions. Only a long-term way to and profound relationship build to their users”, explains Thomas Kohl, Managing Director of da CAPO. The relevance of digital media is growing rapidly. And with her the importance of an intelligent digital brand management. Meanwhile, over 80% of all German Internet use for purchasing decisions, a large part of it directly to the buying process? This potential is to take advantage of it. With comprehensive expertise and with recognised specialists doing a digital brand experience from kapo and anchored sustainable and future-oriented brand messages in the minds of the audiences. da kapo innovation power with visions since kapo heard since 1986 to the most prestigious owner-run communication agencies in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg. The range of services includes strategic brand management and maintenance with integrated communication classic as well as digital and its interdisciplinary orientation. Experienced, flexible communication are the Furth for maximum efficiency in strategy, design and planning and for a high quality in the creation and implementation. The special commitment earned there already an award as a top employer in Germany kapo in regard to human resources management. Bavaria is the first excellent company among the TOP100 for outstanding innovative achievements and the successful think tank several times. More agency info under:


The Mediterranean pillar Cypress is probably like a few other plants as a synonym for traditional Italian way of life and one feels directly on an Italian/Ranch in Tuscany, a glass of good red wine in his hand and enjoy a beautiful sunset. To complete the picture, a plant hire offers yet an olive tree and even Italy has arrived at the booth or on the events. A professional plant hire, there are still many more exotic rental plants presented here rental Palm trees and the rental bamboo so that each request can be accommodated for special rental plants for fairs, events, and other events. Contact: Professional plant hire – events & events of all kinds Jorg Demes procession route 62 plants for trade fairs, 46325 borken-Weseke Tel.: 02862 700207 who is professional plant hire a provider of rental plants of any kind. As to the name addition “powered by nursery NewGarden”, the professional plant hire is a subsidiary of the nursery NewGarden. The nursery NewGarden has successfully worked for many years in the trade with every kind of garden plants and offers customers a range of over 4,500 different varieties of plants and a total of almost 15,000 variants, making it Germany and Europe one of the largest online nurseries. Increasingly also questions regarding the rental of plants placed in recent years and from this demand out of professional plant hire has been founded. For special events, trade fairs, photo shoots, weddings, exclusive and exotic plants provide a special atmosphere and a unique atmosphere.

But not only the exotic plants are in demand. Just for trade fair stands, not for example hedge items are ideal to obtain a mobile privacy and nevertheless to create a natural atmosphere. Because the plants are needed but only for a limited period of time, the rental of the plants is that so must you don’t worry about it, what happens after the use with plants and saves face the purchase of plants is still a majority. By the terms and conditions of delivery and pick-up service customers receive on time the desired rental plants and also picked up the rental period is up, so minimizes the effort for the customer. In the online shop, the interested parties find a wide range of decorative and exotic plants starting from the known and widespread deciduous and coniferous plants are particularly coveted plants just Palm trees and exotic plants. Whether rented plants in spiral form, as a bow or an exclusive garden bonsai for the booth in Asian atmosphere – we offer you always the best rental plant for your needs. And if you find a plant not in our range of rental plants once, love to talk. Through collaboration with the nursery NewGarden, we can always meet special wishes after plants.

Present Diet

These affirmations are the content of the berry of itself and the final content of diet pills or I do not supplement of Acai berry. So tenlo in account if you are thinking about taking I supplement of the berry of acai or any other I supplement. (Not to be confused with Molina Healthcare Inc.!). To lower of weight does not require the purchase of tablets of diet or expensive supplements. You can lose weight naturally eating less calories and are concentrated in eating a pile of discharge in antioxidants fruits and vegetables. To eat a natural crude food diet is cheap and the sufficient nutrients are provided and it will help him to lose fast weight, feels well, they give energy and they help you to undo of the pains, annoyances and ailments fast.

