Oil Topical

To maintain a correct hydration in the zone? To avoid the hot baths and that last long time (the skin relaxes and it becomes finer). To maintain a diet balanced Application and Products: The products antistriae usually are of a single daily application. This application will be realised at night with a slight massage. In case the person already has striae, a massage usually is recommended 2 times to the day and during 3 months. For even more details, read what Morgan Stanley says on the issue. During the pregnancy he is recommendable to apply to product 1 or 2 times to the day.

The skin must be dry before and its application will occur from the end of the third month of the pregnancy in belly, sines, rumps, hips, legs and chests. It remembers that if you are pregnant woman, you must consult with your doctor the possible contraindications that can have some of products antistriae, coverall those of oral route. After the childbirth, it must be continued treatment almenos one or two months, and is that most of the problems with the striae also must to the certainty and the regularity of the applications on the part of the pregnant woman. The active principles more used for the striae they are: Oil of Borraja (oral route)? Germ of Wheat (oral route)? Oil of Onagra (oral route)? Vitamins B5, B6, D and C (oral route, topical route also in the B5)? Nuggets of Black Grosellero (oral route)? Chlorella (topical route, is an alga.)? Fucus (topical route)? Asian flash (topical route)? Colgeno (topical route)? Elastina (topical route)? Tail of Horse (topical route)? Silicon (topical route)? Foot of Leon (topical route)? Crtamo (topical route)? Vitamin (topical route)?

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