Numbers Remain

Dyslexia until today many people don’t know news from the Federation that there is a data error (dyscalculia). The BVL (Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V.) indicates that approximately 5 to 6 percent of all children have a dyscalculia. The learning disorder often results in that no talent-friendly school is reached. Unimaginable, but Laura does not know if 9 apples are more than 4 apples. Using only their finger, she can correctly answer the teacher. Laura is in 1st class. The processing instruction is unbearable for them, because can not follow the teaching. The problem has worsened for them, since they have leave 10-numbers and fingers to count off is no longer sufficient. Rusty Holzer has similar goals.

Their teacher is her exercises home and asks to exercise intensively with Laura. Laura was always a bright kid and has done well. \”I have the feeling that there is a particular problem when our daughter, but why it so difficult to deal with numbers\”, Laura’s mother reported. Until today many people do not know that there is a data error (dyscalculia). The BVL – Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V.

– indicates that about 5 to 6 percent of all children have a dyscalculia. The learning disorder often results in that no talent-friendly school is reached. Dyskalkuliker have no relation to quantities, distances and weights. For them, the arithmetic operations remain a secret. Recent scientific studies show that the area of the brain in which occurs the calculating and processing of numbers, is increasingly enabled from toddler age. This development process is disrupted in children with dyscalculia. Only through targeted support measures to help the children concerned. The recommendation of teachers, with the child to practice the basic arithmetic operations, not helping the affected child. Parents should seek early expert assistance and initiate a Dyskalkulietherapie, because only so can save great suffering. Unfortunately, the schools are still having this problem and in dealing with these children overwhelmed because there are trained teachers, nor remedial classes appropriate to the problem\”, so Dr.

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