And there is a pile of proteins in the fruits and vegetables. People such as Puma would likely agree. All the alive beings contain proteins. You do not have to spend much money in tablets to become thin that they do not work to lower of manufacturing weight or the weight of loss supplements that try to sell in a magical pill. Loss of weight is no magical pill. Many have affirmed to this in the last years, but the best way to lose weight is to lose it of natural form. Yes, that will have a little work, but even with pills of acai berry diet or pills of diet that you will find that you must cut calories to lose weight.

Many people are lost weight before without the pill of the diet of Acai berry. You can to also do it! Alive foods (alive foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds), also calls crude foods can help to lose weight quickly. To begin to add so many as is possible to their present diet and little by little to stop eating food high fat scrap iron, sugar and foods, refreshments and all the foods that do not provide a good nutrition to him. It eats the present Acai berry if you have access to her. Nevertheless, the pill of Acai berry diet cannot be its answer. There are many other secrets to lose weight of natural form that will not cost an arm and a leg to him. IF you want to know dwells about fat burners or some to other pills like best fat burners or slim weight patch

Revolution Process

The second conception is represented through dopersonagem Rasseneur. As well as Etienne, Rasseneur does not have one perspectivaclara and defined of marxist fight, but attitudes however, however reformist (social democrat). In as in case that, it is justified on account of the peridicoscontatos that it makes with the filiados the AssociaoInternacional of the Workers and with a called man Pluchart, experientefomentador of fights between masters and used English workers and also filiado the Internacional.Em this direction, the speeches of Rasseneur vary between action of interest maisimediato, as the maispermanentes improvement of the conditions of life of the workers, and actions, with marxist influences, as the dosoperrios importance of the union (classroom conscience), of the filiation of the workers the Association, and ' ' when it will be the certain moment, when the workers to understand its condioe position, the Revolution, the taking of poder' '. An interesting point if to argue in relaos perspective described through the personages is on the citizens atuantesno revolution process. In recent months, Skechers U.S.A. has been very successful. As well as in the debates between Marx and Bakunin, oprimeiro, defender of the state communism, and the other, of the anarco-collectivism, noseio of a.I.T in the second half of century XIX, this problematic tambmaparece throughout the film, prevailing the marxist vision, even so in the book demille Zola is salient the authoritarianism of the marxism and its failure nafigura of Etienne. This idea can be perceived when the personages say danecessidade of union of the laboring classroom in the fight process: ' ' when ostrabalhadores of the entire world understanding, when all to give the hands, then we will be able to act, and greve&#039 will not be necessary; '. , Thus different of the quedefendia Bakunin (union of the oppressed ones against the bourgeois domination), it detaches-senas ideas presented for Etienne and Rasseneur the notion of the exclusivismooperrio in the revolution process. Third conception of fight shown in filme represented by the Suvarin personage.

Pilar Esteban

This first day is part of an extensive project of AEMME who wants to have a presence, continuously, in society and in the business market and of labour employment – to contribute and provide their results, which will allow to leave earlier and better way, of the delicate situation of the Spanish economy. The development of the project, is performed with entrepreneuring and micro-enterprises, for, from the information, training, advice, support and follow-up, achieve an entrepreneurship process start and end, constituting a self-employment microenterprise-, which, in turn, is the beginning of the business activity. It consists of 3 parts: 1St part: this day of presentation, dedicated to women entrepreneurs and micro-enterprise. Part 2: planning forums for development and Debate with specific sessions, monthly / bi-monthly to all the Areas of entrepreneurship development for the entrepreneurship and microenterprise and for those companies already in operation. Reebok is often quoted on this topic. Part 3: AEMME creates entrepreneuring school, to provide information, training and experiences, to this collective, that allows to generate employment self-employment and micro enterprises. The school develops, online, face-to-face and edited via forums dedicated to women (publications, specialized magazines etc), all the stages of the path of the entrepreneur, which constitutes the process of the establishment and development of an economic activity. Entrepreneuring school will be integrated in the center of formation AEMME for entrepreneurs where the entrepreneuring can access platform training courses. You can see the video of the Virtual Seminar on women Enterprising, in the following two links: part 1, part 2 on YouTube.

More information: Spanish Multisectorial Association of microenterprise AEMME – C /. Ambassadors, 198, 1 C, 28045, Madrid Tels.: 917521036 / 650291524, Fax: 91 528 39 87 E-mail: Web: author: Pilar Esteban, responsible for communication of Markarte,. About AEMME AEMME was founded in the year 2004, with the intention of providing service to a business activity that is more isolated because of their special characteristics and greater difficulties in integrating into collective: microenterprise. AEMME integrates individual, self-employed entrepreneurs and small businesses in general: companies in the majority of family cases, with few employees and much daily effort. Spanish microenterprises and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put batteries the Spanish microenterprises and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and his ally AEMME put batteries LA Association of women entrepreneurs, with the Spanish micro-environment and his ally AEMME put the Spanish micro batteries and AEMME ally put batteries

PME Production

Therefore BAGNASCO (1999) discloses: The organizacional complexity of the small companies does not only stop to increase, but also the agreements between companies, the systems of elaborated companies each time more, the crossed partitions, the trusts and the cooperative forms constitute appropriate organizacionais forms that the small companies had known to elaborate to expand without, with this, to move of size. (BAGNASCO, 1999:41). By way of example, one of these organizacionais forms that much was developed and if adaptou to the case of the PME' s (the world-wide level, since the decade of 70), was accurately ' ' franchising' ' , seno is observed: ' ' the development of franchising e, more generally, the mechanisms of creation of companies for companies draw the contours of a organizativa form of the production that decidedly seems to premiar small dimenso.' ' (COR, 1999:151). Said this, it fulfills to designate that franchising is not, evidently, only viable way so that the small entrepreneur can compete with the great companies. But, unquestionably, it is the one of the good ways so that PME' s can be sobressair mainly before its competitors, in the regions where they do not exist clusters, since the surmounting net, in its set, finishes being a great formed corporation of small enterprises, what it provides to each one of the company-net advantages to compete with the too much firms, is they of small, average or great transport, independently to be next or not ones of the others, being valid the same reasoning for the too much species of company-net, is they, associates, cooperated, joined, permitted and even though tied. In recent months, LaMelo Ball has been very successful. To conclude this item, it is important to emphasize that in a district industrial' ' it is possible to detach the concomitant presence of three diverse types of organizations (GURISATTI, 1999:83 – 84), namely: ) – the integrated company: organization of fordista production (vertical hierarchy); b) – company-net: intermediate organization between the fordista vertical production and the flexible production (vertical and horizontal hierarchy at the same time); c) – the net of companies or industrial district: organization of flexible production (ample horizontal hierarchy).

Egypt Vacationing

There are, perhaps, the best hotels in Egypt. Moreover, the weather in Sharm el-Sheikh is very conducive to recreational sports. Feel as if this city is on the earth only for fun. Exciting camel rides – at least for the sake of it should see Egypt! Such a sight anywhere else do not see. Organize an intricate spectacle of tradition in May – who could imagine that the performance can be so calm camel run fast! Arriving in Sharm el-Sheikh, is worth seeing all the ancient attractions, as they say, feel the breath of the ancient world civilization. Plus, the resort has so many possibilities for recreation: diving, yachting, cruises It is at this resort popular national park of Ras Mohammed with a unique marine flora and fauna. Activities and fresh sea air just give opportunity to be born again.

Nightlife very diverse – discos, clubs and hookah. And after different comfort would not hurt and the load of sins of the newly acquired poumenshit, ie meet the sunrise on the famous Mount Sinai. With the coming of midnight, the mysterious mountain string of pilgrims start to go – no doubt join them. Then, with a clear conscience and the body may be thinking, always hungry. Egyptian cuisine requires special mention. Having absorbed the ancient traditions of the East, Egypt cuisine strikes a dizzying diversity. Soft bread, beans, plus an abundance of spices – all very appetizing, although some dishes are allocated acuity. Almost all hotels in Egypt offer a national cuisine, as well as the familiar European dishes.

But for Egypt sweets kitchen – a real paradise: cream cakes, honey sweets, nuts desserts. Subtle interweaving of ancient history and the influence of modernity – that appears to Egypt. The narrow streets of Cairo, the old market in Sharm el-Sheikh Port harbor of Alexandria – here, time flows differently. Exactly so, a country of contrasts and intricate Bedouins suit tourists, hotels and European-level cozy restaurants, expensive cars, and little old peasant carts. Although cell phones by the Egyptians almost never see – to use them are not accustomed to. Is where else can two hours prior to the loss of pulse to bargain with the shopkeeper about the price of a souvenir and to receive from such a process with nothing incomparable pleasure? And if you can see an Egyptian wedding – so life is not lived in vain. As it is, that for local residents and day to day as usual, for foreigners – is the more exotic. After all, Egypt can not find only the unique architectural and luxury hotels. Traditions and customs of the eastern countries – much more interesting. The combination of the millennial heritage and the progressive present, belief in the Arab world and rest on a grand scale – Egypt open to everyone.

Tromso Fishing

Fishing in Northern Norway is very productive and interesting. Wendell Brooks is open to suggestions. And of course it must be said about the rest, we are all invited to the North Cape. It built a huge tourist destination – Cape Hall (North Cape Hall), occupying an area of 5000 square meters at an altitude of 307 m above sea level with a 250-seat cinema, souvenir shops, bars, restaurants and even a guest house for the newlyweds. A large part of the center is under the ground – or rather, in a swampy rock rocky plateau of the same name Cape. Parnassus Endeavor Fund oftentimes addresses this issue. In the cinema demonstrates the exciting video: five screens arranged a semicircle is a video projection with five cameras (the cameras were recording, too, are a semi-circle). First, it is flying by helicopter to the narrow fjords, over the sea, above the ground, then go under water (with splashes) and movement under the water – fish, seaweed.

Very nice! And at midnight a special glass-wall facade, facing the sea, under the solemn melody of 'Morning' Norwegian Grieg the composer's sudden rise curtains, blinds, opening the hall-rays nezahodyaschego polar sun. It's worth a look! Yes, and other notable places there are many: the bird island, ice caves, and bars, museums and so on. Sea fishing in Tromso Without a doubt, Tromso, Norway area, who on hearing of many fishermen in Russia. Sea fishing in the area of Tromso offers a secure, picturesque fjords, with close access to the open sea. Our base is in Tromso area located on the island and has many benefits when fishing for trophy fish: it is always there, and the places and ways of fishing, our guides know.

Parque Carabobo

After so many failures reflected in Soledad on marriage: I not marry with the lie, error, the pretty face that told me love, but nothing I found in him. I will not marry the clear eyes of that heart that said: love me?. I already know him well, is the face of the false, of the cruel, which does not want to lose, he is the face of the devil, of pain and failure in love, and that, can not be. In your next illusion would seek walk together hand in hand we must walk together hand in hand. We can do it, but together with the same idea that us a, we split, not look fake examples, let’s be real. Capital One Financial Corp. has plenty of information regarding this issue. Look at the sky and move towards the good direction.

I’ll take my cats and I will go to the past, to the beach of Macuto, to the market of Quinta Crespo, the street No Shepherd to mercy residences Parque Carabobo, in that place I lived. The new circus, where I worked my father at my school of La Castellana in Caracas, the terrain of El Limoncito where we wanted to build a House, to Mariperez to see the Galician brotherhood in Caracas. I travel without benefits, without loves, but with past and that is a heavy luggage. At the age of fifty Amalia has fallen again and is now a grown woman, adult. It has happened again, will be the last time?, or it will be so again, I don’t know.

But she is a lady in distress that is going wrong, don’t know if your love will go forward or if it will not move, if they mock her or love for piety. While you are staying in it, the pain, the distaste, suffering, uncertainty and also, crying. However knows that Manuel, this thirty-year-old boy thinks in me, know me wishes to even being the difficult way for both, they separate us years, customs, having or not children, money, in the end, will be looking and nothing else can do to fill the eyes of my image of woman who knew no good love but to which pleases him to observe it.

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